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Many people will say that transitioning is a necessarily selfish process, as it often should be – when it comes to things that you have to do purely for yourself, on nobody’s terms but your own, there are few more significant and intimately personal than the decision to live as a man or a woman. But there is no way to understand my transition apart from Heather. My emerging womanhood has been so intertwined with our life together that it’s impossible to separate the two.
But what if someone helps you – or goes beyond merely helping? What if you invite them into this part of your life, knowing you’re close enough that they truly understand you, and ask them to work with you on this? What if, together, you choose to pour all of the power of your combined love and intimacy and experience and history into the mission of rebuilding your very self?
I know that if I had never met Heather, I still would have transitioned, eventually. But I don’t know how it would have happened. I’m not one of the people who always knew they were meant to be a man or a woman – I didn’t think I was meant to be anything.
Most of my life was marked by a total lack of direction or motivation. I stumbled through the days, doing what I was told and never thinking that there might be anything beyond this, any room for me to be someone, anyone. I looked at my classmates and wondered what it must like to be them, to be normal, to have that certain something that lit up their eyes and made them unique. After being accelerated past entire grades and landing at high school at the age of 12, it all started to fall apart. As the academic accomplishments that had consumed my life began to flake away, everyone else finally saw as clearly as I did that there was nobody underneath.

I had never been certain of how I felt about girls – having classmates who were perpetually two years older made any kind of close connection unthinkable. I would admire them, spend time with them, get along with them better than boys, but I wasn’t sure what drove my interest. It was only much later that I realized this was a common experience of trans women: not knowing whether you want to be with a woman, or just be that woman. That’s how people usually phrase it, but I think it sounds a bit too much like some Silence of the Lambs skin-stealing cliche, rather than the product of a society where being trans is taboo, heterosexuality is assumed, and every interaction of men and women is believed to contain the seeds of romance.
Entering adolescence, I started to realize I was attracted to men. Just like that, any confusion was resolved – wrongly. I didn’t yet have the vocabulary and the introspective power to look any deeper into my gender or sexuality. All I knew was that I was different somehow, and that I liked men. The most obvious answer was that I was a gay man. It was also the most lazy one. I didn’t have to think about how I felt toward women anymore, since I could just be with guys.
I didn’t have to think about it.
I spent my days browsing the internet and hanging out on IRC. Occasionally, I’d befriend some guy, and we would decide that we were now “boyfriends,” and that we loved each other – whatever that meant. They all lived across the country, making it easy to avoid ever having to meet them and make good on those promises of “love.” What was wrong with me? Why did I feel like I needed to be with someone, while choosing never to make it into anything real? What the hell kind of gay man was I? I resigned myself to being alone, giving up on having a partner until the right guy just magically appeared in front of me and I could spend the rest of my life with him.
The years went on, day after day wasted in front of a screen until the early hours of the morning. After a week of losing more blood than I thought was possible, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, and had to learn how to live with the possibility that I would bleed to death in my sleep as my organs dissolved. I couldn’t keep waiting around for life to happen to me.
I threw myself into the ocean of YouTube, forcing myself to believe that someone out there might actually care about the opinions of yet another nobody. And someone did. Now I spent my days posting videos about whatever interested me: religion, politics, LGBT rights, the sorts of fundamental questions of existence and morality that people can’t help but get worked up about. As more and more of them were drawn to my videos, a person started to take shape, beyond that obedient, unformed agglomeration of childhood orders to be followed. I finally showed up to my own life.
“You look like you’re due for a haircut,” my mom suggested. I refused, for the very first time. I combed it up and out until it framed my face in a way that was new, unfamiliar but somehow right. I borrowed lipstick from the bottom of her makeup bag, clearly unused for some time. More people watched my videos than ever, unsure of what they were seeing. I wasn’t sure, either. They started to wonder whether they should call me “he” or “she.” I told them either was fine. It didn’t seem that important to me – but secretly, I was thrilled when someone referred to me as “she.”
