Results for: representation
Drawn to Comics: My 15 Favorite Single Issues from 2015
Hellcat, Lumberjanes, Bitch Planet, Ms. Marvel, Moon Girl and more of my favorite comics from this past year!
On The 6: Confronting the Mortality of Girls Like Me
“Trauma wasn’t meant to happen at 9 a.m. on that August morning. Not when I was running on time, and somehow missed the long line for the day’s first cup of coffee. Nothing could have warned me that the meticulous construction of my person would be unraveled while my peers watched from their own cocoons of solitude.”
NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Will Meet You Out Back In Five
A not terrible sex tape, fat people in porn, whether your summer fling will last and more.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: On “Once Upon a Time,” a Woman Sat Upon Another Woman
Blindspot and Code Black reveal that two of their characters are gay, The Vampire Diaries has introduced the half-witch/half-vampire lesbian couple, and Jane the Virgin is still the best damn thing on TV.
In Lumberjanes Issue #17, Jo Comes Out As Trans and It’s So Awesome
“Jo’s trans identity was just another integral part of her character, and it developed very naturally — she was a leader, she was VERY passionate about being a Lumberjane, she was also trans.”
Drawn to Comics: Fresh Romance #4 and Oath Anthology, Two Rad Online Comics Anthologies To Check Out
One of my favorite things about the internet is the rise of queer-friendly comics anthologies like these.
Watch Beth Malone Figure Out She’s a Lesbian In Her One-Woman Show “So Far” at Joe’s Pub
The Fun Home star returned to her roots at Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater in New York City on August 31st to perform a one-woman cabaret show following a rural lesbian through her tomboy childhood, an engagement (to a man!), her first stint as an actress in New York, another marriage (to a woman!), and her ever-tense relationship with her Colorado cowboy father.
VIDEO: GAYmous’s “Femme on Femme” Will Cast A Disco Witch Sex Coven Spell on You
GAYmous’ new video has everything: crystals, spells, tarot, candles, bondage, glitter, and hot femme on femme action.
“Freeheld” Is Wonderful and Will Make You Cry Nonstop For Two Hours
“Freeheld” is a beautiful movie that puts lesbians front and center. Bring Kleenex.
Drawn to Comics: Last Year I Wished for 12 Things in Comics; Here’s What I Got
Let’s see how the year 2015 was for women in comics and what we can hope for in 2016 (I’m mainly hoping for more queer comics).
San Bernardino Shooting Illuminates Legislators’ Reliance on #ThoughtsandPrayers, Not Action
More on the suspects of the San Bernardino shooting, ICE stopped plans to house detained trans women in female facilities in Adelanto, Planned Parenthood shooter had a history of violence against women, and more news stories.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: “Lost Girl” Airs Its Final Faewell
Survivor’s Remorse’s second season ends in tragedy, Jane the Virgin continues to be the best show on TV, and American Horror Story: Hotel is bloody as hell.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: “Jane The Virgin” and “Supergirl” Make Monday The Most Feminist Night On TV
Jane the Virgin is a feminist masterclass, y’all. I also want to talk about the five things Supergirl is getting really right. Oh, and Mulan will be back on your TV in two weeks. I have included a photo of her with Merida for you.
Pop Culture Fix: Kristen Stewart Grows Up, Bravo Fucks Up, Carrie Brownstein Speaks Up and Other Uplifting Stories
Topics include Kristen Stewart tugging at the hem of her simple black sweatshirt, Laverne Cox, Anyone But Me, Dianna Agron’s lesbian tomboy turn and other stories from the present and future.
Fan Fiction Friday: Has Rainbow Rowell Legitimized Fan Fiction Once And For All?
This fandom round-up also includes Steven Universe stories, and interview with a fandom influencer, a book recommendation, answers to some TV questions you asked and more!
Fool’s Journey: “She Is Sitting in the Night” is the Queer Tarot Book You’ve Been Waiting For
It’s a queer tarot guidebook and a celebration of an 80s feminist tarot deck rolled into one; a book of beautiful and radical tarot card meanings, and a conversation across generations of feminism and LGBTQ politics.
Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair Cover Is Very Vanity Fair
Caitlyn Jenner’s cover photo is stunning.
5 Data Visualization Projects You’re Gonna Dig
“To fully plumb the depths of my heart requires more than a single bar graph.”
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 19, January 2016
“It was like throwing a tennis ball at a wall and expecting it to bounce back but against all odds it gets stuck in the bricks.”
Spread This Far and Wide: It’s Almost Time for the U.S. Trans Survey
If you’re trans and would like to help inform the next decade of trans advocacy, sign up and pledge to fill out this survey!