Results for: representation
To L And Back: Generation Q Podcast 305: Gay Bees and Dating Your Exes’ Exes
“This is what the show is about. The show is about dating your exes, your friend’s exes, and your exes’ exes. That’s the topic of the program.”
To L And Back: Generation Q Podcast 309: When a Fire Starts to Burn
“If Shane asked me to go to couple’s therapy, I’d be like, “We don’t even know each other, but if this is what it takes to get you into a therapist’s office, absolutely, let’s do it.”
To L And Back: Generation Q Podcast 310: We Just Wanted To Have Fun With Our Friends
“For now, what I’ll say about this storyline is that I was just glad to not see that damn purple coffee mug. The fact that they did not bring this coffee mug back out was one small mercy of this storyline for me.”
“To L and Back” Generation Q Podcast Episode 204: Lake House
“As a person of Midwestern experience, I can say that a Lake House is supposed to be on a lake.”
“To L And Back: Generation Q Edition” Podcast Episode 302: Los Angeles Traffic
“I can’t think of a better metaphor for The L Word: Generation Q than Bette and Tina having a grand romantic gesture as new character — a new beloved fan favorite character, Gigi, is hit by a car.”
“To L and Back” Podcast Episode 210: Last Call
“Imagine if I was dating Desiree Akhavan, and I was like, “You know what I’m going to do? Steal my ex from Rosie O’Donnell.” No! How thrilling! My ex is with Rosie O’Donnell and we get to all hang out and I’m dating Desiree Akhavan? That’d be amazing.”
To L And Back: Generation Q Podcast Bonus Episode: Goodbye, Again
Come commiserate the end of our problematic fave, talk about the state of queer television at large, cast an L Word prequel set in 90s new York, and learn what We, the hosts of To L and Back, would have happen to all of the characters after the end of this season!
“To L and Back” Generation Q Podcast Episode 209: Last Dance
“Imagine if all of our days were as productive as the people in The L Word. We would be cruising through life.”
“To L and Back” Generation Q Podcast Episode 207: Light
“I’ve been very precious about getting my hair wet but I would get my hair wet to kiss Gigi in the rain.”
“To L And Back: Generation Q Edition” Podcast Episode 303: Quiz Show
“As someone who’s never actually been in a throuple, I do think that throuples could solve most problems on television.”
To L and Back: Generation Q Podcast 307: Messy Breakups and Bowling the Long Game
Definitely by the end of the night, if no one says, “You shouldn’t be single anymore. This isn’t working for the rest of us,” then I didn’t break up properly.
To L and Back: Generation Q Special Pre-Season 2 Podcast Episode Is Here
“Analyssa, no, that’s National Treasure, that’s not The L Word: Generation Q. I know they’re very similar.”
“To L And Back: Generation Q Edition” Podcast Episode 301: Last Year
“I would follow Kehlani to Narnia, to a gambling ring. Really to anywhere.”
“To L and Back” Generation Q Podcast Episode 208: Launch Party
“Sepideh Moafi’s tongue is acting. Her tongue has more compelling storylines this season than many of the core characters, I would argue.”
To L and Back LIVE! Episode 509: Liquid Heat With Gaby Dunn, Mal Blum, Brittani Nichols and Cerise Castle
The lights are out and everybody’s making out and we are having a live episode that you can watch (or read the transcript of!) right now, and also a podcast episode! WOW!
“To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 505: Lookin’ At You Kid With Zeke Smith
“I saw how they reacted to Max and I was like, ‘ohh, I’m gonna transition and I’m gonna be shunned from this community that I’ve longed for for 18 years, I’m gonna lose my community if I transition.'”
“To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 407: Lesson Number One With Lianna Carrera!
Get your ass into The Ask and Tell Helicopter, it’s time to get schooled about lezzing out!
“To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 606: Lactose Intolerant with John Bellamy!
John: Could you imagine you and Dylan just got done cunnaling-ing together, you’re in bed, the California sun is basking on you. And then you turn to Dylan and you’re like, “We have to get up so we can go to Max’s Willy Wonka baby shower.” That’s the thing you interrupt with.
“To L and Back” Generation Q Podcast Episode 205: Lobsters, Too
“Why is she being like, ‘Oh, I can’t kiss you. I’m in a relationship.’ Like, no, you’re not. You met an older woman at a party last weekend. Who among us hasn’t? Take it easy.”
“To L and Back” Gen Q Podcast Episode 203: Luck Be a Lady
“In Gigi’s head she’s always calculating everything and very aware of everyone’s emotions and very aware of her own emotions and then does the chaotic thing anyways. And that’s how I live my life and I love to see it on TV in someone so hot.”