Denver 1/21: Denver Women’s March

Venue: Civic Center Park

DENVER, Denver
United States

Event Date: 2017-01-21
Start Time: 09:00 am
End Time: 03:00 pm

Host: Terryn Laird

Description: We will be getting to Civic Center Park around 8:45am. If you want to meet up to march, we would love to stand with you.

If you know you need a buddy already, please email me in advance and we can work out details of finding each other.

If you would like to find us the day of, I will we wearing a baby blue ‘America Needs Nasty Women’ t-shirt. My hair is red and purple and short. I am short and wear glasses. You can see pictures or contact me on my twitter @terryn73.

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Terryn has written 1 article for us.