The Comment Awards Are Thinking About Tig Notaro In A Flightsuit

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Goooood morning, fireflies! Fancy seeing you here!

This week, Luna reviewed Melissa Febos’ new essay collection, Girlhood.

Valerie Anne wrote a heartfelt tribute to all things Wynonna Earp in her recap of the show’s last episode.

LOL, take this Riverdale quiz! Do it now!

Shelli Nicole, out here doing the important work: “Hey Mamas” Lesbians, Explained.

Love! Is! Not! A! Lie!

In this week’s You Need Help, Ro had some suggestions for approaching casual sex as a demisexual person.

This is perfect: Remake Every Tom Cruise Movie With Tig Notaro, You Cowards.

Learning about prison and police abolition and not sure where to begin? Start here!

And then there were your comments!

On Extra! Extra!: What Will It Take to Protect Trans Youth in Arkansas (and Everywhere Else?):

The All Thanks Given Award to wambenger:

I wanted to offer Himani, Rachel and Natalie an ephemeral and very socially distanced hug for the work they do. It’s hard to read this stuff, it must be worse to research it.

On “Wynonna Earp” Episode 412: We’ll Always Have Purgatory:

The Goodbye To You Award to Anne:

Waverly swearing was such a good way for this show to end. Also brb I’m going to go cry in a corner for a while over Valerie Anne’s writing.

On Quiz: What “Riverdale” Subplot Are You?

The Jazz Hands Award to athens:

Every Single Riverdale Musical Number, “Four words for you: Former Theater Kid Energy.

On “Hey Mamas” Lesbians, Explained:

The Hey Mama Scrum Award to :) and Linnea:

Wow. I’m just glad that was a parody video. Hoping not to encounter it in the wild, although I’m afraid I may have played rugby with the 2004 non tiktok version of a hey mamas lesbian.

On “To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 606: Lactose Intolerant with John Bellamy!

The Some of Her Parts Award to Tallulah_Shark:

In a different time, people will respect Mia Kirshner the way that they do Jodie Comer for playing Villanelle.

On “Batwoman” Episode 210 Recap: Cruelty is the Point:

The Back Seat to Safety Award to Am I Ginger and Mina:

Based on available evidence, I assume that Zombieland was never made in the Arrowverse because nobody checks the back seat. This is the third time it’s happened!

And on Remake Every Tom Cruise Movie With Tig Notaro, You Cowards:

The Cocktail Award to Al:

How can you forget Tom Cruise in Cocktail? It would also add that much needed lesbian energy to the Outsiders.

And the Representation Matters Award to Sinclair Sexsmith:

omg this is the amazingness I come to autostraddle for — not just the news (“trailer with tig comes out”) but the associated memeing and brilliance that will now make me queer a whole genre of formative films. thank you heather

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


    • Oooo yes sign me the hell UP for an all-girl muslim punk band set in my old city and directed by Nida Manzoor!!

      Thanks for this Kristana!

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