Feature image via High Waisted Shorts and Vogue
Here’s an updated take on a classic piece of menswear (which always makes for the perfect lesbian style): collar accessories. And the best part? There are so many variations of this that you can find something perfect for your life — collar necklaces, collar tips, and my personal favorite, connected collar tips — no matter what your individual expression of gender is.
Detachable Collars/Collar Necklaces
Collar necklaces are amazing because a) they can make any shirt with a regular ol’ neckline look fancier just by existing around your neck and b) they come in such a wide range of materials that you can basically create any look you want. They can be hand crochet, beaded, made of chains, hard, soft, subtle, eye-catching, peter-pan style, pointy, or basically whatever your tender queer heart desires!

Beaded Peter Pan Collar via Topshop.com

Lace Crochet Collar via Meiziinus on Etsy.com
If you’re feeling especially crafty, there’s a really exciting crafting guide on A Beautiful Mess that will show you how to make your own Peter Pan collar necklace.
Collar Tips
These are so cute I can barely look them. Western-inspired, they add that extra little something special to an already sexy button down shirt. Because honestly, no one looks better in a button down than a queer girl, amiright? Again, you can go minimal or flashy with these, and there are a lot of really beautiful vintage ones on Etsy. Highly recommended for masculine of center queers looking to make an outfit snazzier, but that doesn’t mean femmes shouldn’t rock them too. We should all just go out and get some right now and then have a collar tip party. It’s also possible to buy shirts with collar tips already on them, but I like the idea of being able to create variations on an item you already own.

Collar Tip Pack via Topshop.com
Connected Collar Tips
Disclaimer: these aren’t officially called “connected collar tips,” but I feel that it is an important distinction to make. These collar tips are connected with chains that can be decorated with beautiful sexy objects like spikes and jewels and more chains and the collar tips can have leopards on them and ugh I want all of them! The other thing is that if you wear a necklace underneath your collar, it will have basically the same effect, so if you’re unemployed like me, you don’t have to go buy something new (even though I will probably be buying these later today because, priorities).

Chain and Spike Collar Tips via Topshop.com

via ASOS
Also, if you’re not afraid of commitment, you can accessorize your collars in a more permanent way by sewing on tips, OR you can be really awesome and get piercings for your collar. They are like piercings for your skin only without the pain and risk of infection, and they look just as gay.

via style salvage steve on flickr
What’s your favorite?
I like the connected collar tips cause they look like nipple clamps.
i was thinking the exact same thing.
Yup. Totally. Exact same thing.
I triple that.
Oh my god, I love the collar piercings SO MUCH
this changes everyballz
i hope someone crochets me one for my birthday
pierce all the collars, stat.
And I thought my tie rack was all I needed.
embellished collars ftw. this is one of my fav looks.
This is so cute!
I don’t see the use, I am sorry but it is the typical accessory that becomes momentarily “fashionable” that will end in the garbage or that you will soon forget about, we should really stop consuming stuff that is absolutely useless and only creates more pollution.
We seriously need to wake up from the numbness that consumption makes us feel.
(sorry for the terrible english it is not my first language)
Americans, eh!
I agree, which is why I completely support recycled/DIY/secondhand fashion!
These things are pretty vintage–I’m sure that, if you can’t make your own fancy collar out of things that you already have, you could find them at your friendly neighborhood thrift shop/garage sale/Out of the Closet/Buffalo Exchange/etc.
“We seriously need to wake up from the numbness that consumption makes us feel.”
I feel like this could be a line from a Wes Anderson film.
collar piercings????
I’m going to need to make my own peter pan collar stat. Not in leather.
Omigod, I really dig the pierced look. I feel like the other things would just be clunky, especially since I aim to wear collared shirts with ties (because, duh, the only thing hotter than a queer girl in a collared shirt is a queer girl in a collared shirt and a tie/vest/suspenders/me).
I love a girl in a tie. There is nothing sexier than being able to grab a girl by her tie and pull her to you, right? Or maybe the other way around for you tie-wearing folks.
Trust me, there is nothing sexier than a girl grabbing me by the tie and removing it. It’s a definitely a mutual sexiness amplifier.
Omgosh… Where have these been all my life?! As a queer grrl who has lately been embracing her androgynous/dapper soft butch side and has a mildly intense button-up fetish, I thank you. Now to go pierce my collars.
Those pierced collars.. I don’t know what I want more, to wear them or to make out with a girl wearing them. This is complicated.
My feelings exactly.
Ideally, I’ll go out wearing collar piercings and make out with someone who is also wearing some, and then maybe when we kiss they’ll clink together accidentally.
Seeing as this is a fashion article I figure it’s an appropriate place to share this Kickstarter I found:
“Androgynous is a clothing line that encourages you to stay true to yourself. You shouldn’t have to be anybody else to be accepted.”
I wear these all the time for work. Makes me look a bit more proffessional. And feel a bit more proffessional when coming in hungover after a night on the tequila. Really good post!
This seems relevant. We all like DIY, right? Make your own chained collar tips out of cuff links:
:O !!!!!!!!
COLLAR TIPS!!! Because my smart black date shirt just wasn’t fancy enough!!
this is the best thing I’ve seen since I discovered nutella.
Those collar piercings are hot! How would one go about adding a few to her shirts?
daaaamn. I really need to figure out how to DIY some collar piercings.
Welp now I know what I’m wearing on my uniform this year.
you guys
collar stays that are also multitools: http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/titanium-multi-tool-collar-stays
Could these things please be left in the 80’s where they died long ago?