We Love Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin Impression More Than Anyone Loves Sarah Palin

Everyone Loves Tina Fey As Sarah Palin, Kittens:

Tina Fey returned to Saturday Night Live last night for some more Sarah Palin tomfoolery. In the skit Tina Fey parodied Sarah Palin’s ubiquitous media presence and alleged popularity AND Oprah’s new media ventures with a little something called “The Sarah Palin Network.”

Obviously this is a big deal, because 10 out of 10 Obama voters la-la-la-love themselves a good Tina Fey as Sarah Palin moment. I mean, we REALLY love it.

Do you know what I mean? Okay, well, let’s make an infographic to explain it for you:

Gawker noticed a CBS poll which revealed that all this Sarah Palin 2012 stuff might be sort of silly after all, because no one really likes her all that much anyhow. Only 24% of Americans view Sarah Palin favorably and 38 per cent view her unfavorably. Furthermore 43% of Republicans view Sarah Palin favorably. Granted that’s a lot of people, but it’s not nearly as many people who enjoy Tina Fey making fun of Sarah Palin, and surely that counts for something.

The title of this article made me LOL for real. Palin and Bachmann Begin Whirlwind Love Affair at Rally – really, this is what Sunday Funday is about. “After their breathy first encounter, Bachmann could not help but point out just how beautiful Sister Sarah was by stating “And as absolutely drop dead gorgeous this woman is on the outside, I’m here to testify that she is 20 times more beautiful on the inside.” It must have been quite a good look to know that Palin is twenty times more beautiful inside than out… The love fest did not end there, of course, Bachmann, her hand on the small of Palin’s back, helped the former governor of Alaska get up there on the podium and raise her arms in joy.” (@lezgetreal)

There is so much Lady Gaga content on the internet today it’s not even funny. First there’s this article at the Daily Mail which is kind of weird in and of itself b/c they call her “lippy” and spend the first three paragraphs talking about her hair, but is awesome once they actually let Lady Gaga talk. It’s mostly an interview concerning Gaga’s campaign with MAC against AIDS, so a lot of the quotage involves The Sex: “‘I remember the cool girls when I was growing up. Everyone started to have sex. But it’s not really cool any more to have sex all the time. It’s cooler to be strong and independent… Something I do want to celebrate with my fans is that it’s OK to be whomever it is that you want to be. You don’t have to have sex to feel good about yourself, and if you’re not ready, don’t do it... I’m single right now and I’ve chosen to be single because I don’t have the time to get to know anybody. So it’s OK not to have sex, it’s OK to get to know people. I’m celibate, celibacy’s fine.”

She helpfully adds that if you are ready for sex, there are free condoms available at the end of her concerts. And don’t worry, actual AIDS concerns were addressed too: “‘The rate of infection worldwide is higher than ever for women in our particular demographic,’ says Gaga. ‘Those most at risk are women in my age bracket, 17 to 24 [she is 24], and Cyndi’s, which is 38 to 60 [Cyndi is 56]… This is a disease that affects everyone, not just the gay community, and right now it’s mostly affecting women.” (@dailymail)

Also, also, I’m not even really sure how to feel about this, but an apparent Gaga fan managed to get onto the crew for putting together her dressing room at a show in Wollongong, Australia, and documented the entire experience and also all of her stuff in extreme stalkerish detail, including, um, which of her wardrobe items he got to touch, like “a cream baseball jersey with spikes all over it. (I recognised it and found a picture when I got home)”

The original post at ONTD is no longer entirely public, but Gawker has reposted the content. Check it out if you need to know what color couches Gaga puts in her dressing room and/or her assistant’s names. (@gawker)

