WoW Cataclysm Resources and (New) Auto Guild Info

Oh hey guys it’s me again prattling on about that thing that 12 million people play world-wide. I had a beer this weekend and made some EXECUTIVE DECISIONS, so we can see about having a little guild of Auto friends & fam. Below I’ve rounded up info about our very own newfangled guild along with a few resources for Cataclysm WHICH COMES OUT TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT, WTF.

Auto Guild FAQ:

+ Our guild: “Alt Lifestyle Haircuts” (Ally-side, Horde to come. Read on, jerks)

(other naming contenders: Don’t Ask Don’t Pwn, Autopwn, Bulldaggers Anonymous)

+ Our server: Bronzebeard US

+ Our guild website/further info: Autoguild

(Please sign up & say hi if you’re planning on playing! Also, LiveJournal. I know.)

Cataclysm Resources

Returning to World of Warcraft to Play Cataclysm: This is an amazing, comprehensive guide to changes to get you going

Rookie Guide: How to get started if you’re new to WoW. The articles in here break it all down into simple, bite-size, not-at-all-scary pieces!

Cataclysm Digital Download: If you don’t want to wait with a bunch of weirdos wearing pauldrons at your local GameHell, order the digital download and hit the ground running at 12:01!

Old Azeroth in Photos: Check this out if you’re already nostalgic for like, last week.

Cataclysm Wiki: All things Cataclysm, wiki-style!

Cataclysm 411: All things Cataclysm, less wikified.

NPC Comic: For loading screens.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Taylor has written 136 articles for us.


  1. Now all I need is a computer on which Cataclysm actually works, my brother needs to restart our account and I need to make a new chara.

  2. Alt Lifestyles 4 life! Haha glad I could join up tonight. Friend my toon! Lysistrata. we will see if Cata will load for me come this weekend.

  3. Our tabard has a pair of scissors on it. How can you not join?

    Really, though, it’s been great meeting all of you. I’m loving this Autoguild thing. I’ll join LJ / our LJ at some point tomorrow.

    Catch me in-game as Fizzwicket.

  4. My addiction just grew out of control…

    Elvalia here. It was nice to meet all of you tonight. :) Seriously, if you play you need to join this guild. It’s gonna be awesome.

  5. Gah, I wish I played on the US servers. :-/

    For all other Euros out there: There’s an alliance LGBT guild on Hellscream called Hand of Aphrodite and they’re a very friendly bunch. I rolled an alliance character just to be able to play with them. (I know! Freaky!)

    For the Rainbow Horde!

  6. sounds so cool! I wish I played WoW! But I don’t and alas will never understand the full amazingness of this post.

  7. I’m working on getting the money to play cata! :( sadly I’m so poor but I want to play with fellow straddlers!

  8. Pingback: World Spinner

  9. Will jump in and join you guys once i get the actual expansion. Currently still in mourning over all the quests that the ‘event’ caused to disappear off my quest log.

  10. Awwww, so sad I’m late at reading this. Maybe I should make my goblin hunter on that server once y’all get a horde guild up and rolling.

    Currently on Mannoroth. Character name Idalia, guild Rainbow Brigade. <3

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