AF+ Lesbian Sex

S L I C K: Hank & Melanie

She stared at the camera as she slowly took off her dress; she liked the way Hank looked at her through the screen, his mouth parted, his eyes wide. She could hear his breathing, and she loved the way he gasped when she did anything that made him particularly proud. FaceTime sex was full of its own cues and rhythms. It was hot.


Everything’s Terrible But Queer Media Can Make It – With Your Help

Autostraddle is one of very few queer media outlets or publications still around in 2021 (though we’re always thrilled to see new ones join us!). And considering, you know, everything, we very well might not be around someday. But we’re hoping that with the support of our community, we’ll be able to say: NOT TODAY, SATAN! We’re going to stick this one out, with a little help. Okay? Okay.