We Need Help: Now Hiring Team Writers!

Autostraddle is looking for 2-4 new writers to join our team in a capacity that will involve writing at least three posts a month, with the opportunity to write much more. Specifically, we’re seeking funny, hungry, ambitious LGBTQ+ writers with a fresh perspective, a lot to say and an original voice to say it in. We want risky, bold thoughts from writers who want to build a following and connect with readers through brutal honesty. We want you to make people laugh and change how we see the world.


You’ll be writing and publishing at least three posts a month (with the opportunity to write more), checking in with us on Slack and contributing to roundtables and the A+ Insider as requested. We know you’re not making a living here — most of our team writers have other full-time jobs or freelancing gigs — and are flexible about your schedule, but also very firm about deadlines!

You should have:

  • Familiarity with basic HTML and social media
  • Command of grammar/spelling/fact-checking
  • Be obsessively detail-oriented and eager to hit the pavement / make phone calls when necessary.
  • Passion for Autostraddle and building queer community
  • Above all you need to be reliable and accountable — the nature of a “virtual office” means we need a lot more “check-ins” than you might be used to

To apply:

Complete the application below. We’re asking for:

  • Your background and experience
  • Your availability
  • What your areas of expertise are
  • How Autostraddle fits into your overall life/career goals
  • 2-3 standalone story ideas
  • One idea (or more, if you have them) for a recurring, limited run column (running biweekly or monthly) you could write
  • A few writing samples, in the form of links to your work online or attachments as PDF
  • Link us to your social medias if relevant or applicable

We are especially interested in hiring writers of color. 

We’re also interested in writers who can contribute to any of the following topics / types of posts:

  • Thoughtful weird shit
  • Fashion and style
  • Witty, informative and accessible coverage of politics, including the upcoming U.S. election
  • Sex + relationships (especially by trans women and people of color)
  • Sociological type analyses: looking at studies and data and research, including our own
  • Humorous, quick-turnaround pop culture or personal pieces


If you have any of these skills, let us know: Photoshop, graphic-making, illustration, video editing, radio production/editing, merchandising, marketing, social media, event planning, research and data analysis.

What’s In It For You:

Writers are paid per post, ranging from $40 – $100 per post ($50 is the most common rate) with opportunities for more on special occasions (sponsored posts, for example, can pay more, as can reported pieces and Theme Issue posts) and room for advancement into higher-paying positions or additional side projects as those opportunities arise. You’re also paid for contributing to roundtables and A+ advice posts.

We are well aware that these rates are not going to even approach what you deserve, but! As you’ve possibly noticed, pretty much every queer and women-focused independent website ever has died over the past five years and that is because independently-owned queer media is not exactly a cash cow! But we do a thing that apparently many other publications don’t: we pay most of our writers within a week of invoicing and all of them within one month. 

You’ll get free and discounted merchandise, gold A+ memberships, reimbursements for expenses, passes to cool stuff, and the opportunity to apply to be on the A-Camp Team (and thus be a part of camp for free) or attend at a discount.

None of us are working for the big bucks around here, but we’re passionate about the work we do and we genuinely find writing to be FUN. You’ll become a better writer, build a brand and a portfolio, build valuable skills, have the freedom to write about things you care about and exposure on a GLAAD-award-winning and very popular platform. Former (and current) Autostraddle team writers include the Editor-in-Chief of Nylon, the Senior Tech Editor of The Daily Beast, the Executive Director of Bitch, Managing Digital Editor of Ms Magazine and the Assistant Managing Editor at Business Insider.

Deadline is 6 PM PST on July 17th.

Due to the volume of applications we receive, we’re only able to get in touch if we’re interested in working with you. We are aiming to get back to everybody we want to talk to more the week of July 29th – August 3rd.

Applications are now closed. Thank you!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!

The Editors

The has written 146 articles for us.


  1. I really appreciate these periodic reminders about the Real Job aspect of writing for when I get too many comment awards in a row and start forgetting that I do not actually want to do that.


  2. More butches writing would also be ace! I feel like there is a sad paucity of butch writers.

  3. Hey! Do we have to be logged in for the submission to go through? I didn’t realize I was logged out when I submitted and it everything just went white. Is that a bad sign?

  4. This was a lovely explanation of what you do and what you need and the limitations and benefits, truly!

  5. To The Editors: I submitted some content a couple of weeks ago. Haven’t heard anything yet. Does this mean you are not interested or simply very busy? Just wondering!

  6. Will you guys consider applications from folks not living in the US? Because I would love to apply but I live in Argentina.

  7. Hi, sorry to bother you but I had a similar issue where I think I submitted my application but the page just went white…. Haven’t gotten a confirmation email yet but I’m not sure if those are automated and immediate or if I need to just wait. thanks!

  8. Hi, I seem to be having the same issue as some other people. Submitted my application about 45 minutes ago and haven’t gotten an email confirmation yet. Just want to make sure it went through! Thank you.

  9. Same as other folks are saying – submitted, everything went white, and no confirmation email yet. Hope everything went through!

  10. Hey, joining the bandwagon–submitted mine, and the webform seemed like it all went through fine, but I haven’t gotten a confirmation email yet. Just wanted to make sure everything went alright.

  11. Hey! I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw this post. I submitted my application a couple hours ago, but I didn’t receive a confirmation email. Should I be expecting one? Thanks!

  12. Hey, just chiming in with more of the same just in case there is a problem! Submitted my app at 3:30 EST, the field went white, and no confirmation email yet. Should I be concerned?

  13. Hi! I just submitted my application, and I’m waiting for a confirmation email?

  14. Me too! Joining the worrywarts who submitted and watched our words vanish without a comforting confirmation email to take their place.

  15. Just adding my voice to the chorus of hopefuls sans confirmation email! I guess it’s probable the site received so many applications at once there is a delay sending them out.
    I have my application saved, so let me know if I need to email it over.

  16. ^same hat! I submitted the application at 8:50pm EST (cutting it close, I know), and haven’t received a confirmation email. I have all my answers saved and would happy to email them if necessary.

  17. @Editors, possible we could all get some kind of confirmation that everything went through?

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