Results for: representation
Lesbian Kisses On American TV: The Definitive History Of Everybody Freaking Out Over Nothing
We’ve come so far since same-sex kisses on television only happened once in a show’s entire run, rarely involved lesbian or bisexual characters and generally were obscured by somebody’s hair!
Faking It Episode 220 Recap: The Track Is Just a Loop That Runs Straight Through My Heart
It’s the season finale of “Faking It” and it’s time to talk about The Kiss.
“One Big Happy” Gets Axed, Ilene Chaiken Gets Crowned: How Lesbian TV Fared This Renewal Season
We won a few, lost some promising ones, and where the hell is Renee Montoya?
Boob(s On Your) Tube: It Wasn’t a Dream! Annalise Keating is Bisexual!
ABC Family pulls the plug on Chasing Life, Callie and Arizona start dating other people, Carmilla ends with a swoon and a resurrection, and what the hell Lost Girl?
Faking It Episode 218 Recap: Amy Is Allergic To Peanuts and Adhesive
This week on Faking It, everybody goes to prom and nobody has a good time, including me!
Londyn Smith de Richelieu Talks Being a Trans Woman of Color on Love Thy Sister
“That’s the reason having a platform matters so much to me. Violence against trans women of color gets shoved under the rug so often, and there’s no accountability.”
“Fresh Off the Boat” Balances Stereotype and Authenticity in a Very Gay Episode
“I laughed a LOT, and it didn’t make me feel weird or mean-spirited afterwards.”
“Scandal” Breaks Our Hearts With an Elderly Lesbian Couple and Jasika Nicole
“Just one week after perhaps the most powerful episode in the show’s history, Shonda Rhime’s force-of-nature hit show Scandal has once again destroyed our hearts. This week’s story touched the souls of audiences everywhere with two tales of love trying to rise above what seem like impossible situations.”
What Do You Do With A Problem Like Romi Klinger: On Bisexuality, Biphobia and Media Representation
Recently, GO Magazine published an interview with Romi Klinger of The Real L Word regarding the current state of her relationships, her career, and the controversy surrounding her sexuality. What does one complicated public figure representing bisexuality mean for the rest of us?
Fan Fiction Friday: 10 Sapphic Superhero Stories to Save You
Renee Montoya and Kate Kane, Peggy Carter and Angie Martinelli, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy!
Let’s Talk About Ellen and Liz Feldman’s New Lesbian Sitcom “One Big Happy”
Liz Feldman is one of the funniest women in Hollywood, so I hope NBC loosens the reins and lets her get a little more real.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: Lesbian Death, Bisexual Resurrection, Aliens In Love, And The Most Awkward Dinner Party of All Time
Scream Queen, Grey’s Anatomy, Empie, Steven Universe, Carmilla, Arrow, Rosewood, Grandfathered, and so much more!
Grey’s Anatomy Episode 1118 Recap: Field Trip To The Zoo
Callie agrees to go on a date with a police officer whose life she saved, kind of.
Should You Watch Sense8? The Answer’s About as Clear as This Show’s Plot
“There was way more crowning than I was prepared for, but maybe that’s radical for a TV show?”
Feminism, Queerness, and Dead Lesbians: It’s an “Orphan Black” Season 3 Roundtable!
“I’m still processing this. I’m not okay.”
Boob(s On Your) Tube: Lost Girl Crosses the Border For Its Final Season
Charlie returns to Supernatural, ladies are smooching on The Lizzie Borden Chronicles, Younger is still delightful, and Bold and the Beautiful continues to mangle its trans storyline.
7 TV Shows About Trans Women Coming Soon to Your TV
Which of these shows featuring trans women are you most excited for?
Transparent Episode 110 Recap: Would You Even Talk To Me
The season finale of Transparent!
“Legend of Korra”‘s Final Scene Wasn’t Enough and Why We Must Demand More
I’m damn furious that six years ago, Nickelodeon was allowed to show a 12-year-old boy kissing a 14-year-old girl and saying “I love you,” but now, they refuse to show a 21-year-old woman do either of those things with her 22-year-old female partner.
Pretty Little Liars Episode 603 Recap: A World of Pure Imagination
Alison’s brother’s imaginary friend is A, duh.