A hand-me-down hoodie from my younger sister. Making a trip to the drugstore to assemble my own makeup kit. Learning to use a flat iron. Finding little sets of earrings at Claire’s and, incredibly, Cracker Barrel. Piece by piece, something was coming together.

In September of 2010, my mother was married for the third time, and I found myself having to shop for the kind of formal wear that I hadn’t worn in years. I picked out something online, too shy to go to the same stores where I’d bought hoodies and jewelry. The pockets of the loose white button-up shirt hung somewhere near my navel – it was clearly not for short people. It looked ridiculous on me, even with my hair tied back. I took a picture and shared it with my fans, joking about being a “double drag queen.”
Heather was a regular in one of my favorite LGBT chatrooms, but we hadn’t spoken much until that September. Having long considered herself bisexual, she had recently come to the painful realization that men had no place in her desires. Her marriage of eight years was coming to a mutually agreed-upon end. After another user insisted that she was obligated to come out for the good of all queerkind, personal consequences be damned, I messaged her to offer my support. We haven’t stopped talking since.
At a time when we were both forced to reconsider almost everything we thought we knew about ourselves, we bonded with a breathtaking ferocity, chatting from morning to night. For the first time in our lives, we had found someone who knew what it was like to be… us. We didn’t hesitate to trust each other with analyzing and dissecting every fear, every hang-up, every need. As I helped her understand that she didn’t need to feel guilty for her desires, she let me know it was okay to be who I am, whatever that was. Having come at this from the opposite side, giving up her dresses in favor of menswear, she knew how awkward I felt in an ill-fitting shirt and tie. It was so amazing to hear her talk about me as a woman.
We had to meet in person, and once she had ordered the tickets to come to Chicago, we could hardly wait. The days crawled by as our need to see each other grew ever stronger. I clipped my long nails as short as possible, somehow denying to myself that I was expecting anything serious could happen between us. All I knew was that I needed to be close to her – very, very close. But it felt too presumptuous, too disrespectful to the greatest friendship I’d ever known, to let myself believe she might want to be with me in that way. Later, we would look back at that and laugh at how I could fail to see everything coming. She was the person I would one day fly across the country to be with.

On a cold, rainy April day, she spotted me in the lobby of the Palmer House Hilton and broke into a run, crashing into me with an embrace that nearly knocked me off my feet. I’d never been squeezed so hard in my life. Hand in hand, just as promised, we wandered off into the city. “You’re so… you!” she marveled as she held me close to keep me warm in the chill wind. She told me about meeting other people she knew online, and how they were usually so different from her expectations, but I was just as feminine as she imagined. Before I went home for the night, she kissed the top of my head – a quick peck, a sweet little gesture of closeness that didn’t have to be anything.
The next day, we fell in love. At the Museum of Science and Industry, a must-see for anyone visiting Chicago, we scoured the hundreds of donor placards looking for any evidence of same-sex couples. There was only one. We fantasized about one day getting our names on the walls of museums. “Can I be your Mrs. McNamara?” I asked playfully. She just hugged me tight. On our way back to her room, we stopped at a drugstore to get some makeup for a Black Swan look. She had always wanted to do my makeup, and it was one of our favorite movies.
Before we had the chance, we ended up in bed, holding each other for hours and basking in the sheer bliss of being together at last. Somewhere in that timeless day, her lips brushed against mine. As she apologized profusely, I told her it was okay, and pulled her close. Looking into my eyes, she whispered: “Tell me not to.”
“It’s okay.”
The afternoon before she had to fly back to Florida, we stopped for smoothies at a corner shop, desperately trying to hold on to the little time we had left. Taking my hands in hers, she asked if I would be her girlfriend. I didn’t know. At the moment when she trusted me the most, when she was letting me take her battle-scarred heart in my hands, I didn’t have an answer. Her face fell. It was the worst thing I had ever seen.
