Results for: representation
A-Camp Recap Day #3: We’ve Got Talent
Day Three’s activities included the sex panel, the talent show, the queer women of color panel, the picking up chicks workshop, ‘zine-making, the dance and SO MUCH MORE!
“Straightening” Gay Characters in Young Adult Fiction: Are YA Books Keeping You a Secret?
Is Young Adult fiction unfriendly to LGBTQ characters? The answer is “absolutely not” or “yes,” depending on who you ask.
Eat, Drink, Love: A Manchester Pride Travelogue
In which I share the true story of my week-long jaunt to Manchester, UK for Pride, wherein I drink my face off, amongst other adventures.
Being a Bad Gay: Things That are Begging, Even Now, to be Quieted for the Sake of Good Company
“It’s just that of all the spectrum riding, genuinely evolving, delicate fixtures of flight in my life, I so love my sexuality being articulated as concrete.”
It’s Design Director Alex’s Birthday!
It’s Alex’s birthday and we’re having cake!! But you have to make your own cake.
It’s That Time Of The Week. Hey! Did You See That Comment?
That time of the week. So much better than that time of the month.
Top 20 Autostraddle Icons of 2009: The Future is Bright For Our ’09 Favorites
2009 was hands down totes The Year of the Weirdo. What does 2010 hold for our top 20 Autostraddle Icons? WHO WON?