Which Gay League Of Their Own Character Should Be Your Girlfriend?

Two weeks ago we all took a minute to find out which League of Their Own character we were, and it was a very intense and important process for us as a community. Now we have come upon the logical next step in this journey of League of Their Own discovery: learning who amongst the gay League of Their Own characters are our intended Gal Pal: Max Chapman, Jess McCready, Lupe Garcia, Carson Shaw, Jo Deluca or Greta Gil?

Which Gay League of Their Own Character Is Your Girlfriend?

The "League of Their Own" TV series on Prime Video is the gayest show ever and you probably have a crush on someone, but are they your soulmate?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Carson Shaw, yay!

    Also thank you for this sentence, absolutely true:

    “Two weeks ago we all took a minute to find out which League of Their Own character we were, and it was a very intense and important process for us as a community. ”

  2. Max. Hubba hubba.

    I’m apparently Jess, so peeing standing up is one of my many talents. ;)

    How fun!

  3. Riese, thank you for this! I tried to take the other quiz “backwards” to find my soulmate (which suitcase if owned by someone else do I find most attractive, etc) and it didn’t work, just kept giving me the same answer as who I am (Carson).
    My soulmate is obviously Greta or Esther, and this quiz can see that!

    • I am Greta Gill and I should date Greta Gill, as the taurus queen Lizzo sings ‘Cause I’m my own soulmate’.

  4. lupe! quite pleased with this and also the baseball pick up line question has given me so much fodder to annoy my friends

  5. Back to share this quote I found while researching my “girlfriend” aka Jess aka Kelly McCormack, whi said in an interview “women, … are my muse, my religion, my love.”

    The dykiest thing ever said??

  6. I got Lupe for both quizzes – oops. I really wasn’t kidding when it took me a nanosecond to click ‘Not being sure if you wanna be her(/them) or you wanna date her(/them)’

  7. Lupe!

    I do admit to have gone into this quiz determined to get her but we’re meant to be!

    Since ‘Vida’, Roberta Colindrez has been my one huge celebrity crush and I couldn’t believe it when she was cast in this show, and it was everything. If we get another season (Please God in heaven!) I want her to get a small love interest.

  8. Add me to the group who got the same character in both quizzes! Jess and I were just meant to be I guess. LOL

  9. HAHA. So on the other quiz, I was Carson Shaw and on this one, she’s who I’d want to date. Explains a lot. LOL.

  10. In true lesbian stereotype fashion, I myself to the quiz and learned I am Greta… and took this quiz and learned Greta is my soulmate. Can’t complain lol

  11. This quiz duet is legit. My wife got Carson Shaw on the “which character are you?” quiz, and I got Carson as my gf on this one!

  12. LUPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew it! Thank you, AS, for confirming what I already knew in my deepest dyke soul and facilitating what will surely be the best match of my life! I mean, ahem, besides my current partner of 24 years, of course.
    Also, I just need to add that I would have been very happy with Jess or Max, but Max is a teensy bit too femme for me and Jess seems like she could be harder to talk with and reminds me of actual exes who could not open up…
    One more thing: it was close to impossible to choose a teen crush object because the real and accurate answer was ALL OF THE ABOVE!
    Jessie (popular), Alex (butch, out, and did not care what they said), Jennifer (amazing soccer player who gave zero fucks), Emily (winsome weird poet artist femme), that older girl in my marching band rifle line, and so many others…
    But in the end I picked the one that would be most likely to get me to Lupe, because Lupe.

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