Lady Gaga’s ‘Alejandro’ Music Video Preview Quick-Cap: Tuesday Night Lights

I don’t know what it is about this woman (and maybe it’s the former art student in me) but when Lady Gaga does something, I feel the need to analyze it.

This uber weird ‘Alejandro’ preview is no exception.

I didn’t even care about this thing! I was watching Glee which was even weirder, but I can’t even get into that. Well, I can, just briefly, to address the fact that I believe this Lady Gaga preview could’ve been inserted smack-dab into the middle of Glee, perhaps over the Lamaze Dance Sequence? Gaga has some serious “Alejandro, I just can’t Remember the Titans like that with you anymore” shit happening. Swap out Gaga’s “Queerty Morning Goods” Model Team for Finn, Puck, and the 20 or so nameless bullies of the Lincoln High Football Team, lay a voiceover’ed motivational speech over the music (probably by Puck since he was the only one who made it through the episode with his balls intact) and we are ready for some FOOTBALL amirite?

[Editor’s Sidenote: In the interest of full disclosure it was Riese and not Alex who wrote that ranty paragraph about Glee, Alex actually just wanted to talk about Brittana being cute when they held pinkies. Okay, everything before it and after it is 100% Alex, thanks for tuning in.]

Anyhoo, so I caught the 18 second clip when it premiered on Larry King and then complained to Sarah F. P*lmer via gchat: “what is this preview shit.” Then I went back and watched it on Vevo.

And let me tell you, it’s a whole ‘notha level of crazy when you sit there and click the “play/pause” button in rapid succession to see this thing happen frame-by-frame. Oh what? Is that crazy? What? Too much work? Don’t worry I GOT YOU COVERED, GIRL:

When I imagine making love to Lady Gaga (approx every other night) I imagine it being very dance-like/choregraphed, kind of like this:

Now last but not least… THIS:

Do you see this? WHAT IS THAT. What!
I don’t know you guys, but it flashes on the screen at least twice.

Um, yeah. Yes, like the half-naked men in bikeshorts who surround you in the pre-game motivational speech and then lap impatiently behind your gown of latex popey oddball glory, I do, Lady Gaga, I do.

We must wait until June 7th for the official music video premiere. Until then, Gaga’s explanation of the concept behind the song and video should hold you over:

“It’s a celebration and an admiration of gay love – it confesses my envy of the courage and bravery they require to be together. I’ve been unable to find that with a straight man in my life. In the video I’m pining for the love of my gay friends – but they just don’t want me.”

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Cofounder and Design Director of Autostraddle. Professional web/graphic designer. Whiskey enthusiast. Drumming hobbyist. A past speaker at the 2010 BlogHer Conference ("Good Blog Design: The Role of Layout in an Online Medium"), 2013 Salon LGBTQ Conference ("Innovative Best Practices for Brand-Blogger Campaigns") and featured in the Los Angeles Edition of Refinery29's 30 Under 30 in 2013. Co-owns and manages Tully's Training, a dog training company in Los Angeles. Twitter: @a_ex Instagram: alexxxvegaaa

Alex has written 100 articles for us.


  1. Whoa, I totally had to check this out for myself. It’s at the 0:03 and 0:17 mark. Alien or ghost, maybe? Crazy stuff.

  2. I definitely had to go look at pictures of Lolcats after reading this analysis.

    Wtf that creepy alien/ghost/scariness?

  3. She’s so cute with her little mushroom haircut.
    Usually, images like that face…thing…really creep me out. This one just makes me laugh. I don’t know why. It’ll probably haunt my dreams tonight because I laughed at it.

    Side note: almost peed my pants when I discovered that my “Alejandro” cover is #7 in the “related videos” sidebar of this teaser. :D

  4. how can u say all of that stuff about her work?
    shes worked so hard to create a masterpiece and all u can do is slag it off with ur ‘screen grabs’and spech bubbles?!?!
    u seriously need to get out more!

  5. The weird image looks a lot like a head on a pillow. and I think I see nostrils between all the black ellipses. I think those are there just to deter us and get people talking.
    It’s working.
    <3 Mother Monster

  6. I am liking the Purdey-from-The-New-Avengers-style haircut.

    Dare I dream we will be getting a long-cap of the whole thing when it’s released?

    • Yeah I’m just realizing now that her hairstyle echoes the dancers’ hairstyles! (Silly me.)

      I’m sure I won’t be able to help myself when it comes to the real video. Sigh. I am a slave to Gaga and everything she does, despite whatever ‘Alejandro’ a few comments up mistakingly thinks.

  7. Good work, babypop! Srsly, I want to know what that is…is it an alien? What is it supposed to be? Can we get an answer? Someone? Anyone?
    Can’t wait for the full analysis.
    I. LOVE. THIS. ARTIST. done and duh.

  8. I bet that alien thing is just one of many subliminal messages in the video. She said the video is to celebrate the gay. YOU GUYS THIS IS THE GAY AGENDA. Impressionable children are going to be turning gay left and right.

  9. Wondered if the alien guy could be attributed to a conditioning experiment. Like you see this video enough times and it turns you gay.

    Great recap Alex! Can’t wait to see the whole video.

  10. I think the monster thingy is just Charlie as Green Man from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.”

  11. Important fact alert. That same alien/monster appeared Tegan and Sara’s Back in your head video.

    I knew I had been creeped out by it before.

    On that note, imagine if you will the following collaboration:

    Tegan and Sara and Gaga


  12. I Love GaGa. I Love A;exs’ Recaps…that is all…

    Oh except I fear that scary, creepy face mask thing is gonna give me nightmares tonight, and the fact that there’s an owl hooting nearby isn’t helping either!

  13. i think that weird thing isnt so weird.
    i was reading an article, which was basically a spoiler for the music video, and it said that there was a big funeral scene. i think that might be gaga’s face in a coffin, and they blacked out the eyes and the mouth for the preview because it might give something away maybe?
    idk, i might be wrong. but those black circles looked pretty photoshop, or like something i could do using microsoft paint.
    i guess well just have to wait till tomorrow..

  14. It is not a ghost, it is a frame taken from the end of the video where she is on the bed and ‘disintegrates’.
    Whu they put this frame the 0:03 and 0:17 mark is still a mystery to me…

  15. I am a the biggest fan of Lady Gaga so i really enjoyed reading your article on Lady Gaga. I am lucky i got tickets for the Mosnter Ball Tour for Staples Center.

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