Results for: representation
Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems: Canada Whitewashes the New $100 Bill
The Bank of Canada of going back to the drawing board after a focus group decided that the scientist on the $100 bill looked “too Asian.”
TESTIMONY Exhibition Gets Born, Tells The Story Of Being Young And Queer
Were we ever so young? “Testimony” is here to tell us we were (and it was actually kind of okay.)
Jane Lynch and Rachel Maddow Switch Seats and Discuss Gay Marriage
Rachel and Jane dish about gay media representation and gay marriage on The Rachel Maddow Show. So this is basically relevant to every interest you’ve ever had, ever.
College Lesbianage Class of 2016: Starting To Feel Like Home
The lesbianagettes are feathering their nests for winter with friends, activities and lady loves.
Lez Liberty Lit #2: This Week You’re Here, Queer, Reading
This week: Eileen Myles, Emily Books, lesbians in comic books, Lady Business, technology and fiction, and what we’re reading.
Queer Up History: Maggie Keenan-Bolger Wants Your Stories
Maggie Keenan-Bolger is interviewing queers, taking down histories and making plays, and she wants YOU to participate.
Malinda Lo and Behold: The Autostraddle Interview
Malinda Lo spoke with Autostraddle about her new book Adaptation, diversity in YA, gay girls making out, and how much she loves us (spoiler alert: a lot).
NY Mag’s Queer Poly Lady Sex Diarist Has A Lot Of Actual Sex, Goes There
“I keep asking her for more, more, more, until her fist is 98 percent inside of me. I’m not happy with myself for not being able to take the last 2 percent.”
Also.Also.Also: The First Ever Gay Marriage On A Military Base and Other Stories We Missed This Week
AAA Episode V: Brittani Nichols Strikes Back, and in the meantime people have feelings about gay marriage, Republicans are delusional/happy, and Megan Rapinoe jams out on video.
Check Out Bitch Flick’s Open Call for LGBTQI Submissions!
Share your thoughts, feelings, and feminist critique of LGBTQI film and television with the internet today!
Alison Bechdel Talks In Speech Bubbles With The Rumpus
Rachel’s Team Pick: “You look a lot more friendly in person than you do in your comic.”
My Drunk Kitchen Likes Girls and Grills
“I shoulda bought this chicken a drink first.”
Why We Can’t Get Coffee: The Guide for People Who Love People Who Work From Home
What are the “rules” for working from home? When is it okay or not okay to interrupt? We tackle the topic for anyone out there who is or loves somebody who works from home.
Read a F*cking Book: “No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics”
A definitive collection of queer comics through the past four decades.
Artist Spotlight: Sally Whitwell
An out Aussie classical pianist whose three-part album tribute to her favourite film characters is as interesting as it sounds.
Autostraddle’s Women of Color Ask: What Does WOC Mean To Me?
“When I see lesbian couple after lesbian couple with not only matching haircuts and clothes but matching skin colours, I feel alone.”
The Comment Awards Can’t Help But Smile
Have I told you lately that I love you? All of you? Because I do.
GOProud’s Gay Lunkheads Endorse Mitt Romney
GOProud has endorsed Mitt Romney and remain obnoxiously short-sighted about what a Romney presidency would mean for the LGBT community.
On 20/20, Trans Beauty Queen Jenna Talackova Enlightens Barbara Walters, Your Family
In which Barbara Walters thinks it’s okay to ask, “so if I saw you undressed you would look like a woman to me, totally? Yes?”
Raven-Symoné Refuses to Confirm Lesbian Rumors, Much To Our Collective Dismay
“My sexual orientation is mine and the person I’m dating to know. I’m not one for a public display of my life.”