There was no doubt that I wanted to be with her, and I rushed to promise her that we would always be together, no matter what. By the end of that weekend, I knew that I was ready to spend my life with her. Our commitment was never in question. I just hadn’t faced the possibility that I could be, not someone’s boyfriend, but their girlfriend. That was the part I had to think about.

It turned out I didn’t have to think for very long. Once I got home, my head swimming with the rawness of our new love and immediate separation, I found a message from her. She couldn’t wait to talk to me, and had ordered the in-flight WiFi so she could apologize for pushing me before I was ready. I didn’t want to waste another moment, and I told her it was okay – I would be her girlfriend. I was ready to be a woman.
My fans online were outraged when I told them about us. They thought Heather had somehow brainwashed me, that we were no better than “ex-gays,” that someone who was a gay man couldn’t possibly be in a lesbian relationship. Some of them made a website accusing us of being “pretendbians” – apparently we were just a straight couple co-opting what it meant to be gay. None of them seemed to grasp what was actually going on, and what a huge step this was for me.
My grandmother used to spend her days assembling massive, 5,000-piece puzzles on her dining room table. Every time we would come to visit, a little more of the picture would take shape: a barn, a sunset, Elvis. Maybe I saw the same methodical, patient determination in Heather. All of the pieces of my womanhood were already there, waiting. But she was the one who showed me the back of the box, the truth of what I could be. She was there at just the right moment in my life, and she was the one who pulled it all together. I finally realized why being a boyfriend had never worked for me: I wasn’t a boy.
The two years since we fell in love have been a rocket sled into Real Adult Life. Jumping head-first into the deep end of parenthood, I moved to Florida to be with her and her two young children. I tied my hair back again and used my old name as we hunted for apartments in a state where gender identity protections are just a dream. She introduced me to the family as her girlfriend, and taught her kids about “girls in boy bodies and boys in girl bodies.” Our older son knows he’s a boy in a boy body; our toddler just knows that I’m Lauren and he wants to play Minecraft with me.
At every milestone, she’s been by my side. When I wanted a bra, she found something to give form to a still-flat chest, and held me as I wept in amazement at how right it felt. When I took my hormones for the first time, she helped me through the sudden resurgence of migraines, and baked me a re-birthday cake: pink, blue and white. And when I had to learn how to be touched as a woman, she showed me how to feel what I had never felt before. Arm in arm, we stand together, looking toward the endless days ahead.
Without Heather, I still could have become a woman. But because of her, I’ve had the strength to become me.
About the author: Lauren McNamara is a queer trans woman living in Orlando with her partner Heather, their two sons, and a swarm of pet rats. She loves writing about politics, feminism and religious issues, and makes a habit of campaigning for secularism and LGBT rights. In her sparetime, she enjoys transhumanism, rationality, philosophy, and every kind of music.
Special Note: Autostraddle’s “First Person” personal essays do not necessarily reflect the ideals of Autostraddle or its editors, nor do any First Person writers intend to speak on behalf of anyone other than themselves. First Person writers are simply speaking honestly from their own hearts.
This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your story. :)
(hehe, bean flicking.)
I second Marika, I’m sitting here crying at how wonderful and powerful your story is! I’m glad to see more trans* women talking about their experiences in childhood that aren’t the cookiecutter “I’ve known forever” narratives because I didn’t even begin to realize my gender until well into high school and only in the past year or so have I truly been able to encapsulate it.
Thank you! The moment of realizing “hey, I’m not the only one!” is precious for all of us. It’s always good to see more people out there who didn’t necessarily “always know”.
oh, this was so lovely.
It’s wonderful to hear another more personal side of the always cogent Zinnia Jones! Autostraddle readers are so lucky to have your writing and perspectives.
Beautiful post
This was gorgeous, you sound like an adorable couple!
This is one of the first AS posts I’ve read that has made me cry…in a very, very good way.
All the feels.
