Vision Boarding the Hell Out of 2017

Making a New Year’s vision board is basically pulling intentions from your subconscious and turning them into art that you can check in with for the rest of the year. We spent some time making vision boards for 2017 because we needed the therapy. And the hope.

Carrie, Staff Writer

Kayla, Staff Writer

Laneia, Executive Editor

Riese, Editor-in-Chief / CEO

Audrey, Staff Writer

Cecelia, Staff Writer

Yvonne, Senior Editor

Carolyn, NSFW Editor

Dufrau, Staff Writer

Erin, Staff Writer

Heather, Senior Editor

KaeLyn, Staff Writer

Laura M, Staff Writer

Maree, Staff Writer

Mey, Trans Editor and Witch

Molly Priddy, Staff Writer

Rachel, Managing Editor

Stef, Vapid Fluff Editor

Valerie Anne, Staff Writer

Isabel, Staff Writer

Alaina, Staff Writer

Share your 2017 vision board!

Upload your vision board to imgur (or anywhere on the internet that hosts images), right click (on a Mac, control+click), hit ‘Copy Image URL’ and then code it in to your comment like so:

Happy New Year!

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Laneia has written 311 articles for us.


  1. KaeLyn’s board made my day. Remi looks like they’re plotting their role in dismantling the hetero-patriarchy.

  2. Audrey White, you’ve got me crying with your words. Again. “All I can do is hold my people close and fight like hell.” Hell yes.

      • I love the picture in the center! In trying to encourage my wife to make healthier choices I keep saying we need to build our muscles and eat more fruits and veggies so we can be strong and healthy for fighting the patriarchy. I love the idea that we also need to make more friends to fight the patriarchy!

    • I love this a lot esp that “this says cunt” just in case you couldn’t read it :)


  4. I’m pretty sure I developed bigger crushes on several of you. Carolyn totally had me all tied up in adoration, but then Rachel put Bob Ross on display and now I’m floating on happy little clouds. Rachel, I want to have your baby. :D

  5. An explanation for the Safety Team box in the middle, reposted from Facebook:

    So many of you would have heard me nattering about the Safety Team, and I’d already fielded some questions about what exactly that is.

    The Safety Team was originally assembled as a group of people I’ve committed to checking in with during my upcoming US trip. They have all my personal information and emergency contacts, and know to check in on me if I haven’t been heard from in a while or if I’m in possible trouble.

    What they really are though are some of the most important people in my life.

    There’s people I’ve known for 15 years and people I’ve known for about a month. People I’ve dated, people I’m dating, people I’ve hooked up with, people I wish I was dating. My sister and my soul siblings. Some know each other, some haven’t met a soul on this list. Everyone all so different…but all united in that they love me and care for me enough to want to make sure I’m okay.

    They are the best thing about my 2016, and one of the best things about my life.

    My teenage self could barely conceive of having 1 best friend…let alone an entire TEAM of people all looking out for me. My sister and my oldest best friend (who’s known me half my life) have both thanked the team for their love. They both know about how lonely I was growing up. Some of the others can tell you about how I am often very slow in trusting people, how I’m always so guarded even when I wear my heart on my sleeve because, as one of my favourite characters have said, “all motives are ulterior”.

    I trust these people with my life.
    And I don’t say that lightly.

    As my life goes, I’m sure some of these people will switch out. I’ve had people in my life who I would have put in a Safety Team before but now wouldn’t, for whatever reason. People who I know right now that may end up in this Safety Team down the road. As well as a host of friends and acquaintances like y’all who still care about me and reach out to me whenever I need help, an ear, company.

    That I’m able to be in a stage in my life where something like a Safety Team is possible…it blows my mind.
    I wish my desperately lonely to the point of suicidal 11 year old self could have seen this.
    I’m glad we stuck around long enough to do so.

    Thank you. Thank you for the joy you bring me each and every day, even on days when we’re not getting along for whatever reason. Thank you for being such amazing people. Thank you for being in my life.

    I love you I love you I love you.

    • The Safety Team idea is a really good one! Your board is super great: how did you make it? I’m struggling to find something decent to make a digital vision board!

      • The Safety Team bit was made in either BeFunky or Fotor (can’t remember) and the overall board was through Picasa! You need to get the app somehow but there’s a pretty good collage maker that has a ton of options.

  6. I love these all.

    Carolyn – I love your “do no harm but take no shit” button.

    I need one of those. I actually have that quote (attributed to Carmen) written on a sticky note on the wall of my home office / studio / guest room. My 72 yo mom saw it when she and my dad stayed for Christmas and she LOVED it.

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