Visions for “The L Word” Reunion That’s Maybe Possibly Happening

Friday night, in the midst of A-Camp, Ilene Chaiken had the audacity to tweet about a possible The L Word reunion? Reboot? Group hang? It’s honestly unclear. But here’s what she said:

Noticeably absent from this announcement is Mia Kirshner, but Kirshner also doesn’t have an official Twitter, so is it shade or not—you decide!

Given that we have almost zero concrete details about what the fuck any of this means, I have decided to speculate about what The L Word revival in 2017 could potentially look like. (I have also considered the possibility that Ilene is just trolling A-Camp with this announcement.)

The L Word: Afterlife

Given that Erin Daniels and Sarah Shahi* were both tagged in Ilene’s not-quite-announcement, it feels safe to assume that this reunion’s got ghosts. What if they’re all ghosts now? Just a bunch of queer ghosts haunting heterosexuals.

*You might be thinking to yourself “Wait, Carmen didn’t die,” but do we know that for sure? Think about it. The characters pretty much referred to her like she was real dead.

Making A Cat Murderer: The Mr. Piddles Story

Remember when Tanya totally murdered Dana’s cat? In Making A Murderer, an L Word spinoff true crime documentary, we finally get to the bottom of the story. You might think Jenny’s murder is the biggest mystery of the series, but you’re wrong. Mr. Piddles deserves to have his story told.

The L Word: Muppets Live!

What if instead of playing their original characters, the cast of The L Word came together to voice muppet versions of their original characters in a live muppet version of The L Word?

The El Word

Surprise: Ilene’s tweet was a lie. None of the original cast members are returning. Instead, comedy superstar El Sanchez is playing every single character. You’re welcome, world.

The Real Real L Word

The original cast produces a reality show about A-Camp.

The L Word: Second Generation

Angelica Kennard-Porter is all grown up and at the epicenter of this Degrassi: Next Class-style series. Shane regains custody of her brother Shay and is full-on soccer mom now.* Helena has twelve children.**
*Author’s Note: This is my number one fantasy.
**Also my fantasy

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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, fiction, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the former managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, The Rumpus, Cake Zine, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. When she is not writing, editing, or reading, she is probably playing tennis. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.

Kayla has written 993 articles for us.


    • Well, but why would Vogue do a photo shoot of them unless Chaiken is trying to create buzz for a possible reboot? There’s something afoot here, and I’m all for it.

      Good catch on those tweets, they were deleted from Beals’ and Holloman’s twitter feeds within an hour.

    • The tweet is unavailable now. But my real question is why are they doing a photoshoot?

  1. The Mon-El Word: In this bizarre crossover episode, the ladies of The L Word repeatedly punch Mon-El in the face.

  2. Whatever as long as the Vogue photoshoot involves Kate Moennig in a rompHIM.
    **my desires are unconventional**

  3. Wasn’t there suppose to be a spin off movie after the show ended nearly a decade ago?

    I’d like to know the reasoning why you want to see Helena having 12 children? Does this have these kids with Molly, the Casino gal, or a new gal?

    I wonder if Rose Rollins(Tasha) will be present?

    • For some reason Helena strikes me as the type of person who would set out to adopt/have one kid, somehow end up with 12, and then just roll with it. Plus she knows her way around a pregnant person…

      • Fine but are we counting the two (three?) kids she used to have when she first appeared, only to then completely disappear from her life ? …

        • Oh my God, you’re right! I can’t believe Helena and I both forgot about them…

    • Hey remember when Helena used to have children, that also where very important to her… ???yeah I totally buy her suddenly having 12 children and then have them vanish mid season never to be spoken of again

  4. Pam Grier is also missing from that tweet, which is a shame. I mean if it’s just a photo shoot, I wish she’d be there. (I know she doesn’t really speak highly of the show, but still!)

  5. The L WORD Washington DC edition. Or perhaps the LWord Austin, edition. You got weird and funky Austin meets the Lword and the trials and tribulations of trying to survive and thrive in the antilgbt state of Texas.

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