We’ve been thinking about Spaces & Places with Meg Jones Wall‘s magical series, and it got us thinking about iconic fictional places, specifically, places from popular queer TV shows. When answering these questions about your “space,” you can interpret that however you want. Your literal home, your ideal living place, your metaphorical ~*~space~*~ that people experience when being part of your life. And then I’ll tell you which TV show’s iconic space you share a vibe with, to the best of my ability.
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Valerie Anne (she/they) a TV-loving, video-game-playing nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories in all forms. While having a penchant for sci-fi, Valerie will watch anything that promises a good story, and especially if that good story is queer.
Valerie has written 622 articles for us.
I think the quiz might be broken? I answered everything and hit submit, and got the following:
“Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly.”
OF COURSE IT’S BROKEN wordpress hates me. i’ll look into it, thank you!!
try again, should be good now!!
Thank you!
No, you were simply too gay, and the Autostraddle team is now coming for you to install you as their new leader.
Waverly & Nicole’s Couch. Given that that’s where the best TV kiss of all time took place, I’ll take it
I got Ryans RV and it is 100% accurate
Yay! And Shelli just so you know, “Villanelle’s Parisian Apartment” IS in fact one of the options, in case you want to take it again and choose more murdery options just for funsies ;)
Valerie Anne! This is perfect! I lost it at the Jenny sweetbreads quote.
I am so sorry <3 but I got "Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly."
I’m glad you enjoyed the sweetbreads quote! I’ll try to figure this out but also might just lie on the floor about it, we’ll see how it goes haha
@queergirl Laneia rescued me so I think it should be good to go! sorry/thank you
as that one dyke said to me at that one Pride when I tried to get past her, NEVER APOLOGIZE
I got Jenny Schecter *AGAIN*
And I didn’t even choose any sex (or organ) responses?
Same. I picked the most G-rated responses for literally every answer. No one’s bang, bang, banging on my door!
hahaha oh no
Yay, a quiz!
I got Elena Alvarez’s living room, which is pretty much perfect.
yesss an excellent option
I couldn’t not pick the sweet meats, but fortunately still ended up with Emily Fields’ bedroom so I feel relieved that the Schecter is not strong within me!
hahahaha amazing!
I got Willow and Tara’s dorm room! Without even choosing any of the “magic” answers. I feel deeply understood by this quiz! (Willow and Tara were my first queer ship ever ❤️)
I got Alex and Kelly’s loft and immediately felt a sense of peace. (Possibly thinking of that perfect sunny morning when Alex made Maggie breakfast she couldn’t eat) ❤️
We need more media representation of queer spaces populated with cats, books, small electronics projects, high powered model rockets and avionics under construction, weaving, spinning, and knitting.
I took the quiz once with my actual literal house in mind and got Elena’s living room! Then I took it again with my ideal “space” in mind and got Emma and Lyn’s bar! What does this say about me???
Valerie makes amazing quizzes! all these options represent my fave shows i love it
I got Ryan Wilders’ RV and the description is right about the plants!
I have 30ish plants. A friend once asked how I planned my plant space and I was kind of like “plan? Uh, I don’t plan, I just try to give my plants what they need”
“Your space is ever-changing. You rearrange your furniture whenever the mood strikes, and are constantly adding new touches here and there. And the plants! So many plants. Constantly changing plants. New plants, repotted plants, trimmed plants. Your space hardly ever looks the same for too long, but you need to do what you feel is right, and I respect the hell out of that”
Your space radiates warmth and welcoming, though it has a zero tolerance policy for closed-mindedness and assholery. You’re up on current events, both in the social justice community and also re: your favorite sci-fi show. You don’t care if being nerdy is cool now, because you’re proud of your nerdiness either way. PS. I love your Funkos.
Never felt more seen.
I got Elena Alvarez’s Living Room, and I love it. None of the furniture matches (which, same) and they have great plants.
I got Emily Field’s bedroom. Now all I need to do is stock it with some oils.
How can you expect me to choose a Katie McGrath role? The answer is all of them including in music videos
I got Villanelle’s Parisian apartment…
“Your space doesn’t really make sense. I mean, it does, it’s beautiful, I love it, really, but it always surprises people when they first see it. On the surface, it doesn’t seem to quite match your personality, but you know you better than they do. Besides, you’re not really a stay-in-one-place-for-long kind of person, so no need to get TOO settled. Also, hey…are you okay?”
And then I looked up at my place (my place that I’m moving out of in 2 weeks) and just smiled. Is it wrong that this match fills me with pleasure?