Results for: representation
That’s Not Who I Am: Calling Out and Challenging Stereotypes of Asian Americans
Asian stereotypes are everywhere. Let’s talk about them, yell about them and do something about them.
He Said/We Said Brings Queer Sartorial Smarts To The Ivies
This time, the handsome models take on the country’s top universities and honey BBQ cheetos.
Moonrise Kingdom: The Autostraddle Review
It doesn’t make any sense. That’s because it’s a love story.
New Study Questions Whether There Really Is “No Difference” Between Gay and Straight Parents
“This study cannot answer political questions about same-sex relationships and their legal legitimacy.”
DeAnne Smith and That Pesky Time Thing
Whether it’s self-imposed deadlines, dinner dates or my menstrual cycle, you can count on me to be at least five minutes to weeks late.
The Dirty Truth About Bisexuals, A Case Study
Just another article about bisexuals from the man-lovers at Autostraddle.
I Read “Trans/Love” And It Was Awesome
“I just realized wow, there’s so much to be said from the whole range of perspectives: trans women and trans men and everything in between.”
Want Gender Justice in the Media? WAM! It Yourself Already
“Power and privilege is about who gets to speak and who is listened to.”
Seven Female Rappers Who Are Not Nicki Minaj Or Kreayshawn
Here’s a league of talented female MCs who deserve your attention.
Ann Bannon, Queen of Lesbian Pulp Fiction: The Autostraddle Interview
“And so while I would have loved to have done what Laura did, to go to New York and try to find myself, I did the more conventional thing, and I think I was not alone in that.”
Seventeen and Vogue Magazine Have Issues, Like Body Image Issues
Maybe one day, Vogue will publish a spread called “You Do You.”
Queer Girl City Guide: Columbia, MO
For most people, Columbia is a pit stop on the I-70 trek from St. Louis to Kansas City. For those lucky enough to live here, there’s so much more to love.
The Newtown Girls Interview And Season Finale
Australian actors Renee Lim (Alex) and Debra Ades (Scarlet) open up about their experiences shooting The Newtown Girls. Also, watch the season finale!
15 Queers Cooking: Anne Burrell Joins Robust Legion of Lesbian Celebrity Chefs
The Food Network’s Anne Burrell kinda sorta “came out” last week. In her honor, we celebrate 15 other fine lesbian & bisexual chefbians who have graced the television with their presence.
Artist Attack! Zanele Muholi Boldly Archives the Difficult Love of South Africa’s Black Lesbian Community
“Even if you don’t understand, you refuse to understand, you have something to process”
4 Minutes and 50 Seconds of Ilene Chaiken
“If I am at the forefront of lesbian representation in the media, then yes I feel good about it.”
Artist Attack!: All the Cunning Stunts Queer It Up At Street Level
“…but I also think that part of what our light box project did was to not assume that participation in mainstream culture means that you also have to take the structures of visibility that come with it as a given.”
The Comment Awards Are Still Excited About Camp
And will be until 2056.
Autostraddle Book Club #5: The Hunger Games (Plus Movie Feelings OPEN THREAD)
Lambda Literary Awards 2012: New Books to Love
The 2012 Lambda Literary Award finalists have been announced! I want to read everything.