What We Love and Hate About Dating Sagittariuses

For those who believe in it, astrology can be a powerful tool for introspection and self-knowledge — or you can use it to talk shit about your ex and obsess over your crush. Journey with us as we do both, and then head to the comments to live your truth. Feel free to also share whether you believe the plural of Sagittarius should be Sagitarii or the above-used construction. 

Vanessa Friedman, Community Editor

Sagittariuses rule. They go on adventures, remain independent, are mega babes, have fun, fuck a lot, etc. Did you know my Venus is in Sag? Just saying.

Drew Burnett Gregory, Senior Editor

I love Sagittariuses! And have dated none of them. I’ve been rejected by more Sagittariuses than maybe any other sign, but it’s always really clear and amicable and I end up with a lot of Sagittarius friends.

Stef Schwartz, Vapid Fluff Editor

A long time ago I rebounded from a shitty Gemini breakup with a hot Sagittarius who had many lovely qualities but among them I was particularly fond of her dedication to creating fantastic sex playlists. She was super into her favorite song at the time (“I’m His Girl” by Friends, I believe) and played it often…. until the next week, when she’d forgotten all about that song and had a new favorite song she was obsessed with. I guess I should have seen that as foreshadowing, because a couple of weeks later she had a new favorite song and it wasn’t me. We’re still buds! I like Sags! But their mercurial nature is frustrating for me, a super broody Scorpio who wants to focus on one person until they implode.

Rachel Kincaid, Former Managing Editor

I LOVE SAGS. So many of my friends are Sags! So many of my dates are Sags! Fire signs are the best and Sags are my favorite fire sign; they’re more balanced and grounded than Aries, less dramatic than Leos. Sags are famous for blunt honesty and even though it’s fucking obnoxious sometimes, it feels great to never have to wonder where I stand with a Sag; if they don’t like me or if I fucked up with them, it is immediately and unquestionably obvious. And that same honesty means they’re always the one ready and willing to call out or name something that’s fucked up, no matter how strong the pressure is not to; their honesty keeps relationships and institutions honest, and healthier. Also Sags are fun!!!! Geminis are fun at a party, but Sags can make a late-night taco run or Bachelor marathon feel like one. Are they the most committed sign? Not necessarily, but that’s not the same thing as not being able to be counted on in a lot of ways that matter.

Positive: Fucking adventure crazy, they will die trying anything once, a mixture of the youth of an Aries but the intensity and loyalty of a Leo, sex is SUPER fun, literally will really get into anything. Best roleplay of my life has been with a sag

Negative: Running away, in every way, always lmaooooo

(I’m a sag)

I’ve dated a Sagittarius and my partner is also a Sag, which as a Scorpio is not always great. They want to fly by the seat of their pants, rarely making plans until the last minute and hating to be pinned down – but they’re also fascinating, charismatic, ask excellent questions, and are always up for an adventure. My partner and I have astrological compatibilities in other aspects of our chart that help us work well together, and we’ve been partnered long enough to sort through our differences, but it’s definitely complicated at times when my fixed, stubborn nature conflicts with their excitable, curious tendencies.

Robin Roemer, Contributor

My second longest relationship was with a Sag. The positives are that sags are fiercely independent so when one of them picks you, you feel very special. Sags are really fucking sexy but also very fucking silly. Sags don’t get into relationships because they can’t be alone or feel like they should, they do things because they want to do them. I guess the downside is they do whatever the fuck they want. You won’t ALWAYS know what they are thinking because they need a good amount of space. Sometimes they can be impulsive and blunt which can make a lethal combination if you get into a fight, depending on how sensitive you are. If you’re a confident and communicative person, you should do just fine. If you are not, Sags will feel difficult to date.

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, Managing Editor

Ok, I said I would never date a Sagittarius, and I am currently dating a Sagittarius and I… fucking love it. Yes, she radiated some chaotic Sag energy when we first started talking, but I love that about her? She knows what she wants and goddamn goes for it. I appreciate her impulsiveness and decisiveness, and yes she does that extremely Sag thing where she never texts people back but she always texts ME back so!

