New York Didn’t Vote on Gay Marriage Tonight, is Such a Tease

photo by Nathaniel Brooks for the New York Times: The State Senate majority leader, Dean G. Skelos, after a meeting with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Thursday.

Gay marriage in New York! Is it a thing? Is it a bird or a plane? Well, nobody wants to vote on it:

New York’s Senate is ending another marathon session without taking up a gay marriage bill.

Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos ended Thursday’s session just before 11 p.m. for what he called the health of the membership and those watching for what many consider a pivotal vote in the national movement to legalize gay marriage.

The Republican-led Senate will reconvene Friday morning. At that time, they could start to pass a backlog of more mundane bills then consider the gay marriage bill.

The plan is for the Senate to return to open session at 10 a.m. Friday.

Earlier today, Republicans were apparently STILL unhappy with the degree of religious protections offered under the bill and delegations went on and on. Says The New York Times:

By 9 p.m. Thursday, the number of senators who had voiced support for the measure — 31 out of 62, or one short of a majority — had not changed in over a week. And negotiations over protections for religious institutions that oppose same-sex marriage had yielded no final agreement between Republicans and Mr. Cuomo, raising the prospect that the Legislature could adjourn without addressing the controversial measure.

“We’re not going to work under time constraints,” Dean G. Skelos, the Republican Senate leader and an opponent of same-sex marriage, said Thursday. “We’ll do it when the conference is ready.”

According to a tweet from reporter Kim Lengle, we’ve lost State Senator Greg Ball to the anti-equality side — he’ll vote “no” on the same-sex marriage bill but “believes it will pass regardless.” This brings the tally to 31 for and 29 against with two undecideds.

Yesterday it was announced that we’d secured a 32nd vote but there’s been no follow-up on that yet.

So — the fight is “heating up” online, where a lot of anti-equality bigots are crying about people calling them anti-equality bigots on Facebook. Rather than ceasing bigotry, however, such upstanding citizens as New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan have opted to just turn comments off:

One post used a vulgarity to disparage the Virgin Mary, among other web posts and emails that prompted the New York State Conference of Bishops to ban from its Facebook page some users who accuse Dolan and the church of bigotry. More than a dozen have been banned, said Dennis Poust, spokesman for the New York State Catholic Conference.

“Our unofficial Facebook policy is not to automatically delete comments that disagree with us, but when the comments come into untruths or uncharitable, then we have to delete them,” Poust said. “And when it really becomes abusive we have to ban them.”

“The tension has really reached a fever pitch for some people. … I’m sure there are certain unstable members of both sides who are prone to excess,” Poust said.

But really, is it just super-terrible offensive things they’re erasing from their walls? Or is it anything that disagrees with their decision to support inequality?

In Totally-Already Decideds, we have some fun quotes today, the first from Sam Trombley, a Republican from Clinton County, who’s concerned about the spread of HIV if same-sex marriage passes. This makes absolutely no sense at all whatsoever:

“I’m surprised the health department has not come out against this because we are going to have an HIV epidemic if this passes. You don’t see two male dogs sleeping in the same dog house together.”

He’s actually not the only one concerned about the AIDS epidemic that’ll ravage the population as soon as homosexuals are allowed to legally commit to one another for life in open (to all degrees, really), trusting, honest relationships. Catholic League “blowhard” and “pedophile defender” Bill Donohue says:

“Before the New York State legislature decides whether to ratify homosexual marriage, it would be nice if one of the lawmakers were to ask what in the world is going on in the gay community. [snip] Between 2007-2009, there was a 6 percent decrease in gay men using condoms. Furthermore, homosexuals account for 60 percent of all newly diagnosed HIV infections each year; in addition, 60 percent of gays who have syphilis also have HIV. Moreover, 85 percent of gays with syphilis continue to have sex. The lawmakers need to ask gay leaders to testify about this issue.”

But back to our fine people of the Senate. Ruben Diaz, the most vocal anti-equality senator in the state, was interviewed by The Village Voice about all this (via @joemygod)

All right, let me ask you about this. You believe marriage is between one man and one woman, yes?

Yes [laughing] So? Why are you asking me this? You know that, you know what I believe. Why are you calling me? Marriage is between a man and a woman.

But you yourself have been married twice, and are divorced.

Yes. So?

So do you believe it is alright to be divorced?

No. Divorce is wrong. Gay marriage is wrong.

You think you are wrong, then?

When I got divorced, I was wrong, yes. Why are you asking me this?

But you believe that gay marriage is wrong and divorce is wrong, but that you should be allowed to get divorced and remarried, and gay people shouldn’t be able to marry at all.

When I got divorced, it was wrong, but marriage is between a man and a woman.

So is being divorced OK with your religion?

