Be Part of Autostraddle’s Pride 2021 Gallery!

Hello, dear queers! It’s June 11, can you even believe? When your intrepid Autostraddle editors were thinking about Pride, and what we’ve missed this past year, we all landed on one certain thing: SEEING OUR COMMUNITY. Which is to say: seeing you!

This year Pride feels strange, to say the least, and we’re working to bring you the most honest rendering of this month we possibly can. One of the things we really wanted to highlight? You, being you. So that’s what we’re asking for. Please send a photo of yourself to be featured in our Autostraddle Pride 2021 reader gallery, which will publish at the end of this month. It doesn’t have to be fancy; it doesn’t have to be filled with rainbows. We just want to see you, right now, as you are, taking up space, being here, being queer, existing.

Incase you needed some inspiration, here are some photos from our staff members that fit the vibe of this gallery perfectly:

a collage of Autostraddle staff members: Shelli, Abeni, Dani, Ro, Rachel, and Nicole

Shelli, Abeni, Dani, Ro, Rachel, and Nicole showing us how it’s done

Okay, let’s make a Pride 2021 Gallery!

Gallery Theme: Pride 2021


1. Take a nice picture of yourself. That’s it! You’re you! You exist! Here’s a photo.
Photos should be between 1024-3024 pixels wide so they’ll look nice on a full screen. Please don’t send anything smaller than 1024 pixels wide.

2. Send your picture and info to me at with the subject PRIDE 2021 GALLERY. Copy/paste this mini form into your email and fill in the blanks with your info!


Details*: Tell me a bit about where you’re at, what you’re feeling, how Pride lands for you this year, etc.

*Optional but cool.

I reserve the right to edit your sentence/s for length or spelling errors. Your photo will appear in a full screen gallery on and might be used on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to promote the gallery. If you don’t want your photo to appear on social media, please make a note of that with your submission. You reserve full rights to your photo. Photos will not be used to promote anything other than this exact gallery, and will not be used in any other future post.

Deadline: Monday, June 21, 2021


1. What is Pride?
Honestly, fuck if I know. What I know is that for Autostraddle’s Queer IRL 2021 Pride Gallery, I want to see you, right now. Existing.

2. What is a queer person?

3. Do you want us to be in the photo?
I do, yes! You gotta be in the photo because that is indeed the point!

4. How sexy can we get here? Also tell me about your nudity policy.

We shan’t show nipples, genitalia, or simulated or actual sex. Sex toys or nude art are totally permitted.

Deadline: June 21, 2020

Leave your questions in the comments! Happy Pride, I’m so looking forward to seeing you in this gallery.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Vanessa is a writer, a teacher, and the community editor at Autostraddle. Very hot, very fun, very weird. Find her on twitter and instagram.

Vanessa has written 404 articles for us.


  1. Can you send in a picture if multiple people, if they’re all queer and all want to be in the gallery?

      • strongly encourage everyone to submit their photos and then indicate in the comments if they’re ~ looking 4 love ~

    • haha i cannot promise that inclusion in the gallery will result in a girlfriend, but i still think you should submit your photo :)

  2. how specific do you want the location to be? can we just say which state we live in/which state the photo was taken in?

    • yes you can totally just say a state, does not have to be super specific, and if that part makes you uncomfortable or you don’t want to share that’s fine too!

  3. Does deadline of the 21st mean end of day on the 21st, or end of day on the 20th? I’m hoping the former, bc I forgot about this but still want to be in it

    • end of day 21st, aka today, aka as long as it’s in my inbox by tmrw morning (june 22) you’re good! <3

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