Results for: representation
On Display: Navigating the Male Gaze As A Lesbian Trans Woman
“Welcome to being a girl. Get used to it.”
If You Ain’t No Punk Holla Gays Need Prenups GAYS NEED PRENUPS
“As an aspiring talk show host who also happens to be a lawyer and a formerly engaged Gay American, I know a lot about the ins and outs of marriage, legally and emotionally.”
Should Bert and Ernie Get Gay Married?
The “Bert and Ernie Get Married” movement has begun with a petition, a facebook group, and press buzz and I’m not gonna lie — hell no I am not signing that petition.
Eat, Drink, Love: A Manchester Pride Travelogue
In which I share the true story of my week-long jaunt to Manchester, UK for Pride, wherein I drink my face off, amongst other adventures.
We Are The Night: The Triumph of the Lesbian Vampire Trope
Zombies have pretty much replaced vampires at this point, but you know what they haven’t replaced? Lesbian vampires, like those in the forthcoming “We Are The Night.”
Mary Gray Knows What it Feels Like For Gay Kids in Rural America
“I’m not less gay when I take the rainbow sticker off my car. I just know that if I have that in my car, I’m going to piss off people who are already angry at me.”
UK’s Lesbian Reality Show “Candy Bar Girls” Premieres in July, Is Already in Trouble
“Each of the on-air promos for the new reality show feature teasing close-up images that appear to be of two women engaged in sexual activity, intercut with lines such as ‘Red… hot… lesbians’ and ‘Pussy… loving… ladies’. “
Carolyn’s Team Pick: The Redesigned Design*Sponge
At the beginning of this week, Design*Sponge relaunched and now it’s sexier and search-ier than ever.
Jessie J Likes and Dates Girls and Doesn’t Care Who Knows It
Jessie J’s a pop artist on the rise and she’s doing this thing where she’s actually open about her sexuality. It’s kinda awesome.
Paul Clement Keeping That “Defending DOMA” Gig by Quitting King & Spalding
Paul Clement was quickly hired by a law firm started by the architect of the Patriot Act, where he can safely pursue his desire to defend discrimination against gay people.
How to Queer Mainstream Media and Progressively Start a Revolution Online
We’re online, we’re in the streets, we’re everywhere. And, goddammit, we’re on our way.
Photoshopping Lesbians into the Great Depression, In the Name of Art
What would the 1930s look like if it reflected a queer reality? Now you can find out.
A New Model for the Future of Lesbian Film From a Team of Nerds
Busk Films = Gay Things + Art + You = GOOD FEELINGS.
Being a Bad Gay: Things That are Begging, Even Now, to be Quieted for the Sake of Good Company
“It’s just that of all the spectrum riding, genuinely evolving, delicate fixtures of flight in my life, I so love my sexuality being articulated as concrete.”
‘OUT’ Celebrates Powerful White Men, ‘Marie Claire’ Clears Up Achele Rumors
What’s happening in the magazines, you ask? Well, it’s the 5th Annual Power 50 over at OUT and boy are they WHITE! Meanwhile, Marie Claire features the girls of Glee and I ramble on about power or something.
South Africa Starts Anti-Hate Crime Task Force
South Africa’s Ministry of Justice has established a national task team to address homophobia-based hate crimes. After 170,000 people accused them of maybe not doing enough.
Dragon Age Just Got Gayer, Get Your Lesbian Avatar, Let’s Play
The new release allows people to engage in a wide variety of romantic options – whether your avatar is male or female, whether you’re gay or straight. Let’s call it “Equal Opportunity Romance.” Sounds nicer than “the continuing battle for gay rights,” AMIRIGHT?!
Will Santana’s Lesbian Future Somehow Include Dating Men? (and Other Teevee-Related News)
“Instead of dealing with it, Santana kind of runs from it. And she’ll be running into the arms of…a dude” plus news about South of Nowhere, Exes & Ohs and Jessie J.
It’s Design Director Alex’s Birthday!
It’s Alex’s birthday and we’re having cake!! But you have to make your own cake.
SHOCK: Large Company (GayCities) Buys “LGBT” Blog (Queerty), Says It’ll Be Different This Time?
In which I go off on a tangent about gay male spaces claiming to be lesbian spaces when they totally are not.