Results for: representation
Britain To Change Gay Male Blood Donation Policy To Slightly Different Version Of The Same Policy
“It’s supremely bloody homophobic, extremely discriminatory and potentially dangerous for thousands of patients in need of transfusions. The inequality has just got worse, not better.”
Shanghai Police Detain a Record 60 Patrons in Frightening Gay Bar Raid
Gay men were happily drinking martinis and observing go-go dancers at a swanky gay lounge when police raided the place, detained 60-70 people, and reportedly denied them food and water. WTF?
Gay Legislators Change Gay Legislation
Gay marriage, civil union, domestic partnership: when does this annoying process end and when do the bachelorette parties begin?! Am I right?! No, really, am I? Well, believe it or not, there is a shining light in the many debacles and debates raging over gay partnerships in the United States- and it’s gay legislators.
House Votes to Pull Federal Funding from Planned Parenthood, Does Not Know How to Treat a Woman
The bill will never pass the Senate, but the message to women is hard to mistake: your government doesn’t care about you or your right to reproductive health services.
25 TV Shows You Should Watch on DVD: Our Favorite Marathon-Worthy Series
The one where nearly every single member of the Team discusses some of the best (Golden Girls) and most questionable (Grey’s Anatomy) TV shows out on DVD.
Thoughts on a TV Show About American Police Women
In which we briefly discuss ‘Police Women of [City]’ and how it makes us feel. Between the legs.
Real L Word Episode 203 Recap: Back to Square One, Look What We’ve Become
The good news is that my recap is done / “I wish instead of being this show, this show was a re-run of Friends”
The Lesbian Insider’s Guide to 40 LGBT-Friendly College Campuses
Queer girls from 40 different schools give you the uncensored scoop on what it feels like for a gay lady on their campus — from hookup culture to dyke parties to activism and academics.
Lauryn Hill At Williamsburg Music Hall: Worst. Concert. Ever.
“As a long-time fan, the biggest disappointment was not the time delay but rather the realization that Lauryn Hill is a complete tosser.”
Pretty Little Liars 117 Recap: The New Normal is Kinda Weird
Hearts are warmed, words are yelled, hugs are hugged, lips are kissed — it’s “All Em, all the time.”
Genderqueer Outlaw: Meet Franky, Skins Season Five’s Glorious Headf*ck Thing
How you’ll learn to stop worrying about lesbians and love Franky Fitzgerald.
Listling Without Commentary: Actual Answers to DADT Survey Questions, Out of Context
“I believe that the impact would be devastating to me, my family, my unit, the military, our country and the world!”
How Can a Smart, Educated, Feminist, Queer Woman Like You Be Interested in Fashion?
Fashion is an epic shitshow of misogyny, female oppression, consumerism, body image distortion, racism, exclusionary and corrupt politics, and, oh, I don’t know, maybe even the root of all evil. And yet I still identify vehemently as both feminist and queer. And I love fashion. How is this possible?
The 26-Track Soundtrack to Your Big Gay Awakening
A soundtrack for your life. A life soundtrack, if you will.
My Mic Sounds Gay: Saluting Out and Proud Female Emcees
Let’s stop talking about Nicki Minaj’s so-called bisexuality and start celebrating the many out & proud female emcees in the Hip Hop community. Glennisha chats to Mz Jons, Lady Lust & Eyeris about their careers as openly gay Hip Hop artists.
Lesbians ‘Reflect Changes in China’ by Kissing ‘Romantically,’ Sporting ‘Boyish Fashions’
In China, “transformative change” is observed when two teenage girls, one with a “masculine hairstyle,” kissed on the subway “in an unmistakably romantic way.” Meanwhile in the US, someone’s son wants to wear a dress, someone else’s son comes out every day and pro-gay-bullying organization feels bullied. Kids these days!
I Believe That Children Are Our Future (For Gays on TV)
GLAAD’s network responsibility index shows per ushe that there aren’t enough lesbians on TV. But something else surprising happened this year — the teenagers kicked our butts! Who was the first young queer you remember seeing on teevee?
CBS Gays Up, Invents 3 Homosexuals to Fill the Void GLAAD Rated
GLAAD told CBS it didn’t have enough homos on its channel, and so CBS is gonna make some more homos. Hopefully it’ll be those guys on “Two and a Half Men.”
It’s That Time Of The Week. Hey! Did You See That Comment?
That time of the week. So much better than that time of the month.
Look Lesbians on the TV: Real L Word, Jackie Warner, Ellen DeGeneres and Sara Gilbert!
SO MANY THINGS ON THE TEEVEE FOR YOU GAYS: Jackie Warner’s new show Thintervention, Real L Word cast promises sexy episode but not a second season (yet), Ellen quits Idol, the mainstream press says Sara Gilbert came out yesterday, which is 8 years off.