The people over in Itawamba County have got to start feeling stupid at some point, because I swear to God every single gay celebrity in America has offered Constance McMillen her own prom by now. “Former ‘N Sync member Lance Bass will join celebrity chef Cat Cora and members of Green Day in sponsoring a gay-friendly prom in Mississippi after a lesbian teen was duped into attending a “fake prom” earlier this month. The Tupelo, Miss. event, scheduled for May 8, is being organized by the Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition and is open to all students, regardless of sexual orientation.” Maybe they can get SamRo to DJ! Riese thinks she’s really hot, you guys. (@theadvocate)

Guess what though? The same thing happened to an African-American girl in Birmingham… in 1965. My how far we haven’t come:

It was reminiscent of a story told by The Birmingham News about what happened in the spring of 1965 to the first African-American girl to integrate Jones Valley High School in that town:

“(Carolyn King) spent all Saturday getting ready, fixing her hair, slipping into the pink floral dress her mother finished the week before. … She and her date drove … toward the high school gym. They turned the corner. The gymnasium was dark, empty … White mothers of the prom planners had kept the location of the Jones Valley High prom a secret so she couldn’t attend.”

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG: Newsies may hit Broadway! (@jezebel)

The New York Auto Show: Selling Otherwise Straight Cars to Gay People: “Isn’t it what we’ve been fighting for, all these years? With Stonewall and Silence = Death and rioting on Fifth Avenue a week after Matthew Shepard was murdered—weren’t we just demanding the right to be treated like any other schmuck with a buck in this country?” (@awl)

A gay Episcopal priest is one of the four in the running to become the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah. If he wins, this will be the gayest thing to happen to Utah since Joe Pitt in Angels in America. (@localnews8)

The newest student body president of the University of Michigan is gay, which seemed to be merely pretty cool until it turned out he’s actually going to address a lot of gay issues for students on campus. “Armstrong campaigned on pressing U-M’s administration for gender-neutral housing options that would allow students to choose opposite-sex roommates, rather than always pairing males and females with others of their own gender. It’s an issue he said would appeal to many students, including those who are transgendered and may feel uncomfortable rooming with someone of the same sex.” (@freep)

And hey, speaking of queers in college, have you submitted to OUTmedia and Campus Pride’s “Be Queer, Buy Queer” video contest yet? There are sweet prizes and also you’ll have something cool to show your mom, she’ll be really proud of you I bet!

Jackie Warner on her new book, her new show Thintervention, and the scandal that rocked Workout. (@advocate)

Jon Stewart tries to teach Mike Huckabee a thing or two about gay marriage. (@phb)

Queerty thinks there’s a legitimate chance that Vanessa Hudgens (of High School Musical) could become a young gay icon with her role as Mimi in Neil Patrick Harris’s production of Rent. I don’t really know about that, but then again Miley Cyrus was in Palm Springs during Dinah Shore Weekend so maybe these kids really are posed to win over our gay hearts, I dunno. On the other hand, Mimi is not gay, so wtf. (@queerty)

Oh hey Tila Tequila did something crazy and dumb. This time it was shoplifting. Eh eh there’s nothing more I can say.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. That was such an amazing skit by Tiny Fey! Love that lady! And the stab at The Tonight Show with Jay Leno was fantastic.

  2. what a wonderful infographic! and so very true. I saw that Gaga post on ONTD and was creeped out, but I mean, I guess I would molest her jacket too….

  3. Really, Queerty? While there is certainly a dearth of queer young ladies in the Disney-pink spotlight, I would rather put spikes in my own eyes than allow V-Hudge to become a gay icon. Where we had lots of empowered 90s queers as precusors, these girls have confused-but-adorable bisexuals with internet-meme nicknames. Don’t get me wrong, LiLo, Gaga, M.Fo, are okay, but when compared with k.d. lang, Melissa Etheridge, Tegan and Sara, and even Angelina, they pale. Maybe these kids should watch a little Anyone But Me…
    On second thought, V-Hudge does sound a little like vag if run together quickly enough. Maybe she’ll turn out to be queer AND have a brain. In reality.