Great article, Lauren (ZJ?) Puts a lot of what I know about you, and don’t know about you, in context.
It is wonderful when we set “our” course and in time we find ourselves realized on the other side. Much Happiness for you
Thank you so much for sharing this, Lauren.. I so relate to the “did I want to be her, our did I want to be with her” realization.. In my case, it turned out to be both (C;
Beautiful, just beautiful. I started watching your youtube videos back in 2009 and witnessed the changes over time. I only wish I had the courage that you do and a partner(I’ve been married for 15+ years) that is so understanding and helpful with those types of issues. Maybe someday I’ll be able to come out of my box. Thank you for this more detailed peek into your life and experiences. Best of luck!
That is so beautiful, thank you so much for this. Thank You.
Oh wow. This reminds me so much of my girlfriend and I (the part about a long-term heterosexual relationship ending after a shift in sexual orientation was especially uncanny!!). We were just at an event last night and marvelling at each other about how we *see* each other, when no one else would. Thank you; I will share this with her.
when i first read this piece i thought of y’all, too!
Its so eerie, Hilly and I’s relationship started as Woman (Hilly) and strangely weird assumed male (Me!) but now everything is so much better and comfortable. I so adored everything about this piece.
To this day, I’m still amazed that we found each other in the midst of such a huge world when so many things could have kept us apart. I don’t believe in miracles, but it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing and I’m forever grateful for it. I’m so glad you found someone like that for yourself, too.
Brilliant. Beautiful. Moving. More. Please.
this thoughtful and intelligent writing, thank you. Not sure if you wanted us to know about ZJ, as you didn’t identify that , you just mentioned youtube but one of the commenters did ID you. But in saying that, it’s really no matter, this is a really insightful and lovely. thank you.
Thanks! And it’s alright, I don’t really keep those things all that separate, and I don’t mind sharing it with people here.
Great story! The story of my path to womanhood is also inextricably linked to my life with my wife. I can’t wait to share this with her. It’s wonderful when two people together grow to each become truer versions of themselves. Thank you.
I’ve been watching your videos since 2008, and it’s really great that you’ve figured out who you want to be. It’s always great to hear stories like this. :)
This was beautiful, thank you for sharing. Even though I’m cis, a few of your momenta resonated with my own experiences, and I always get that clutching bittersweet pain seeing my life mirrored in others like Heather and her marriage dissolving. It’s comforting knowing that women from all walks of life share a surprising amount of experiences and struggles – we’re all in this together.
you guys have such a beautiful family.
Thank you :) I know everyone says their kids are the best in the world… but we kinda do have the best kids in the world!
I’ve been a fan of your youtube videos for over a year now. I was very excited to see your piece on autostraddle! It was wonderful and moving. Thank you so much.
the last line made me cry. this was so beautiful. thank you for sharing your story with us.
This moved me to tears. Thank you for having the courage to live your truth and to share it with the rest of the world. We’re all better for it.
I loved this piece so much! While I’ve never had a girlfriend (some FWBs, but not the same), I did have my closest friend with me for most of my post-transition life. We dated for a while before it ended, but we stayed friends. Maybe one day we might try for romance again, but who knows.
I didn’t meet her until about 6 months into hormone therapy and didn’t speak at length to her until after I began presenting female full-time. I wish I had met her sooner. Transitioning alone before that is probably the major reason that I’m somewhat damaged as a person. But since then, she’s been there to listen to me cry, argue with me when I spout out reasons I can “never be a real woman,” and share in my joys and discoveries in the wake of this whirlwind of physical, social, and emotional changes.
Unrelated Note: The first time a girl asks me to be her girlfriend (if it ever happens), I think I might melt into a feelings puddle. Reading that line in this article made me squeal and cry, and then everyone in the classroom started staring at me.
It honestly never occurred to me that my asking her to be my girlfriend might be the part of that article that touched somebody. Really opened my eyes.
