Vote For My Mom

Okay, so, Homo Depot’s Home Depot Foundation is throwing a little contest called “Aprons in Action,” via which multiple non-profits compete for a bunch of money they need to perform Good Deeds for their communities. One of the non-profits in the running for the big payout, Jewish Family Services of Metropolitan Detroit, just-so-happens to employ my dear dear Mother, who would like me to use my “powers” for good and implore you all to vote for JFS. (My Mom is a social worker, sidenote.)

Every month for eleven months, Home Depot’s “Aprons in Action” has given a different non-profit $25,000 in Home Depot gift cards to “better their communities.” Home Depot associates volunteer their time/talent through “Team Depot” to provide the hands-on know-how and labor necessary to carry out these community improvement initiatives.

These eleven months of gifting have reached their climax this month, when every single day you — yes, you! — have the chance to pick which of these 11 non-profits will secure the grand prize of 250,000 bones (second place gets $150k and third place gets $100k).

Jewish Family Service needs these monies for their Project Build! situation, which matches people in need of home repairs with professional builders, remodelers and suppliers to ensure that everybody has a chance to live happily and safely in their own homes without walls falling on their faces. In particular, JFS focuses on meeting the special home-adjustment needs of elderly and disabled persons in Metropolitan Detroit.

Also, FYI, even though it’s called “Jewish Family Service” and my Mom is Jewish, you should know that Jewish Family Services helps all people, not just Jewish people. So even if you hate Jews, you should still vote for them. (You should also reconsider your decision to hate Jews, because that’s Anti-Semitic AND we make really good soup.)

A summary of Project Build:

About Jewish Family Service – Project Build!:
Jewish Family Service (JFS) is dedicated to helping individuals and families cope, survive and thrive in an ever-changing world. They provide personalized psychosocial and mental health services to individuals and families in the metropolitan Detroit area.

What Project Build wants to do with the money when they win:

Proposed Project:

If Jewish Family Service were to win the grand prize of $250,000, they hope to invest in the infrastructure of Project Build! to ensure that hundreds of low-income and physically challenged people in Southeast Michigan can live in safe and functional homes.

Over the last few years, hundreds of individuals have been assisted by Jewish Family Service. People who have contacted us in the past year include:

+ A 19 year-old young woman has been bathed by her mother for the past three years on her bed because she cannot access her bathroom with her wheelchair

+ An eight year old boy with Cerebral Palsy needs a ramp for the front of his house

+ A seventy year old man with Parkinson’s Disease needs widened doorways and other modifications so that he can remain living in his home

Project Build! can make a home safer for an older adult, provide independence for a person who has a disability, and provide a functional and clean home environment for a low-income family. With this funding, Project Build! would significantly improve the lives of hundreds of individuals and families in metro Detroit for many years to come.

Voting for JFS is important on several levels, most notably the fact that due to a series of brilliant life decisions, most notably inventing this website, I’m rarely financially able to actually visit my Mom or send her nice things in the mail. But if you vote for JFS, then all will be forgiven, like it’ll be the Day of Atonement!

On a more general and perhaps more convincing level, you’ve probably gotten the memo that the economy in Southeastern Michigan isn’t exactly booming, and a lot of families have been really hit hard by the recession. With budget cuts depleting our community of so many imperative social services, initiatives like Project Build are needed now more than ever.

Also, my Mom says that Jewish Family Service is super LGBT-friendly. In fact, despite the fact that my Mom and her partner Susan cannot legally marry in Michigan, my Mom can put Susan on her health insurance. Isn’t that lovely? It is.

You know what else is lovely? Helping people.


You can vote once every single day!

me and my mom in the 80's

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. I am only voting for your mother because I love her hair in that photo. (Oh and the cause is good too)

  2. Jew got it. My mum is uber proud of the majority view for LGBT rights when it comes to the collective Jewish community. Did you know that Jews were the minority group who voted in the largest block against Prop8? 78% against. REPRESENT. Also, I’m still really sad about the school shooting in France. So this cheered my little Jewish heart up a bit.

    • in the spirit of your gravatar i am granting you support and love. (and according to the pew forum, the only religious group who loves gay people more than we/the jews do are the buddhists, so i agree that we’re doing pretty well for ourselves)

  3. “So even if you hate Jews, you should still vote for them. (You should also reconsider your decision to hate Jews, because that’s Anti-Semitic AND we make really good soup.)”

    This made me lol, for reals. I guess that’s ok since I’m Jewish.

    Done & Done.

  4. I voted!

    Also, Riese: I would pay a lot of money for a poster of that picture of you and your mother with the talk bubbles.

  5. voted! mostly because my mum just made and sent my girlfriend and i matching onesies so i’m feeling pretty pro-mums at the moment.

  6. I love this. And I love that your mom is gay too. And I love tiny Riese’s shirt. This wins all the things…I hope!!

  7. “say something lesbionic”
    “home depot”

    -jack and rosie o’donnell on will & grace circa 2002.


  8. homo depot (!)

    also, i voted! good luck to your mom! win all the things and build all the houses.

  9. Did every queer lady here have that same short, bowl-like haircut as a child? Because I certainly did.

  10. OMG..OMG..THAT PICTURE..They say a picture is worth a thousand votes..Or something like that..VOTED

  11. Thank you! and vote every single day through the end of March, 2012. And tell all your friends to vote, every single day! Noodle Kugel for all!!!
    (great conversation bubbles! That picture was taken on the Tram in Melbourne, VIC)

    • Now I’m definatly voting cause I’m actually on the tram RIGHT NOW. And wearing THAT EXACT TOP.

      Toooo coincidental for it not to be fate.

    • Was it one of the old trams with the slide-y doors? I got stuck in those doors once on my way to school. Because I’m a Melburnian now living in Michigan as well as an avid AS reader I’ll vote every day too. Good luck!

  12. Aww, I went to vote but it requires Facebook =( However, I must comment on the super-cute Wallace-and-Grommit-esque smile Riese is rocking in the last photo… soooooo cute!

  13. Noodle kugel is over rated. Cheese kugel is where it’s at! With strawberries and sour cream! Nothing is more “roshhashana-ish” than cheese kugel. Good causes are good too, with strawberries and sour cream.

  14. i keep voting but it is not looking good when I see the current standings. Maybe update this post and call for more help?

  15. In some weird generational way I have made things come circle: my mother, who is on fb, voted for you. I will be waiting beside my mailbox.

    Good luck, and keep us posted (I hate fb but if I must I will register as Donald Duck to keep the vote count up).

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