No, it is not OK. Gay marriage is still wrong. This is what I believe.

In other news, this unexpectedly extended Senate session is leaving a lot of Senators with nothing else to wear.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. You believe marriage is between one man and one woman, yes?

    Yes [laughing] So?

    feel like this pretty much says it all. hey, thank goodness i live in arizona and you, riese, live in california! where we can — ah fuck. nevermind.

  2. “Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos ended Thursday’s session just before 11 p.m. for what he called the health of the membership and those watching”
    or because he doesn’t support the bill and figures that by delaying bringing it to the floor, people will get tired and go home/forget about it/i’m not really sure what he’s thinking? they might as well just go ahead and debate it cause if they leave for the summer without doing so, cuomo’s just gonna bring them back for a special session.
    i’ve been on the edge of my seat about this issue for a week already, i’m so tired of getting my hopes up just for them to keep saying “a vote will likely happen tomorrow.” i hate politics.

    • ^yes

      Also, I’ve been on the edge of my seat as well, I mean, obviously since I’ve been “f5’ing” google news constantly since last Friday.

      • i know what you mean! i’ve lost count of the number of times i’ve googled “new york state senate marriage”

  3. Ruben Diaz is a gigantic asshole, and I’m sad that he represents the district in which I work, but do not live so yelling at him does nothing for me. Ew.

    How do people with such a limited ability to carry on an interview get elected for anything? i just don’t get it.

    • He’s a pentacostal minister, so I hear. People who are in a race to the bottom.

      He has learned that hate sells better then love. Keeps the collection plate full.

      BTw, hitler learned the same thing about hate- Thats how he got to power and 55 million died.

      BTW hitler was born and baptised catholic in very catholic Austria. He has yet to be excommunicated for murdering 55 million people.

      While his church babblesa about protecting life.

      Also read the report on the church and how it hid the endless molestation. The Phila grand jury report, a public record.

      The church should be shut down and most of the hierarchy probably belongs behind bars for life.

  4. “I’m surprised the health department has not come out against this because we are going to have an HIV epidemic if this passes. You don’t see two male dogs sleeping in the same dog house together.”

    I don’t even know where to start with this. Maybe if I keep banging my head against the wall it’ll start to make sense?

    • It makes total sense! You don’t see dogs sleeping in the same doghouse because gay marriage is illegal. If it gets legalized, dudes will marry dudes and start setting bad examples for dogs, and then dude dogs will shack up with dude dogs and, like, how are upstanding heterosexual dogs supposed to explain that kind of depravity to their puppies?

  5. i was there chanting with the best of them, and you know what? our numbers did not change. the evangelicals and protestors were in and out, but we stayed strong for hours, even when we were outnumbered by huge christian families chanting prayers and hymns. even if it wasn’t voted on today, i’m so so proud of all the supporters who have been there day in and day out, standing outside those doors.

    i was the most worried for the young children that had been there for hours. poor things had to carry those heavy signs with bible verses and homophobic slogans, and they didn’t give them anything to eat. they just sat there on the floor looking miserable.

    anyway, gay general store was a success. I WILL BE BACK, SENATE CHAMBERS. DON’T YOU WORRY ABOUT THAT.

  6. I legitimately do not understand the logic behind arguing against marriage equality. I just can’t comprehend how the brain even reaches that point to think it’s okay. :x

  7. Logic check:
    Supposedly, condom use is down among gay men, which means HIV infection is up. So, we can’t legalize gay marriage. Because we wouldn’t want to promote monogamy among gay men which might theoretically decrease rates of multiple partners and unprotected sex among them.

    AND this is disregarding the fact that the whole condom/HIV thing is a fucking scare tactic to begin with and really disease has no obvious bearing on marriage.

    Also, I guess gay marriage only means two men getting married. We’ll have to pass a whole bunch of other things to allow the wimmenz to marry each other!

    • One more thing: I have two male cats that cuddle up with each other to sleep all the time, I don’t know what the point about male dogs not sleeping together was all about.

      • doggy cuddle puddles and homosexual commitment are the final keys to unleash the aids epidemic apocalypse. I would think that was common knowledge.

        • i really enjoy your likely unintentional but appropriate use of ‘unleash.’

  8. today is a holiday in quebec (happy st-jean!) which means my store is closed which means i have nothing to do which means i will be watching these fussy NY senators pass a myriad of tiny things and likely dance around the issue all day until i am forced to abandon the pursuit as i have dinner plans outside of my house. i watched it for the majority of yesterday.. they literally talk for like 10 minutes, then call “standing at ease” for like two hours. bureaucrats!

    here’s the link:

    the music played while they’re on break is at once hilarious and heartbreaking, generally speaking. it’s definitely worth an unmute once in a while.