    • While I understand what you are getting at, I think it is unfair to put Lindsay in the same boat as Gaga and Megan Fox. To say that Lindsay being out means nothing compared to Angelina is unfair, and quite frankly, untrue. I will give you two examples. 1) A huge number of queer women would go and see Sam and Lindsay when they travelled the world together. While one may just think ‘It’s just a DJ gig’ for some of these girls, they felt safe enough to dance with and kiss their girlfriends in public for the first time – they felt safe in there and they felt like Lindsay and Sam were there FOR them. There are heaps of straight male DJ’s out there that the heterosexual people can go and see so when Lindsay and Sam came to town – they felt special
      3) You mentioned Disney – Lindsay was of course, a Disney kid. A couple of years ago I read a story in a UK newspaper about a father whose young 8 year-old was watching Lindsay’s Disney movies. When Lindsay was going through her bad girl stage – he would cringe when his daughter would say: Hey! That’s Lindsay!’ when she saw her in the paper. But when Lindsay had come out the girl said the same thing but added ‘and she’s kissing a mummy’. The father then decided to explain to her about how not every couple is a man and a woman. So, it in a way, forced the issue and if kids can learn that love is love from a young age, I think that that’s great.
      Having said that, I don’t think that her impact can be somewhat ‘calculated’ yet.

      • Forgot to add: She brought out Samantha Ronson as her girlfriend. A woman whose perceived gender identity is not clearly female in the eyes of some. Lindsay referred to Samantha as ‘beautiful’ constantly. She has a mysterious sexual charisma to her and women including Courtney Cox have spoken about unabashed crushes on her. Like Shane/Kate Moennig before her, Samantha Ronson – has – for some – redefined ‘sexy lesbian woman’.

  4. Can I just say that that kink ad on the left hand side of the page freaks me out lol. Also, I actually had a dream (weird, I know) that out celebrities were going to to go the prom that is eventually run for Constance. Maybe they can get Mario Testino or Annie Liebovitz to be the prom photog! ok, maybe they’d be too hard to get….but she deserves after them humiliating her like that.

  5. “And as absolutely drop dead gorgeous this woman is on the outside, I’m here to testify that she is 20 times more beautiful on the inside.” — oo really,and exactly how would u know what her inside bits look like ?????!!! Lol nom nom nom lol

        • Im sorry to say it but she was actually winking directly at me, true story! :-P

          In other news, is Palin actually thinking about going for the next presidency or something, surely that’d never happen?! That’s a scary thought like!

  6. Dude, if the letterman jackets at my school were as rad as Gaga’s, I totally would’ve done sports.

  7. I just want to know what “Glam” and “Lite Glam” are supposed to be on her schedule.

  8. lady gaga keeps showing up in my dreams and i don’t know why. she’s been in three in the last few months. and she’s talking to me about serious cryptic shit! it’s like she’s my dreamworld guide or something. i don’t know what’s happening to me. and now that i’ve read this post and the gawker link i’m probably gonna dream about her again and she’s gonna freak me the fuck out.

  9. Meh, Gaga is good at what she does and all, but to be honest im getting a little bit sick of her. I went out on the lash tonight and they played 4 of her songs within 2 hours, jebus it was ridiculous, it’s not like there’s a lack of other music to play or anything!


    Oh man, I didn’t even hit capslock for that. That was shift all the way.



      • YES. YES. YES.

        I’m pretty sure that my love for Newsies boys probably delayed my coming out a good 5 years.

        Also, I remember the day I realized that “the world will know” line refered to the World as in the paper. It was probably my 30th viewing of the movie and it was a clear sign another 30 viewings were in order to make sure I hadn’t missed anything else.

  11. Wait, did we mention Angels in America AND Newsies in the same post? My theatrical heart just skipped a beat and is now gayer than befo…wait, no, it’s just as gay, just happier.

  12. The funniest / scariest part of Tina Fey’s impressions of Palin is how accurate they are.

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