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  1. ahahaaaa help what does it mean if I’m a Sagittarius who prefers planning over spontaneity and sometimes sucks at communication bc I’m afraid confrontation?? 🙃🙃🙃

    • Probs complicated astro stuff I don’t understand *¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (or it’s all bollocks)

      I feel a super strong affinity the sign and with the adventurer/commitment phobe aspects but am also a terrible communicator/avoider of confrontation :)

  2. Sags I know flirt hard like it’s the only language they know. But if I give in and say ok fine let’s go out, the interest evaporates. I’d still consider dating a Sag cusp maybe but I tend not to give anything more than a non-committal wink to these charmers, as I feel their interest seems only in the chase.

    • O you heavenly charmers,

      What things you make of us! For what we lack

      We laugh, for what we have are sorry, still

      Are children in some kind. Let us be thankful

      For that which is, and with you leave dispute

      That are above our question. Let’s go off,

      And bear us like the time.

      that’s us!

  3. i am a sag who never texts people back BUT i always bring beer to the party so i think it evens out

  4. Sagittarius here…and, SEEN 👋!

    I satisfy my mercurial itch by moving apartments every 2 years so as not to completely explode my life – however, after a couple decades, this is apparently seen by creditors as suspicious for some reason? I assure you, I have excellent credit.

    Sags are the mellowest and most agreeable of the fire signs! I would never speak ill of my fellow Aries and Leos (I would never speak ill of anyone!), but y’all know what I’m talking about.

    I love love love everyone and no one in equal measure!

    Honesty and directness is apparently viewed by others as aggression? But, truly, I see no other way to be. Like…I’m not even mad at you, this is the positive stuff, this is the negative stuff, fix your shit, tell me how I can be better to/for you and I will also fix my shit! It doesn’t need to be a drama.

    I never finish anything I’ve started, except for this thing right here. This thing is the most important thing and I will move mountains to see it through…ooh, look, a butterfly!

    I would like to find a nice Libra who can put up with my nonsense, or a nice Capricorn who has somehow miraculously not already settled down by 30. Scorpios and Pisces – let’s be honest with ourselves, we’ve had some fun, but we are not going to be good for each other in the long run.

    xoxo – your friendly Sagittarius.

    • this is what i’m talking about! the dream!

      a nice Capricorn who has somehow miraculously not already settled down by 30 😇

      • Oh haaaiii!!!

        Uncharacteristic for a Sag, I am also spectacularly bad at flirting…but, um..how you doin’?

  5. Been dating a Sag for the past two years and OMG so much sexual imagination! <3 Plus I have the cutest bite marks to show for their Scorpio rising.

  6. Thank you for writing this. Half of my planets are in Sag and the other half are in Scorpio. I feel like most of the things I don’t like about myself pertain to my Sag qualities, but it’s nice to feel the love from other people, haha.

  7. I’m a Sagittarius and ADHD and I feel called out. I don’t texting back often, but it is mostly because I honestly don’t remember to. Also I may or may not have misplaced my phone for the 50th time this week shortly after I received the text, so don’t judge me.

  8. I’m a Sagittarius and ADHD. I don’t text back often, but it is mostly because I honestly don’t remember to. Also I may or may not have misplaced my phone for the 50th time this week, so don’t judge me too harshly. Honestly, it is probably best I don’t text back. I mostly get texts from friends asking if they should hook up with someone. Which if they have to ask, it isn’t. They don’t appreciate the no.

  9. 2nding the use of ‘Sagittarians’.
    Love Rachel’s description of Sag honesty and commitment to keeping people/institutions accountable. I feel most like my Sag sun in those situations

  10. My Leo ex-girlfriend refused to get serious with me until she read my chart, and when she found out I was a double Sagittarius she was like SWEET, THE PARTY’S ON AND I WILL NEVER HAVE TO WONDER WHAT YOU ARE THINKING.

    I also have never felt so seen in my dang life as I do after reading y’all’s hilarious & spot-on observations. Yes! All of it is true! We are so much, but also we are the best!

    Now excuse me while I cue up my current favorite Taylor Swift song for the twelve thousandth time.

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  12. I’m a sag and my partner is a sag with the EXACT SAME BIRTHDAY. Does this mean we will spontaneously combust? Transmute into a fused topaz? Become benevolent dictators of the earth?

    But actually, my answer to the question to “What sign are you?” is “Scientist”, so I don’t know anything about zodiac. It does seem, though, that Sagittarius has a bow and my Chinese zodiac is dragon which can shoot fire these signs are the only obviously weaponized ones. Perhaps this means I should be giving up pacifism?

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