Hey, do you guys miss A-Camp? Even if you didn’t go? I figured. Would you like to relive some of its glories in the Greater Boston Area? Then I recommend clearing out your immediate futures and heading to one of these awesome events. Or go to both! I’ll probably go to both. It’s not indulgence if it’s good for your soul.

#1: Today (Thursday) at TT The Bear’s Place in Cambridge, there will a bunch of awesome local and local-ish bands featuring a lot of awesome women, INCLUDING Resident A-Camp Rock Star Somer Bingham. When she’s not busy interning for Autostraddle, Somer fronts a band called Clinical Trials, which sounds like Alison Mosshart wrestling PJ Harvey while an audience of hair dolls makes wagers. Here’s a video they made about what happens when Barbies go to Klub Deer.
Other bands include Licious, who sound like a contemplative walk through a forest where the trees have eyes, Slothrust, which do you pronounce it like “Sloth Rust” or “Slo Thrust” I DON’T KNOW, and punk trio Sugar Bomb (fronted by Kat Hamilton, who is a ‘Straddler and a pink-haired force). Doors are at 8:00, and it’s 18+ and a mere $8. That’s only $2 per band! It’s way less than what you just saved on a haircut. You can get tickets here.

#2: Tomorrow (Friday), Julie Goldman is bringing her comedic stylings and impeccable hair to Club Cafe. Her show is called “Julie Goldman / Lady Gentleman” and features stand-up and probably some inspiring folk-rock. All the reviews talk about how “it’s great because she talks about lesbian stuff but she makes sure ALL OF US CAN RELATE” but after A-Camp I’m just like “it’s great because she talks about lesbian stuff.” Will she sing “Gay Baby Army?” Will there be a Brandy Howard cameo? Will that cameo feature squirt guns? There’s only one way to find out. Tickets here ($20, or $25 if you want to be a VIP).
Hope to see you there and there! I’ll watch for little triangle pins catching the light.
I really wish you had posted this earlier! I love that Autostraddle posts about local events, especially since the local coverage isn’t always that great. Posting on the same day of the event is going to be too last-minute for a lot of people.
You’re definitely right – I found out about it pretty recently too. Will try to keep my finger more on the pulse in the future! I hope you can make it anyway : )
There might have been a better place to keep your finger since we were just at ACamp.
It’s not the first time Autostraddle has posted about an event too late for me to make it, so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that providing a little more notice may be a better way to promote events here in the future. Maybe local chapters could get involved and do some kind of monthly digest for cities with a lot of members. It could be really cool, and really useful.
These are suggestions, not shade. If I sound sassy, it’s because if I miss your show, I will have a case of the sads that even Rachel Maddow on a unicorn couldn’t cure.
i think somer was just teasing! i totally feel ya on the “posting events at a late date” and it’s not an excuse to say that we learn about events late, just a sad reality. i think your local chapter idea sounds intriguing and i think you should email laneia about it! (laneia [at] autostraddle [dot] com). for the sake of rachel maddow and unicorns and all that is holy, i hope you make the show tonight :)
Yeah Somer’s actually teasing me I think. For that I will clap only half as loudly.
I think your local roundup idea is a good one, and something we’ve talked about before! But we talk about a lot of ideas of varying possibility (ex. the commune) so I’ll bring it up again.
You mean I’ve been out-sassed? I can’t stand for this.
Thanks for the suggestions, ladies! I will send an email when I get home. I used to work for an events website, so I could definitely help get something going in Boston.
Kate! I didn’t mean to be sassy to you, I was just giving Cara a hard time. Actually it was meant to be more like a dirty A-Camp joke…I maybe should have used some ellipses and a few exclamation points to imply the dirty innuendo.
…they make me write out schedules and draw water from a well and fetch lattes.
(it’s awesome)
In sum, the burden is really on me for not getting info & a press release to AS sooner so they might publicize. And really the burden is doubly on me for not thinking to combine both events into one awesome comedy/music/lesbian event happening with ample notice! Maybe in the future…
I’m so sorry my comment came off as douchey,
hm i wanted this to go under somer’s comment but alas. y’all get the picture. i love somer.
Ugh, I wish I didn’t live 3 hours from everywhere.
Julie come back to NYC as well, for a show or 7, so we can enjoy your lesbian executive movie realness!
I’m not sure how Somer’s gonna make that show, she’s got a lot of photocopies to make and coffee to fetch. @internsomer
It’s pronounced “Sloth Rust.” Picture lethargic yet majestic creatures met with oxidation.
They’re on the Deli Magazine’s “Best of NYC Emerging Artists” 2013 list at #30 because they, simply put, murder. Pure witchery.
Oh man, I wish I had seen this at the time or it had been posted a tad earlier! I would have loved to go to both or either events and am right in that area. Thanks for posting though and I hope all the attendees had a lovely time at the events respectively.