Phia (the girlfriend I mentioned earlier) is my first ever girlfriend; I’ve had FWB-types but never anyone who was willing to be my GF. The day after we hooked up for the first time (an interesting chain of events in and of itself) I asked her what she wanted out of the relationship – casual sex, something more, in between? I’d been burnt by too many women who I felt strung along by, and wanted to get my expectations clear from the forefront. She said that casual sexytimes would be cool, but she would really like to be my girlfriend. I pretty much fell over. We pretty much squuuuuueeeed at each other afterwards!!
(then I had a massive freakout about being a girlfriend and realised that I was denying ending my relationship with my boyfriend even though we were poly because I didn’t want to be HIS girlfriend and within a few days changed our relationship and came out to my parents as gay. That was an epic week.)
6 and a half months, lots of challenges and interesting moments and beauty and dirt and lots of vulnerability and communication and seeing each other. Also interestingly another girlfriend within the last month – a mutual friend who I’d crushed on for a while but didn’t realise had been crushing on ME for AGES until I told her. Just like buses…you wait forever and then a bunch show up at once. It’s amazing and even with the hard times I’d take it all :)
Lovely article, and I am so glad to hear the author is doing well. It takes a long time to figure yourself out, even without having to work through your gender identity. I wish you and you two a lot of happines.
That being said (and I am going super off topic here – sorry!) would I be correct to assume this is the same Lauren McNamara who has a connection to WikiLeaks and was going to testify? Just curious.
I am, but that whole thing is a mess and I really have no clue what’s going on with it right now. I’m glad you liked the story :)
Thanks, just curious! I didn’t want to take away from this piece of writing, but I had to ask. Best of luck with whatever happens! Also, from doing some snooping, I realized one of my friends has linked me to your blog many many times. I would totally not have put that together without Google, haha. Small world!
This was beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us.
Absolutely beautiful. I’m gonna have to come back and make a more coherent comment later when I can see through my tear filled eyes…
Ohh, this was incredibly lovely, as are you and Heather. Thank you for sharing and for being you.
I feel so good right now. To know that it’s okay to change throughout your life, to come to different conclusions about yourself, to change your labels and your looks to come closer to becoming your essence…it’s a relief for someone who’s gone from “haha I want to kiss her” to “ew! no! I don’t want to kiss her! I want to kiss him!” to “woah. no I want to kiss both of them” to “actually wait no I just want to kiss her”. I love finding other people who say that they’ve never “always known”. Makes me comfortable in my own skin.
We’ve started calling it the LGBT grand tour. “I’m gay! I mean lesbian! Or bi! Also trans!” I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s taken the scenic route.
Gotta collect the whole set! I have managed (In order of appearance) G, B, T, L. Technically Q is in there too if that one is included. :)
oh no, Niagara Falls has moved into my eyeballs..
You have an amazing, beautiful story, and I’m so happy that you’ve been able to find out who you truly are <3
Been a fan since before you figured it out. Still a fan. Still think you’re awesome.
Glad you’re happy being you.
Just glad you’re happy.
What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing. I’m glad you found such a good person to share your life with. It’s also empowering for me to read about diverse families, and I wish more mainstream audiences would take the time to learn about loving queer families such as yours.
I’m sorry to hear that people (withing the queer community, I’m guessing?) criticized and attacked your identity and relationship. I think members of the LGBT community need to support each other even when we don’t understand each other’s experiences.
Interestingly, your situation resonated with me somewhat. I’m not trans but I’m lesbian-identified and in a relationship with a trans girl who I first dated when she was pre-transition. When we first met, she was a pretty “boy” whose attractiveness to me was incredibly confusing. Makes perfect sense how.
I also have a trans boyfriend (we’re poly) who I also first started dating pre-transition as well. He’s just started T, so I’m having to learn how to be a in a boy-girl relationship.
