Results for: representation
Two and Half Men’s Portrayal Of A Trans Woman Is (Shocker!) Not Respectful
On the latest episode of Two and a Half Men, Jon Cryer’s character starts dating a trans woman. Despite what you may have heard, their interactions are pretty much as disrespectful and tasteless as you would have expected from a show like this.
Janet Mock Returned to Piers Morgan Live Tonight: Here’s What Went Down
After being misgendered and disrespected by Piers Morgan last night, Janet Mock returned to his show hoping to get through to him on how hurtful and offensive he was being.
The L Word Premiered Ten Years Ago Today: It’s L Word Week on Autostraddle
Welcome to L Word Week on Autostraddle!
Sailor Moon Reboot Coming in July, Keeping It Queer For English-Speaking Fans
While the first Sailor Moon anime’s English dub was infamous for removing its lesbian couple, the 20th-anniversary reboot plans to keep the queer characters the way they were intended.
GLAAD’s “Where We Are On TV” Shows Best Place To Be On TV Is Behind The Camera
“Where We Are On TV” has some promising and not-so-promising numbers for queer women on the teevee, and also raises some questions about how we quantify “representation” in the first place for all groups.
25 Reasons Why The L Word Should Come Back in 2014
Because this is the way that we live…again.
CW Developing Transgender Teen Drama, Will Hopefully Cast Actual Trans* Actor
The CW, a station most famous for Tyra Banks, The Winchester Brothers and Teen Vampire Romance is currently developing a new drama that will focus on a transgender teenager’s life.
Laverne Cox, Superstar: The Autostraddle “Orange Is The New Black” Interview
Laverne Cox talks about trans* representation in media, relating to her character and what it’s like being a trans* actress in tv.
Star Trek N00b, Episode 2: The Man Trap (Oh My!)
“Okay, I had a fangirl moment once George Takei appeared on screen.”
Everyone is Tired of White People on TV
There is now data that suggests viewers are more likely to watch shows with racially diverse casts and writing staffs. Imagine that.
The Bechdel Files Are Basically Everything I’ve Ever Wanted From The Internet
Does it count if it’s Scully talking to Queequeg? Important questions.
Once Upon A Time Recap, Just The Queer Parts: Mulan Is in Love With Sleeping Beauty and It’s Awesome
Are you interested in seeing this, but don’t really want to sift through 50+ episodes just to find the cute bits? You’re in luck! I mined this series and all its queer gold and put the shiniest pieces in this post.
Orange is the New Black: 7 Things We Should Talk About
It’s important to be super fucking aware of why this show resonates so deeply with people, and I wanna know what y’all think. [SPOILER ALERT: all the spoilers]
How Do We Solve A Problem Like “Queerbaiting”?: On TV’s Not-So-Subtle Gay Subtext
Once upon a time, gay subtext was a revolutionary act in media. But is it still all that progressive?
American Horror Story 305 Recap: Burn, Witch, Burn
“Just when all hope seems lost, Zoe beheads the zombie while wielding a motherfucking chainsaw! Look who just became an interesting character!”
Those Shady Gays: A Reflection on Mad Men, Downton Abbey and Revenge
The untrustworthy homosexual is a lazy way to add ‘diversity’ to your television show. Let’s talk about it!
Glee Episode 506 Recap: Movin’ Out Of F*cks To Give
This week on Glee, everybody sang Billy Joel songs and everything hurt!
Super Special Double Feature “Once Upon A Time” Episodes 306 and 307 Recap: Part of Your Healthy Uterine World
“But then again, my favorite princess was Belle, whose Stockholm Syndrome didn’t register as an issue to me, so long story short: Disney princesses fucked with all of our childhood concepts of healthy relationships.”
“Burka Avenger” and Problematising the Problematisation of the Burqa
“Burka Avenger,” Pakistan’s first original animated TV series, features a female superhero who’s sparked a debate about whether her burqa disguise is “cool or conformist.” Why is this still the issue about Muslim women?
10 Reasons “Orange Is The New Black” Is The New Lesbionic TV Show You Should Watch Now
You need to watch this show right this minute!