VIDEO: Texas High School’s Anti-Bullying Lip Dub Video Goes Viral, Is Super-Cute

“The Great American NO BULL Challenge” is a student-led National Video Contest which aims to raise awareness about cyberbullying by soliciting 2-5 minute videos with anti-bullying themes rom students in 6th-12th grade. Entries were due March 31st and voting started April 1st — over 260 videos were submitted. So far, it seems like the kids at Cypress Ranch High School in Texas might have at least one of the ten billion awards in the bag.

The Advocate calls Cypress Ranch, based on this video, “the most anti-bullying school we’ve ever seen. See, the entire student body pitched in to make this bit happen, set to the song “Who Do U Think U R?” written by Cypress Ranch student Kaitlyn K.

I thought the gayest part of the video is when a girl wearing one feather earring, a la Romi Klinger, sings as the women’s softball team tosses bats over her head, but I changed my mind and decided the cameo by the Cypress GSA was definitely the gayest part.

If you pay close attention — and I suggest that you do — I think there’s a Where’s Waldo situation happening in a lot of these scenes. You’ll see!

Vote for these cats at the No Bull Challenge website.

What’s your favorite part?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. I like that this came out of Texas! (It also makes me wish I grew up in that neighborhood because that high school looks baller and mine didn’t but that’s a whole other story.)There is a definitely a where’s waldo thing going on to!

    • Just because this video came out of Texas doesn’t mean Texas state or the city the video came from supports it. I currently live in Texas and I’m a lesbian and its hard. Texas is waaaay too conservative. High school sucked also. Its rare to meet people or makes friends with people who will stand up for lgbt. Most will just say good for you and pass you by. My advice to anyone: Don’t move to Texas until Gay Marriage is legal. And that will never happen. Dickhead I mean Rick Perry hates lgbt…So stick to New York City or Rhode Island or San Francisco. Texas sucks ass. I’m actually moving to NYC this summer and I’m counting down the days until I’m free of this stupid ignorant state.

  2. The kid in the random chicken costume was the best.

    Also, what’s a Key Club, is this a latch-key kid reference or a locksmith training group?

  3. Oh god this is fantastic. Plus I was tickled to see the choir kids in the last shot because choir is totally the shit. I have yet to be in a choir that wasn’t the single most accepting place I could find. Choir does indeed <3 you as long as you can keep a tune and maybe even if you can't. Choir is gay nerd heaven.

    The Key Club is a service club, they're a sort of junior division of the Kiwanis. I only know that because my dad's in Kiwanis. They're like Shriners minus the cool hats.

  4. It took me a couple of views to catch the feather earring, but only one view to marvel at the GIANTNESS of American highschools. Or maybe everything really is just bigger in Texas..

    • This school is more than likely a 5A and it resides in the richer area. Also, they have this huge football program and tend to be recognized mainly for their football team and athletics in general. Of course, the scores are better too compared to lower class areas but football is important in Texas (for a majority). In my town, they just built a school on the richer side of town, worth more than 9 million, and my brother is going there next year. I remember when I was in high school and saw the sketches (knew the architect’s daughter) I asked her why does it look like high school musical lol

  5. Makes me proud this came out of Texas and damn I must say that school is sweet! It looks like the new one they built near me (younger bro). I’ve been teaching my brother about bullying and how messed up it is. I always tell him to be the better man and I have always told him that if a kid is being bullied he better step. I also remind him to inform his friends before they come over that I hate the words fag, faggot, gay used out of context, etc because I will go off into extreme detail of why that’s inappropriate and I don’t tolerate it. My brother made me proud when he defended a kid not to long ago. It shows that people can make an impact and gosh this school is awesome for doing this:)

  6. This is what I expect to see every time I watch Glee, and instead all I get is stupid Finn.

  7. Girls in mustaches around 3:30 (french club?) would definitely have to be the gayest part. As a Tx high school grad (ugh), yeah, that looks about right.

  8. Did you guys catch the girls with mustaches at around 3:30? I couldn’t read their club sign, but I’m really hoping they’re the Ironic Mustache Appreciation Society or something equally awesome.

    Also, this reminds me of my high school in the sense that everyone came together to support a good cause and work together and promote inclusiveness. Not in the sense of scale, because my school had about 98 students. Everything really is bigger in Texas.

  9. This is amazing. Made even more amazing by the fact that a 15 year old wrote and sang the song – it’s super catchy and I totally just bought it on Itunes.

  10. Did anyone else catch the “You is kind, You is smart, You is important” on the art club signs at 2:00? Totally adorable!

  11. i think it’s totally ok that i cried through 90% of this video. i just cannot handle high school kids singing! IT’S JUST TOO MUCH.

  12. Okay I definitely cried a little. And I probably watched this like five times trying to find all the Waldo’s, but I kept getting overwhelmed by how adorable and sweet and heartwarming this whole thing is and forgetting about Waldo.

  13. This is great and all, but for the love of god I am happy I’m not in high school anymore.

  14. Super cute! I was blown away by how brave one of the girls in the beginning was… walking backward through a tunnel of softball players throwing metal bats back and forth directly behind her head!

    Seriously, though, really cute, really hopeful, and super super catchy. I will probably be singing this all day.

  15. That was so cute!!! And I never knew American schools had so many clubs. We have choir….and more choir. Yay choir! :D

  16. hey i went to highschool near cy ranch! this a) is adorable omg b) is all one shot…whoa! c) blows my mind…when i was in highschool (at klein oak, in houston too) we weren’t allowed to have a GSA.

    in retrospect i probably should have set everything on fire. i mean… advocated for positive change in a constructive way

  17. So, uh, I don’t know what just happened, but I was sitting there watching this video, kind of smiling, kind of rolling my eyes at the cheesiness, but in a pleased sort of way, when all of a sudden, I

    just started crying????

    help emotion how do

  18. So cute!
    Their high-school population looks really small, but I guess that’s part of the appeal ;)
    Loved the mustaches. Going to start mustache club in own school now…

  19. I definitely cried through that entire thing. Those are pretty much the best high-schoolers ever.

    I missed Waldo though :(

  20. Of note:

    This is apparently the same district as Asher Brown, the 13-year-old bullying victim lost to suicide.

  21. This video transcends politics, cultures, etc. This is a very conservative area, OMG Republican suburb. but many of my conservative,Christian friends tear up at this video.

    when real people care for each other, and we ignore the media gin ing up division…this is the result.

    I know, my son did the video. And yes I tear up too.

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