What We Love and Hate About Dating Scorpios

For those who believe in it, astrology can be a powerful tool for introspection and self-knowledge — or you can use it to talk shit about your ex and obsess over your crush. Journey with us as we do both, and then head to the comments to live your truth.

Vanessa Friedman, Community Editor

My mother is a Scorpio and my father is a Scorpio and when I asked my mom about it she shrugged and said, “People say Scorpios deserve each other,” so!

Drew Burnett Gregory, Senior Editor

My first year of college I only dated Scorpios, including my first serious girlfriend. I dated, or even crushed on, none before, and few since. Don’t know what that’s about! The Scorpios during that time were really, really different, so it’s hard to make judgements. Also hard to judge people based on early college behavior.

KaeLyn Rich, Writer

Scorpios are a mess and I’m a Capricorn-ish who loves a challenge. I have a big soft spot for Scorpios in all their combustible, calculating, power-hungry ways. Most of my most significant partnerships, romantic and BFF, have been with Scorpios including my current 14-year relationship. What I’m saying is, I feel like I speak with a lot of authority here. The best part of dating a Scorpio is their commitment to loving you above all else. They are the tops of the tops if you like your tops intense and fucking relentless. I personally love how emotionally guarded Scorpios are because underneath that thick skin is a romance-loving, sweet softness that they only show you when they fully trust you to be vulnerable with you. There’s an intimacy to relationships with a Scorpio that feels truly special. I think it goes without saying that the worst part about dating a Scorpio is how quickly they go from zero to 60 over the seemingly smallest things. Whether they’re the type to erupt in anger or bottle it up and retreat into themselves, a Scorpio who feels out of control of their emotions is a Scorpio who makes a show of force in an unhealthy way.

Positive: Passionate, cheer sex, eye sex, best voices when they’re whispering, they’re super devoted when they trust you, I find them the most withholding of their own personal world out of the water signs.

Negative: I mean typical Scorpio things; they can get a little intense at times but honestly I have no problem handling that level of intensity especially because when it does come out in my experience they own it and it’s easy to navigate once you’ve recognize whatever toxicity you have. I think sometimes though they can be like a Cancer sun in that they will somehow hold you accountable for whatever mistake THEY made in a way that’s manipulative and that’s… yikes.

As a Scorpio that has dated other Scorpios, I can state definitively that we are excellent at sex and secrets and not always great at other parts of relationships. Once trust is established we’re loyal to the bitter end, but in the beginning it can be tricky to navigate, as in my experience neither party wants to give an inch. My Scorpio hookups have always been fantastic.

Robin Roemer, Contributor

Scorpios are so magnetic to me. I love how a Scorpio can make you feel like the only person on the planet when you are with them. They will look deeply into your eyes and tell you exactly what you want to hear. Sounds great right? The downside for me is that I’ve had only two people very close to me in my life ghost me with no explanation and they were both fucking Scorpios. I’m unsure how I feel about this.

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, Managing Editor

The rumors are true: The sex is great! But Scorpios scare me lol. They’re so fiercely loyal, which makes for great friendships. I have a lot of Scorpio friends. But in my experience in a relationship context, that intensity can veer into controlling/jealous territory. And I’m not trying to get on any Scorpio’s bad side ya know! Anyway, both of my secret college girlfriends were Scorpios and that probably informed a lot of my dating patterns.

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  1. This reads less like astrology and more like a nuanced examination of the pluses and minuses of dating people with BPD, and if it had been packaged that way I would’ve probably been all for it.

    • Honestly, I am a Scorpio, and I’ve dated 2 Scorpios, one male one female, and dated a Pisces diagnosed with BPD, I gotta say the BPD is kinda easier to deal with.

  2. I’ve been waiting for this one since the series began. Was not disappointed. I would never date another Scorpio though—one person with all of the feelings and none of the trust (at first) seems like enough.

  3. I share my life with a wonderful scorpio. It’s delightful and never boring but I don’t find it particularly challenging. Might be the power of being a libra. (Or not really believing in horoscopes.)

  4. As a Scorpio I am offended. Just playing! I am what i am , theres someone out there that will tolerate me long term.. (not a Virgo).. or not. It’s all good 😅

  5. fiercely loyal, sweet when they open up
    for some reason sex with scopions is always super intense/insanely great

  6. My partner of 5 years is a Scorpio and she is extremely passionate and loyal, sexy as hell, fiery and stubborn. Wouldn’t change a thing about her.

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