Results for: representation
My Top 8 Favorite Authors: Vanessa, Contributing Editor
The writers I like tend to be women who live, or who have lived, in New York, and who write about girls, growing up, and what it’s like to be a human being in this world.
When Will The US Abolish Cruel, Unusual And Inhumane Solitary Confinement?
Is the closing of Tamms Correctional Center — where even non-violent criminals are locked in a cell for 23 hours a day, deprived of all human contact, for years at a time — a harbinger of things to come?
Glee Episode 417 Recap: Guilty Pleasures Zig-A-Zig-Ah
This week on “Glee,” everybody played dress-up and some people cried and some people yelled at each other and some people were gay and had pillows.
Formspring Friday Waited Up For You
I hope you’re ready to answer some questions! We’ve got location anxiety, general anxiety, feelings about age differences, and should you be offended when someone says you look gay?
A Much-Needed Primer on Cultural Appropriation
I bought tiny dreamcatcher earrings from a Navajo woman when I recently drove through Navajo Nation on a road trip. Am I unconsciously promoting cultural appropriation because I like the way webs and feathers look dangling from my ears?
Autostraddle Book Club: Emily Answers Your “Cameron Post” Questions and We Throw A Feelings-Fest
emily m. danforth answers 36 of your questions about “Cameron Post” and then we’re all gonna talk about the book!
Also.Also.Also: P!nk is an “Honorary Lesbian” and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Dan Savage wants a fight, Serbian gays want their city back, and P!nk wants record sales. And I want a drink, stat.
Glee Episode #414: I Do Wish Santana and Quinn Had Kissed For Real
This week on Glee, Quinn discovered how nice it is to slow-dance with Santana.
Bomb Girls 201 Recap: I Heard You Like Beards
Bam! Season 2 has begun. This episode is called “The Quickening”, maybe for how quickly time has flown by since the end of last season. Kidding! It felt like forever and I wanted to die.
Hollywood Thinks Your Period Is Scary
Happy Friday the 13th. Your period is officially terrifying, according to the media.
VIDEO: Isis King and Janet Mock Talk About Trans Women In the Media, Are Awesome
“There are so many things about our lives that are so much more than our bodies and this transition that we go through.”
The GOP Just Isn’t Ready For Out Gay Latino Politicians
“The fact that an openly gay candidate can win by such a large margin speaks to the notion that… voters vote based on the character of the person and their values, not their sexual orientation.”
100 Best Lesbian Fiction & Memoir Books Of All Time
You voted and the results are in – the best 100 queer-lady fiction or memoir books of all time!
Artist Spotlight: Elaine Mai
Because you need more cute Irish musicians in your life.
Before “The L Word,” There Was Lesbian Pulp Fiction
Unfortunate representation of queer communities may piss us off but it doesn’t mean it won’t help in some wacked out way. Just look at lesbian pulp fiction novels.
Glee 407 Recap: Dull Duos
This week on Glee everyone dressed up in spandex and rubbed themselves all over each other. Well, that’s partly true.
Dr. Ben Barres Knows That Misogyny in the Sciences Is Real
The problem is that not everyone knows women aren’t biologically limited to washing dishes. Dr. Ben Barres studies brains, is trans, and shares his unique perspective on this un-news.
Femmes: Beyond Lipstick (and Heels and Dresses)
Sometimes you just want a role model.
New Study Suggests Buying Lots Of Makeup Won’t Make You Happier, Easier or Breezier
Also, maybe it’s the act of striving to achieve an impossible aesthetic that makes us miserable. Neat!
Lana del Rey’s “Summertime Sadness” Video Revealed, Features Lesbians Being Sad
Lana del Rey is totally gay in her newest video. Well, sort of.