Results for: representation
Those Shady Gays: A Reflection on Mad Men, Downton Abbey and Revenge
The untrustworthy homosexual is a lazy way to add ‘diversity’ to your television show. Let’s talk about it!
The Mako Mori Test is Here to Fill Another Spot on Your Feminist Film Criticism Toolbelt
For a long time the Bechdel test has seemingly been the only tool we have to examine sexist trends in Hollywood. Now, thanks to Pacific Rim, the Mako Mori test is here to help.
Soldier Tried for Wikileaks Involvement Comes Out As Chelsea Manning
“As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female… I hope that you will support me in this transition.”
Lez Liberty Lit #19: Strong Coffee, Stronger Bourbon
Queer Covers, Cristy C. Road, learning to be a lesbian writer in a feminist bookstore, Michelle Tea on trans* and bisexual representation and so much more!
Glee Episode 506 Recap: Movin’ Out Of F*cks To Give
This week on Glee, everybody sang Billy Joel songs and everything hurt!
You Should Go TODAY: La Chica Boom performs FML at the Fresh Fruit Festival
La Chica Boom is showcasing a live theatrical version of her short film, FML, for the Fresh Fruits Festival at The Wild Project. So I’m gonna be there and fanqueer the fuck out.
At Last, Obama Gives America Some Real Talk On Racism
On what Obama said (and didn’t say) this morning when he surprised everybody with a speech expanding on his thoughts about the Trayvon Martin ruling.
Straddler On The Street: Emily G.
Emily talks about the badass A-Camp tumblr she runs and her camp feelings, her incredible rainbow hair, and how she wants to collaborate with all of you power queer Straddlers.
Team Pick: Five Stars for the Amazon Reviews of Wendy Davis’s Filibuster Sneakers
Ali’s Team Pick: Because everyone in the U.S. with half a brain has already team picked Wendy Davis as a Senator and badass super human, I will do everyone a feminist-comedy-solid by team picking the Amazon Review of Wendy Davis’s sneakers.
Lez Liberty Lit #26: Summertime, and The Reading is Easy
The books of Orange is the New Black, diversity in kids’ books, heroic librarians, subtle ways of convincing those around you to read your favorite childhood novels and more.
Super Special Double Feature “Once Upon A Time” Episodes 306 and 307 Recap: Part of Your Healthy Uterine World
“But then again, my favorite princess was Belle, whose Stockholm Syndrome didn’t register as an issue to me, so long story short: Disney princesses fucked with all of our childhood concepts of healthy relationships.”
Definitely Read “What Makes a Baby” To Any and All Children
Because it’s not just sex education. It’s life education.
Queer Your Maps: Google Map Maker Launches In the UK, Maps Bletchley Park
I like the idea of user-generated cartography because it’s giving us, the people on the ground, a greater hand in the accurate representation of our environment.
“Burka Avenger” and Problematising the Problematisation of the Burqa
“Burka Avenger,” Pakistan’s first original animated TV series, features a female superhero who’s sparked a debate about whether her burqa disguise is “cool or conformist.” Why is this still the issue about Muslim women?
10 Reasons “Orange Is The New Black” Is The New Lesbionic TV Show You Should Watch Now
You need to watch this show right this minute!
The 2013 Trans 100 Chicago Launch Event: I Went, I Saw, They Inspired
“I spent over three hours with my jaw on the floor, my heartstrings in constant song, and the baby activist inside me growing more inspired by the minute.”
Even Post-DADT, Military May Get “License to Bully” LGB Servicemembers Because “Religious Freedom”
A newly introduced bill would protect the “speech and actions” associated with religious belief, which could mean less protection for those affected by the speech and action.
Straddler On The Street: PJ
“Being butch is something I have both been my entire life and something that I have chosen.”
Orange is the New Black 113: Holy Lesbian Spit Chain Batman!
Ever been punched in a tit before? That crushing pain in your areola and the dense tissue of the breast? Brutal. I’ll take dental surgery over titty punches any day.
Misadventures in Queer Lady Dating While Disabled: It’s Not Me, It’s You
“Given the message of acceptance and sex positivity that the queer community so openly espouses, I was hopeful that I had finally found a niche where my sexuality would be respected and validated. To my dismay, passive discrimination was alive and well.”