Results for: representation
Making An Independent Documentary About Queer Women Is Like Jumping Without A Net
I will never stop trying to tell our stories.
36 LGBTQ-Owned Businesses Selling LGBT T-Shirts To Support This Pride Season
Wanna spend your Pride cash on original t-shirts from lesbian and queer-owned businesses and LGBTQ+ stores? We’ve got a great list!
I Simply Cannot Get Enough of the “That’s Why I’m Partnering with ___” Tweets
As a late-blooming queer, I know how good it feels to be recognized. That’s why this month I’m partnering with AI Facial Recognition Services,
Revisiting “The Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions,” 45 Years Later
I didn’t know this book at all until a few months ago. I borrowed it thinking it’d be hilarious to read in public spaces and have people give me questionable stares. That mentality was replaced by the desire to build bridges.
Eight LGBTQ+ Country Music Singers on Pride and Queering Country
Harlan Howard said “All you need to write a country song is three chords and the truth” — I’m pretty sure queer folks have a lot of truth to tell.
This Episode of “Real Housewives of New York” Was Performative Pride Allyship at Its Finest
“March Madness”, as completely unhinged and dated as it is, also reveals something far more depressing and contemporary: Nothing has really changed.
Queer IRL: Autostraddle’s 2021 Pride Gallery!
“I am SO THANKFUL to be vaccinated and alive and gay as fuck.”
31 Big Brands Selling Gay Apparel For Pride, Vaguely Ranked By Semi-Scientific Criteria
Tis the season to celebrate Pride by wearing rainbow gradient t-shirts that let the world know that love is love, love wins, pride unites, equality wins, love makes a family, it’s all love, we need more love, everybody is free to love and love unites!!!
London’s Pride Posters, Ranked by “What the Fresh Hell Were They Thinking?”
“Imagine if homosexuality was contagious, though. What a beautiful world that would be.”
Why I’m Saying No To Playing (and Attending) NYC Pride™ This Year
I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it did: “I am hoping to fill the stage with artists who are willing to donate 20 minute sets.”
Eat, Drink, Love: A Manchester Pride Travelogue
In which I share the true story of my week-long jaunt to Manchester, UK for Pride, wherein I drink my face off, amongst other adventures.