Results for: representation
The Comment Awards Are Ready For Hillary (And The Weekend)
Dinos, pirates and dildos, oh my!
We Need Help: Now Hiring Contributing Editors!
We’re looking for gutsy and ambitious reporters who wanna join the best team ever and get paid to write about stuff that matters.
GLAAD Awards NYC 2013: Madonna, Degrassi Lesbians, and Trans* Representation
Vanessa and Lizz went to the NYC GLAAD Media Awards 2013 and managed to become BFFs with the girls who play lesbians on Degrassi and exclusively interview Wilson Cruz, Milla Jovovich, Honey Boo Boo’s Mama June, and more important humans!
Straddler On The Street: Jill/Gilles
Jill/Gilles is a Professional Queer if I ever met one and strives “to bring trans*, female-bodies, queer representation to a community that needs it.”
We’ve Got 12 Loyal A-Campers and They’ve Got 12 Reasons To Attend A-Camp
Listen to 12 campers who have been to all three A-Camps and are signed up for October when they tell you how camp changed their lives and why you definitely wanna be on the mountain for A-Camp 4.0
Straddler On The Street: Emily G.
Emily talks about the badass A-Camp tumblr she runs and her camp feelings, her incredible rainbow hair, and how she wants to collaborate with all of you power queer Straddlers.
The 2013 Trans 100 Chicago Launch Event: I Went, I Saw, They Inspired
“I spent over three hours with my jaw on the floor, my heartstrings in constant song, and the baby activist inside me growing more inspired by the minute.”
Straddler On The Street: PJ
“Being butch is something I have both been my entire life and something that I have chosen.”
Autostraddle Calendar Girls 2014: Katie is Miss August
“I came out to bosses and people I had just met and guys who hit on me and former boyfriends and doctors and professors and relatives and Facebook and even the grocery store cashiers. I wanted to assert myself, my identity.”
The Comment Awards Think You’re A Waffle Iron
This week we have love for older lesbians, Nutella, pocket squares and you!
A-Camp May 2013 Recamp #3: Fun Before 2pm, Fun After 2pm
You’ve got swagger, fashion, comedy, whiskey, geeky pick-up lines and the coolest klub on the mountain!
Introducing B-Camp
If you didn’t make it into A-Camp, there’s still a bright beaming ray of sunshine on your horizon and it’s called B-Camp! BRING YOUR OWN PROPS AND HAIR CRIMPER.
Queering the F*ck Out of Musical Theater: The Personal Is Political Is Art
“Theatre taught me that it was fine to be different; I wish it had shown me it was fine to be a queer woman, as well.”
A-Camp May 2013 Recamp #4: YUP.
In our last recamp, we party at the pool, dance all night, have feelings, display talent, and wish it never had to end.
College Lesbianage Class of 2016: NaNoWriMo Hopes and Dreams
Are you NaNoWriMoing? If you are, you’ve got something in common with Lesbianagers Kate and Nita!
A Much-Needed Primer on Cultural Appropriation
I bought tiny dreamcatcher earrings from a Navajo woman when I recently drove through Navajo Nation on a road trip. Am I unconsciously promoting cultural appropriation because I like the way webs and feathers look dangling from my ears?
The Comment Awards Can’t Help But Smile
Have I told you lately that I love you? All of you? Because I do.
That’s Not Who I Am: Calling Out and Challenging Stereotypes of Asian Americans
Asian stereotypes are everywhere. Let’s talk about them, yell about them and do something about them.
The Comment Awards Are Still Excited About Camp
And will be until 2056.
Vote For Autostraddle In The 2012 Bloggie Awards!
Autostraddle is somehow miraculously a finalist n the 2012 Bloggie Awards for “Best Entertainment Blog” and “Best Community/Group Blog” AND “WEBLOG OF THE YEAR”!