Quiz: Which Horror Musical Are You?

There are few things that get me revved up as much as a horror musical. The dramatics as base, the demand to suspend disbelief as flickering lights by stagehands turn ghosts and haunt, the crescendo in voice, music, and metaphor at the climax, the absolute bonkers concept of sitting in a room with a bunch of people as performers perpetual canon their co-stars to death. I am exhilarated, thrilled, absolutely gobsmacked at how horror musicals have gotten me through this pandemic (as well as tough shit before it) but it makes sense. How else do you make sense of the impossible but with media that demands you believe in it? I bring this quiz to you in the hopes that you get a glimpse of why I love this shit so much and so you can tell my friends to stop hating on it, it’s good shit!

You wake up and start to get ready for your day. Where are you headed off to and what time is it?(Required)
We’re out of the house/apartment/wherever you live, where we going next?(Required)
You run into someone you don’t really remember but remember enough that either you or someone you care about, doesn’t like them. How do you treat them?(Required)
Now that they’re out of your face, what can you finally do?(Required)
Time to wrap up and head home. Where’s home?(Required)
In the house, you decide to pop in some music to go along with your nighttime routine. How are you listening to your music?(Required)
Food put away, dishes washed, and the possible monster in your cellar ignored, it’s time for bed. Where are you sleeping?(Required)
What horror keeps you awake at night?(Required)

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A. Tony Jerome

A.Tony is a black nonbinary artist out here to do good and to do gay. They are a 2015 Pink Door Fellow, 2016 Lambda Literary Emerging Writer Fellow, 2020-21 Afro Urban Arts Lit From the Black! Fellow, and have worked with Roots.Wounds.Words., Words Beats & Life, and Winter Tangerine among other places. You can find more of their work on their website and listen to them scream about poetry & other interests on Twitter.

A. has written 47 articles for us.


  1. Tarrytown! I don’t know many horror musicals but definitely feel like it’s a genre I should get into.

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