Results for: representation
Transparent Episode 109 Recap: I Want You To Be Here
In which we get a dozen different emotions for the price of one.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: TV Land Unveils Its First Leading Lesbian Character
One Big Happy is getting funnier and funnier, Nyssa Al Ghul is back to kicking ass on Arrow, and Sam and Laura finally go on their honeymoon on Newlyweds: The First Year.
Our Lady J Hired as Transparent’s First Ever Trans Staff Writer
The hit Amazon series is making steps to include more trans women and make it’s stories and characters more authentic.
Here is Your 2015 Queer Lady TV Epic Infographic!
Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous womankind is! O brave new world, that has such characters in it!
Transparent Episode 107 Recap: Pink Revisions
Weed! Talent shows! More weed! A dildo!
Fan Fiction Friday: 8 Femslash Writers You Need to Know
“I struggled with my sexuality for a long time and I think it would have been so much easier if I’d seen someone like me on TV or in a movies or in books. Femslash fan fiction gave me that; the stories I read showed I wasn’t alone because other people had to think like me if they’re writing about this stuff.”
Orange Is the New Black Episode 306 Recap: All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter
Chang has a lot of secrets. The main one is she’s a total badass!
Glee Episode 603 Recap: To Infinity And Beyond
Brittany and Santana are going to the chapel, y’all. They’re gonna get married!
Fan Fiction Friday: 7 Fried Green Tomatoes Stories to Wet Your Whistle
“Ruth lifts her head, smiles demure and sweet, her lips swollen with kissing. ‘Can’t miss a chance to minister to a heathen like you, Idgie.'”
Salem Episodes 7 and 8 Recap: F*ck Colonialism
Maybe girl-on-girl action is like the antenna that boosts magical Wi-Fi. (That was an alcohol-inspired thought.)
Transparent Episode 101 Recap: The Family That Eats Ribs Together
An exasperated trans woman and her three narcissistic kids walk into a bar.
Glee Episodes 612-613 Recaps: Last Stop On The Midnight Train
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and now it’s over.
Grey’s Anatomy Episode 1112 Recap: This Is Her Song, So Get Off The Stage And Let Her Sing It
Arizona and Callie smile for the first time in ages, while Bailey teaches her husband how to act when a family member comes out as trans.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: Everyone Is Gay And Nothing Hurts
We’re back with our weekly column about all the queer stuff that’s happening on television that we don’t have time to recap!
Where The (Queer) Girls Are Gonna Be On Your TV This Year
So, this article about the GLAAD “Where We Are on TV” report basically turned into an encyclopedia of LGBTQ female characters we’re gonna see in 2014-2015.
Don’t Miss Laverne Cox’s Important New Documentary Featuring Trans Youth
Tomorrow MTV and Logo TV will air this heartbreaking, heartwarming, informational and inspirational documentary following the lives of seven young trans people and trans experiences across America.
TV In The Time of Patriarchy Traffics In Ageless Women, Age-Old Stereotypes
Do TV creators internalize the stereotypes portrayed on TV as “normal,” replicating it in their work environments and causing additional stereotyped portrayals? That’s a chicken-or-the-egg question of art imitating life imitating art.
Salem Episodes 9 and 10 Recap: Free Tituba!
So I know we all watch this show because of Ashley Madekwe’s portrayal of Tituba. And the next two episodes feature this character quite a bit. But holy shit, be ready for a roller coaster of emotions, because Tituba becomes a prisoner of a white bible-thumping, colonial witch hunter.
Pretty Little Liars Episode 525 Recap: The Greatest Show on Earth
The pAtriArchy is A, just as we suspected.
“Jane The Virgin” Is Cute, Features a Queer Latina and Feminist Elements
“I admit I was skeptical of the plot and was afraid it was going to rely on tired tropes but it turns out it was actually a cute show with a lot of heart. It even has queer women in it!”