Results for: representation
NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is Screwing An Intriguing Person
This week on NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday: the orgasm in queer theory, redefining beauty, Have Sex With An Intriguing Person Day, feminist porn and more.
Transitioning While Genderqueer (Despite the Standards of Care)
“It would have been nice to share my entire truth with her, but because of the Standards of Care, I didn’t; I feared my story would be seen as diverging from the typical trans* narrative too much.”
The 2013 Tony Awards Liveblog Feelings Situation
Singing and dancing and Neil Patrick Harris and drag queens and all the gay your teevee can handle!
Hey NYC LGBTQ Artists, Submit Your Stuff To “Love Out Loud” Group Show
Vanessa’s Team Pick: An open call for LGBT artists, photographers, and sculptors in the New York City metropolitan area.
I Went To Brooklyn Zine Fest, Had Feelings, Found Three More Zines You Should Read
“I think the way I felt here pretty much summarizes what Brooklyn Zine Fest is all about: the feeling that I have found my people.”
EU Wants To Fix Gender Inequality… By Banning Porn?
The European Parliament is set to vote March 12th on a proposal that seeks to ban all forms of “pornography” from “the media” without really specifying to which pornography or media they’re referring.
What Ag-Gag Bills Are and Why They Want To Outlaw The Truth About Animal Abuse
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had a *CENSORED*
A Prairie Homo Companion: Top 5 Queer Prairie Places on the Great, Wide Web
Check out this list of queer prairie sites to visit when you’re not reading A Prairie Homo Companion.
A-Camp May 2013 Recamp #3: Fun Before 2pm, Fun After 2pm
You’ve got swagger, fashion, comedy, whiskey, geeky pick-up lines and the coolest klub on the mountain!
Lez Liberty Lit #17: You Hate The Word “Moist” For A Reason
Best literary insults, stalking Eileen Myles, queer readings of Harriet the Spy and more.
New Gallup Poll Answers the Question “How Gay Is Your State?”
Gallup found out for you! Hint: not very.
Introducing B-Camp
If you didn’t make it into A-Camp, there’s still a bright beaming ray of sunshine on your horizon and it’s called B-Camp! BRING YOUR OWN PROPS AND HAIR CRIMPER.
14 Genuinely Awesome Times We Saw An Actress’s Boobs [NSFW]
Also, we’re breaking our own no-bare-breasts rule for this post (b/c honestly blurring out nipples felt stupid), so when we say NSFW, we really, really, really mean it.
Queering the F*ck Out of Musical Theater: The Personal Is Political Is Art
“Theatre taught me that it was fine to be different; I wish it had shown me it was fine to be a queer woman, as well.”
Snow-Covered Canadian Prairie Queers: A Survival Guide
“There’s not much media representation of the freezing lesbians in the snowy Northern prairies’ demographic.”
The Birds and the Bees: Let’s Talk About Sex With Maggie And Rachel!
Ali’s Team Pick: Maggie Keenan-Bolger has team up with Rachel Sullivan and they’re busy creating “The Birds and the Bees: Unabridged,” a play about female sexuality.
Things I Read That I Love #61: White Rabbits White Rabbits
Topics include karaoke, faith-based slavery in an Angola prison, Greek politics, chronic pain, emotional abuse, Richard Pryor, The Golden Dawn, murder, fantasyland and more!
Movie Night: Hedwig & The Angry Inch
Music, drama, banter, arugula, gummi bears, and fake sausage.
Masturbation Memory Lane: Roundtable and Open Thread
Autostraddle staff talks anonymously about when they started masturbating, among other things. Join us, won’t you?
Also.Also.Also: Kelly Rowland Really Likes Oral Sex and Other Stories We Missed This Week
The good news is, oral sex is legal in Virginia. So.