Results for: representation
Rachel Maddow Appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show! Rejoice!
Ellen DeGeneres interviewed Rachel Maddow on her TV show! Everything is great (except for the portrayal of women by the media).
What Reality TV Does To Girls
Studies show reality tv makes girls more competitive and appearance-focused and I just read a book about reality TV so I have a lot of things to share with you.
“Work It!” Is Hardly Working
“Work It” doesn’t work for me, down with trans misogyny!
In 2011, Queer Girl Television Was Almost Awesome
On the upside, nobody died in a fire.
The Gays Are Taking Over TV, Except Where We’re Not: The 2011 GLAAD Network Responsibility Index
The yearly GLAAD media report on queer representation on TV is out — who got high marks?
“That’s What She Said” is Queer Asian America In Your Face
Why a group of six queer Asian American women are producing, acting in, and writing a groundbreaking queer web series, and why you should care.
General Mills, RE/MAX Won’t Advertise on “Pretty Little Liars,” Save Kids From Radical Lesbian Agenda
“ABC using salacious and glamorizing scenes portraying young, pretty women as lesbians sends the wrong message to these young girls…reinforces and legitimizes this lifestyle in a manner that could affect these young girls’ sexual identity for a lifetime.”
Pretty Little Liars 212 Fashioncap: Some Dolls, a Wedding and a Mid-Season Wrap-Up
“My only other commentary on this episode is that Emily’s outfit is obviously a Sleeping Beauty/Princess Aurora reference.”
Should Bert and Ernie Get Gay Married?
The “Bert and Ernie Get Married” movement has begun with a petition, a facebook group, and press buzz and I’m not gonna lie — hell no I am not signing that petition.
UK’s Lesbian Reality Show “Candy Bar Girls” Premieres in July, Is Already in Trouble
“Each of the on-air promos for the new reality show feature teasing close-up images that appear to be of two women engaged in sexual activity, intercut with lines such as ‘Red… hot… lesbians’ and ‘Pussy… loving… ladies’. “
Will Santana’s Lesbian Future Somehow Include Dating Men? (and Other Teevee-Related News)
“Instead of dealing with it, Santana kind of runs from it. And she’ll be running into the arms of…a dude” plus news about South of Nowhere, Exes & Ohs and Jessie J.
25 TV Shows You Should Watch on DVD: Our Favorite Marathon-Worthy Series
The one where nearly every single member of the Team discusses some of the best (Golden Girls) and most questionable (Grey’s Anatomy) TV shows out on DVD.
Thoughts on a TV Show About American Police Women
In which we briefly discuss ‘Police Women of [City]’ and how it makes us feel. Between the legs.
Real L Word Episode 203 Recap: Back to Square One, Look What We’ve Become
The good news is that my recap is done / “I wish instead of being this show, this show was a re-run of Friends”
Pretty Little Liars 117 Recap: The New Normal is Kinda Weird
Hearts are warmed, words are yelled, hugs are hugged, lips are kissed — it’s “All Em, all the time.”
Genderqueer Outlaw: Meet Franky, Skins Season Five’s Glorious Headf*ck Thing
How you’ll learn to stop worrying about lesbians and love Franky Fitzgerald.
Real L Word Needs Lesbian Executive Realness, Context, Depth: How We’d Fix It
The Real L Word could’ve been a much better show. Here’s why it failed, and why there might be hope for The Little Chicken That Couldn’t.
Televisionary Q&A: How “Real” is “The Real L Word”?
I’ve got some questions about “The Real L Word.” So I tracked down a veteran reality TV editor and established fan of reality teevee programs to get the scoop on how scenes get constructed, what makes TRLW different than other shows, the Theory of the Dogs, “Frakenbiting,” who controls the “stories” being told and other supreme secrets of editorial magic!
Guinevere Turner, From “Go Fish” to L-Wording: The Autostraddle Interview
Writer/actress/director Guinevere Turner tells all about her L Word legacy, her own “Chart,” why she stopped watching, seeing “Go Fish” two decades later, writing Michelle Rodriguez & Kristanna Loken’s Bloodrayne underwater fight scene, and — well — read this interview. Seriously. Read it right now, trust me.
Recap: Real L Word Extended Behind-the-Scenes Preview
The new trailer for The Real L Word is out and Riese recaps it for ya. You know what else is out? Anyone But Me episode 7 and YOUR MOM. Plus, Molly Ringwald talks about gay stuff, Chris Colfer talks about Glee, and Lilo is seeking a restraining order against her dad.