The Comment Awards are Wearing Fuzzy Wuzzy Slippers

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi there, fireflies! Did you join us for Autostraddle’s Pool Party? It’s not too late! AS readers have been asking for a way to pool funds in order to donate A+ memberships to other readers for years, and now there’s a way! Whether you’d like to donate or apply for membership, come on in! The water’s fine, and your swimsuit situation is exactly whatever you want it to be.

This week, The L Word: Generation Q finally came to a (dare I say sputtering) end, and Riese was right there with us, feeling our joy and our pain!

Speaking of The L Word: Generation Q, this is a must-read, by The Speakeasy: On Blackness and “The L Word: Generation Q”.

The team wrote about the first gay things they saw on the Internet. This was a DELIGHTFUL time capsule.

What do you do when you’re closeted, and your nearest and dearest keep asking if you’ve “found a man?” You write to Autostraddle, of course!

Important, necessary, iconic: 15 Queer Woman and Non-Binary Babes Who Wore Top Hats Better Than Any Willy Wonka.

Is your bedside table ready for Halloween? Ro’s got you covered!

Join A+ today and we’ll see you on the members-only Discord server!

And then there were your comments!

On The Morning Show Is Getting EVEN GAYER (Now With 100% More Vase Smashing):

The Is She…Ya Know…A Vase Breaker Award to msanon:

i guess toaster ovens can skooch over… “so, did she break your vase?

On The L Word Generation Q Episode 210 Recap: Last Call For Wherewithal:

The Van de Berg Effect Award to Van de Berg:

I finally feel vindicated after watching Shane meet Tess in season 1 and thinking “woah there, Shane has NEVER reacted that way to anyone befor!”. I mean — she literally bought Tess a bar and begged her (not her asshole of a girlfriend, just her!) to run it after knowing her for all of five minutes…! Then Quiara showed up and I thought to myself

And the Fuzzy Wuzzy Slippers Award to Lou:

The fuzzy wuzzy slippers caption SENT me… that is a deep cut. Respect for your encyclopaedic L Word memory. Donated and love all that y’all do.

On Wild Cravings: Nothing Tastes The Same:

The U G H Award to Liv:

Kayla, your writing always fucks me up in the best of ways. This was exquisite and yearning and u g h. Please never stop.

On What’s The First Gay Thing You Saw on the Internet?

The Spring Awakening Award to EJ, Rachel, Yasmin, and Nicole Hall (and you should read the whole thread!)

Who is everyone’s queer awakening celebrity? 10-year old me: Rachel Stevens from S Club 7 and Jennifer Lopez

On An Obsessive Analysis of the Timeline of The L Word Generation Q Season Two:

The Sliders Award to strangealien:

Do you think that perhaps the L Word exists in a universe that operates with a sort of inverted Queer Time* where character development happens at the speed of light? So fast our slow little human brains can’t comprehend it? Is it really a sci-fi show? 👀 *Queer Time being defined in another article on this website by the brilliant Heather Hogan.

And the CSI Gen Q Award to ChaoticUnicorn:

Petition for the endless parade of crime procedurals currently on TV to be replaced with a new show in which Riese Bernard tracks inconsistencies in our favourite queer media.

And on It’s Not Too Late to Get Into Your “Twenties”! An EXCLUSIVE Clip of the Season Two Premiere:

The At Last Award to Rooty Poot:

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Christina really deserves credit for the above – she built the house, i just walked through the door…

    and if Riese does do a series of inconsistency exposés, i hope you promote the heck out of them cos i’m super here for spreadsheet content!

    thanks, queer girl!

  2. Here for the spreadsheets AND the vase-smashing

    There are several puns in there I can just about make them out…

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