What can I say, my situation is unique. Didn’t plan it this way, I just happened to meet and fall in love with the people that I did. My girlfriend jokes that there are probably some angry holier-than-thou queers out there who would love to revoke my lesbian card. I suppose I should just stick with the more inclusive label of queer out of respect for my guy.
A lovely story; with a happy ending! I’ve heard far too many a trans* story sad endings. My own included. Can’t wait to hear more!
I was crying and speechless for a while after reading this. I’m still not entirely sure what to say besides ‘Thank you so much for sharing this!’
This is beautiful. I am very happy for you guys. It is wonderfull to hear a first person story about both love and figuring out your gender identification, and especially when it is this beautifully and honestly told. Thank you for sharing! :D
Thank you so much for sharing, especially the parts about how you felt growing up and how people first responded to you becoming a woman. Such a beautiful story.
This was a really beautiful and amazing article. Thanks for sharing yourself with us!
Thanks for sharing this story with us, Lauren. It reminded me in some ways of someone whose friendship and support were very important to me during my own transition (though it was a friendship in this case rather than a romantic relationship).
thank you for sharing…
Followed you here from Reddit, Lauren! /r/Actuallesbians is proud of you!
Thank you for sharing. You and your story and beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Lauren. You are amazing!
Gee, thanks. Now I have to redo my makeup. Great article!
I didn’t know at an early age, either. Up until puberty, it didn’t really matter to me. The great wise guy Confusion ruled for quite a few years after that. I didn’t come to realize and accept that I’m a woman until I was about 30. There were plenty of hints before that, but I can rationalize far too well.
The bean! What is it about that magical mirrored sculpture that makes magical things happen? I flew to Chicago last Halloween to visit some online friends I’d made. The trip made me realize many other things about myself including the fact that I really need to move out of this tiny little town. Only one month left! It was also the first time since coming out that I was treated as a person by strangers. I wept when I came back.
‘pretendbians’ and the Trans*-TERF War on the internet… If I had any hair, I’d have likely pulled much of it out by now over the thinly disguised hatred spewed forth by such people as Brennan. *hugs*
Wow…you truly are amazing!
if i ever learn to just chill out with my freaky self and stop trying to make everything make sense before it’s time, it will be because of the stories like this that i read on autostraddle. thank queer jesus for perspective.
Lauren this was a beautiful story, thank you for sharing!! My own transition was a much more drawn out affair!! I hid my true self for so many years, it was so painful!! But 15 years ago I took the plunge and viola here I am!! I had a wife who stuck by me, we were married for 34 years (10 after my transition) until she passed away 5 years ago. So yes I know how you feel about Heather!! Jeanne helped me be me and loved me through it all!! I also have 2 sons who are great guys and very supportive of their female dad.
I was just wondering, and if this isn’t an okay question feel free to tell me it’s not okay and I’m sorry about asking it, but how does dysphoria works for people who knew later? Well, I guess how does dysphoria work for you, since obviously you can’t answer for all trans people everywhere. Did you have it, and just not know it for what it is? Did you only start getting dysphoric when you knew? Are you just not really dysphoric in general? In which case, how did you know, because for a lot of people dysphoria seems like a big part of knowing. For that matter, what counts as dysphoria? I’m sorry if these are intrusive, and again, feel free to tell me if I’m out of line.
Not to be creepy ….lol But i was watched you for many years on Youtube as user name ZJemptv =P i am a fellow atheist as well and a Transgender MTF with a loving Wife and now a 6month old daughter.
It’s really cool that your story is much like my own. It took finding the love of my life to accept what i was and start my transition, I am now 13 months on HRT and could never imagine going back to being that depressed little “boy”
ps… sorry if my spelling sucks, And my grammar. I had a horrific time in school and getting Bullied every day to the point of me going to the hospital many times… and sadly i had to drop out when High school started, out of fear of dieing.
I have been watching you for years on Youtube. So intelligent and insightful. You are an inspiration, and I admire you.
I’m late to the party, but thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this story. I have many wonderful feelings after reading it.