Results for: representation
Gays Flock to NY Conservative Party to Save Senator Mark Grisanti
“If you can’t beat them, join them. And once you’re in, take them over and throw them out.”
NOM Knows How to Use Photoshop, Uses Its Powers for Evil
The National Organization for Marriage photoshopped 60,000 Obama supporters to look like they’re protesting gay marriage. No, really.
Gay Farmers Exist, Possibly Grow Your Organic Local Tuscan Kale
“I don’t make my work about me or being gay… But I feel like urban farmers are queering the food system. Just by bringing fresh food to this neighborhood we’re mixing it up.”
Geena Davis Is My Feminist Hero
Six years ago, Geena Davis — actor, Olympic archer, president on Commander in Chief — started an institute to study gender in media, in response to the inadequate representation of girls she saw on her kids’ TV shows. And now it’s doing things!
We Are Super Close To Getting Our First Lesbian Federal Judge
“Alison J. Nathan has years of experience, and everyone she has worked with seems to have a friend crush on her.”
“That’s What She Said” is Queer Asian America In Your Face
Why a group of six queer Asian American women are producing, acting in, and writing a groundbreaking queer web series, and why you should care.
“Adventure Time”‘s Animated Lesbian Subtext Is Too Hot for TV
Adventure Time lezzes it up in a behind the scenes video. The video gets taken down. Typical.
More Schoolgirls in India Might Be Lesbians
“The fact that they are mustering the courage to come for help on their own is indeed a paradigm shift.”
Help The Outliers Project “Contemplate the Space Between”
Be the change you wish to see in the world! And help this artist do the same.
General Mills, RE/MAX Won’t Advertise on “Pretty Little Liars,” Save Kids From Radical Lesbian Agenda
“ABC using salacious and glamorizing scenes portraying young, pretty women as lesbians sends the wrong message to these young girls…reinforces and legitimizes this lifestyle in a manner that could affect these young girls’ sexual identity for a lifetime.”
“Straightening” Gay Characters in Young Adult Fiction: Are YA Books Keeping You a Secret?
Is Young Adult fiction unfriendly to LGBTQ characters? The answer is “absolutely not” or “yes,” depending on who you ask.
Autostraddle’s Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide 2011: What Your Girlfriend Or Otherwise-Inclined Pal Wants
This annual gigantic gift guide features all our wants, needs and desires. Or some of them, at least.
You Need Help: What The Hell is Happening To Me
“I’m kind of scared and I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t want to tell anyone in case something is wrong.”
Finally, A Study On Queer Latinas
Latina queers exist, believe it or not. And we’re having some trouble here. This time, though, we’re less alone.
Let’s Talk About Lesbian Batwoman Some More
Earlier this week we published one opinion on DC Comics’ lesbian Batwoman reboot; now here’s a different perspective!
Dear Catastrophe Waitress: The Kit
Take off your ipod, you just got sat.
Eye Candy With A Conscience
Social justice! History! Art! Design! You can find them all here, in one boss new exhibition.
CA Gov Signs LGBT School Textbook Bill, Making California Textbooks Opposite of Texas Textbooks
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a controversial bill today requiring LGBT history inclusion in social studies texts. Which of the US’s two largest textbook markets will influence the entire nation?
Pretty Little Liars 212 Fashioncap: Some Dolls, a Wedding and a Mid-Season Wrap-Up
“My only other commentary on this episode is that Emily’s outfit is obviously a Sleeping Beauty/Princess Aurora reference.”
Hey Lesbians! You, Too, Can Have Your Dress and Car Stolen By A Straight Lady
Is acting like you’re going to have lesbian sex, and then not really having it, and then stealing the girl’s shirt/dress/car the hottest new trend? This ad depressingly says “yes.”