Results for: representation
Taking Over the World One Controller at a Time: The Good News About Queer Games
Like playing video games? How about the queer, genderqueer and trans people who make them? Here’s how your queer worldview is carving out more real estate in the world of gaming.
Going Beyond Going Down: Why Diverse Queer Sex On TV Matters
“And every time she has sex with a man, she is ass naked. Literally. I have seen her ass now twice. My problem isn’t her being ass naked. She has straight sex and is naked, but this other character has gay sex and both of them — bras on, underwear on.”
He Said/We Said: Cherry Blossom Swoons
“After a lifetime of having to conform to an image of femininity that weighed on me like a suit of armor, I cannot express how empowering it felt to be embraced and celebrated for my authentic self.”
White Gay Man Publishes Epically Stupid Response To “Stop Stealing Black Female Culture”
“Friess reacted to Mannie’s request that white gay men stop referring to themselves as ‘strong black women’ by threatening to withdraw hypothetical support of black women’s political and social issues (none of which he actually names)! That’s not allyship, that’s just another example of a person in power offering abstract and highly conditional support to an oppressed group of people with whom he claims a false and unrequited kinship.”
GLAAD Awards NYC 2013: Madonna, Degrassi Lesbians, and Trans* Representation
Vanessa and Lizz went to the NYC GLAAD Media Awards 2013 and managed to become BFFs with the girls who play lesbians on Degrassi and exclusively interview Wilson Cruz, Milla Jovovich, Honey Boo Boo’s Mama June, and more important humans!
Kids Detained in AZ Provides Window Into Totally F*cked US Immigration System
The issue of immigrant children being detained in immigrant detention centers is not exactly a new story. But this past week, an influx of children from Central America who were detained while trying to cross into the U.S. has drawn new attention to the extreme and inhuman treatment undocumented immigrants face from U.S. Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Also.Also.Also. Legos and Love Reign Supreme and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Lego is building female scientists, tension at the Supreme Court is building up, and organizers are working to build a more equal future.
NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is Pretty Much Up For Anything
Ambient contact, having sex for the first time, smut, sideboob and more.
Also.Also.Also. A Lesbian Princess Confirmed Gay Federal Judges and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Exciting things are happening for LGBT people in the US, activists are critical of Pride, and there are tons of awesome events you should go to!
And They Lived Heterosexually Ever After: Why I’m Not Recapping Once Upon A Time Anymore
“Fun as it was to mercilessly tear this show apart, the buck stops here.”
Also.Also.Also. Migrant Women Celebrate LGBT History and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Here’s the news we missed while I was freaking out about a potential technological disaster.
Here’s The Real Story of How Oscar Nominee Jared Leto Got Called Out for Transmisogyny At The Virtuosos Awards
It’s been reported that Jared Leto was heckled by a trans woman at the recent Virtuosos Awards for his performance in Dallas Buyers Club. This version of events fails once again to take into account the experiences of actual trans and gendernonconforming people, who were there at the event and have spoken to Autostraddle about what transpired.
Camp Takota: Hannah Hart’s New Movie You Can Watch Right Now, Today
Hannah Hart co-stars in “Camp Takota,” a movie about friendship and camp and subtle queer representation that will make your heart smile, probably.
Me, Piper Chapman, the Psych Ward, and the Incarcerated 2.2 Million
“Real human change requires space to be honest with yourself, honest with others; a space that doesn’t exist when you’re trapped by necessity behind a fortress of self-protection. As the inmate Poussey in Orange replies when a correctional officer pressures her to speak openly during a group therapy session: “Does it ever occur to you that actually feeling our feelings might make it impossible to survive in here?”
There May Be Two Sides to Every Story; That Doesn’t Mean They’re Both Important
Wisconsin’s Janesville School District issued an apology for showing a pro-marriage-equality video without also showing an anti-equality rebuttal. When it comes to educating kids, though, that kind of “fairness” doesn’t help anyone.
Femslash Can Save the World If We Let It
Culture doesn’t need exploring so much as it needs exploding. We need to destroy things and reconstruct them in our own image, because the people who make our media aren’t going to do it for us. That’s why I want femslash to save the world, and I will not take no for an answer.
Also.Also.Also. Prison Strikes, Striking Musical Gold, and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Fighting for rights, celebrating identities, raising money, listening to good music, and making powerful critiques–news as usual this week!
Post-Lip Service Ennui: BBC Looks To Improve LGB Representation
“The BBC may have axed Lip Service, and have run out of Sarah Waters books to dramatize, but they do seem to be making a commitment to representing LGB people and admitting that they could do better.”
Orphan Black’s Delphine and the Dangers of the Bisexual Femme Fatale
“For the duration of the plot so far, Delphine’s bisexuality is the premise for the moral tension that she causes, and a key to the danger that she poses to Cosima.”
Loving the Women Who Look Like Me: Queer Black Women in Love
I realized that one of the hardest parts about accepting my sexual orientation was that I literally did not believe that Black women were lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, asexuals or queer. I want to see stories of Black women with happy endings that entwine with my own realities and fantasies. I want to see us Black women no longer the Unmentionables or Untouchables, unafraid of the power and beauty of us loving one another.