    • So I keep reloading the live stream & nothing’s happening. I thought they were supposed to re-convene at 10am today. dfjkgndfjkgnfd;skngdkgmf;gof

      • i feel your pain broski. and the twangy country electric guitar solo currently playing alongside that demure shot of empty seats is not helping. i reckon they’ll be on in a half hour or less, but that’s just because i am a naturally optimistic person who makes claims without any measure of solid basis.

    • “they literally talk for like 10 minutes, then call “standing at ease” for like two hours. bureaucrats!” THEY ALWAYS DO THIS. i had an internship last summer in albany that had me at the capitol a bunch and sometimes i couldn’t believe what i saw happening in front of me. the albany state government is one of the most (if not THE most) dysfunctional in the entire country. sometimes i wonder why i think they’re going to get anything done at all.

  9. this is doing nothing to help my canadian sense of smug moral superiority.


  10. And this is why I will cling to my tiny Homo Liberal Socialist Elitist corner of the world here in Boston, forever and ever, amen. There’s no place else that’s safe!

  11. My best friend is down in Albany with the Human Rights Campaign right now, and has been since Tuesday, I think. From what she’s been texting me it’s been brutal. Don’t they care about the health of the protestors on either side of the argument? If the senate really cared about their people, they would vote on this so everyone could go home! (Or maybe they’re enjoying trying to swim through a crowd of angry pro and anti-equality people). Seriously, guys. This is ridiculous. I’m actually afraid that physical violence is going to break out if they drag this out any longer.

  12. This whole thing is making me really sad & angry. Why can’t they just vote?? Oh yeah because the anti- side is afraid it will pass so they’re just stalling so it doesn’t get voted on at all because they’re sore fucking losers. WTF.
    I don’t want to think about it because it makes me want to throw things and I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed at work but I know I’ll be tuned into that damn live feed come 10am. Thank god my boss is on vacation.

  13. this is off topic, but i noticed that there was a link to a huffington post article at the end of this post. the huffington post steals content and does not credit its writers and just kind of is all around evil. one of many articles about its evilness:

    the new cool conscientious thing that all the internet kids are doing these days is not linking to them or paying attention to them at all.

  14. umm hey dude, i definitely sleep in the same dog house with my boy, dylan. dogs don’t give a fuck, we sleep where we want.

  15. So do you believe it is alright to be divorced?
    No. Divorce is wrong. Gay marriage is wrong.
    And if you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not a worth notification

    WTF with that guy? so it’s wrong to be divorced, but the fact that he is straight give him a +1.

    No comprendo

    • The selectivity with which he applies his morality and his dismissive attitude when confronted with the hypocrisy is truly mind-blowingly fucked. #Judgenotthatyebenotjudged

  16. My two male dogs sleep in the same bed together. But they’re just friends. They have a sort of 19th century-style relationship, wherein men hold hands and snuggle at night but don’t necessarily have sex. In fact, they’re both neutered. Is this at all relevant to the same-sex marriage bill in New York? It isn’t? OH. I WOULD NEVER HAVE KNOWN BY THE INANITY OF SAM TROMBLEY’S COMMENT.

    • To be fair, if inane comments aren’t allowed anymore, I have very little business being on this website like ever. Mind you I’m not a politician, I’m just a pundit.

  17. OK, I read through all the comments and no one has touched on this one topic so I have to.

    “I’m surprised the health department has not come out against this because we are going to have an HIV epidemic if this passes. You don’t see two male dogs sleeping in the same dog house together.”

    “Before the New York State legislature decides whether to ratify homosexual marriage, it would be nice if one of the lawmakers were to ask what in the world is going on in the gay community. [snip] Between 2007-2009, there was a 6 percent decrease in gay men using condoms. Furthermore, homosexuals account for 60 percent of all newly diagnosed HIV infections each year; in addition, 60 percent of gays who have syphilis also have HIV. Moreover, 85 percent of gays with syphilis continue to have sex. The lawmakers need to ask gay leaders to testify about this issue.”

    Are you fucking kidding me? That’s their argument? Well correct me if I’m wrong, but there has already been an HIV epidemic and you didn’t give a FUCK that gay men everywhere were dying. So what changed your mind? Oh that’s right, it didn’t actually change. You are just pulling arguments from thin are because you’re running out of things to throw at us.

    Also, is it really any of your business if someone uses a condom or not? I’m not a gay man but I believe gay men get to choose whether or not they want to have safe sex or not. JUST LIKE STRAIGHT MEN. If they want to put themselves at risk, that is THEIR choice, not yours.

    So please, stop making arguments that are completely and totally invalid and/or NONE of your business. Try finding a VALID reason not to allow SSM. Please, I’m dying to hear it.

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