Hey folks! It’s Christmas eve, and that’s a bummer, right? Maybe you celebrate Christmas maybe you don’t, maybe you love absolutely wallowing in obscene consumerism (me), maybe you are eating a pint of Haagen-Dazs by yourself (also me), or maybe you are trashed and accidentally outing yourself with the fam (please god, not me)- Who cares!
Feel like getting away for a sec with some sci-fi escapism? Sweet, me too. Stream the pilot episode for the upcoming super-promising looking Battlestar Galactica prequel series, Caprica.
The pilot’s been around for a while, but it was exclusive for DVD for a bit there, so don’t miss it in case in sneaks away! Futuristic queer sex clubs! Crazy holotechnology! Alessandra Torresani, Eric Stoltz & pre-cylons! Sign me up!
If the Hulu link fails you, Syfy’s got it too. Caprica will be hitting our funboxes (televisions) on January 22, 2010. That’s year two-thousand-and-mofoing-ten! The future is now!
I will keep all “funbox” jokes to myself. Merry Christmas.
no…please share them.
I want you to know that I’m doing this. I’m doing this b/c you told me to and also b/c i am drunk b/c my gf’s family made me drink shots of something and then she left the house and i am too tired to do anything and there is a puppy here OMG IT’S ERIC STOLZ actually i really like this show i love it
did they leave the house to in turn burn it down to collect on the insurance? because in that case YOU SHOULD ALSO LEAVE.
omg the poor man’s stanley tucci from the l word is in it
It is a good pilot. But man do I miss me some Battlestar galactica. That and katee sackhoff in a towel. just saying. I was pretty disappointed with “the plan” but I watched it any way.
you guys sometimes i get worried that i won’t live long enough to exist during the part when we have holadecks
ok firstly, why did everyone say when me and carlytron wrote a sitcom pilot that it couldn’t be over 22 minutes, that shit was fully an hour and a half.
secondly, i really liked it and am really excitant, though am also very concerned about Lacey joining the chastity club, it didn’t work for Quin. Also was the terrorist guy in Skins? I recognize him from somewhere. I will have more feelings but for now I am going to sleep.
i love that riese drunk commented 4 times here. also eric stoltz is tim, yeah?
no no, eric stolz was in a bunch of like Gen-X movies in the 80s and 90s. Eric Mabius is Tim.
oh. my bad. i should check imbd or something.
Oh, my roommates made me watch this on DVD last month! They’re obsessed with Battlegate Starlactica or whatever. But I came in halfway and was very confused. And also very sad for the poor girl.
omg battlegate starlactica= hilarious
drunken sci-fi commenting ftw!! i would watch this right now but i’m not on accounta i’ve already watched it three times and need to work through bsg again for all of the hot chicks, i mean story, but yeah.
greatest/most awful first 20 minutes in pilot history. waste of a girl genius, boyfriends are d-to-the-dizzumb. also known as really freaking stupid.
was this comment written in Klingon
I think I could become a Trekkie. For the tight-fitting, possibly-spandex uniform. You know.