VIDEO: Julie & Brandy In Your Box Office Episode #205: Cloud Atlas In The Sky

by riese & julie and brandy

Well, it’s been a number of months since Julie & Brandy last blessed us with their spunky and irreverent take on a popular film of their choosing, and although we busy ourselves re-watching The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo & Fries and Hhenger Gahms, it’s still difficult to get through everyday life without a new episode from which to steal and repeat jokes. Therefore I am simply overjoyed to announce a brilliantly fresh episode of Julie & Brandy In Your Box Office is about to premiere right in front of your eyeballs!

Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard were scouring the earth for a new film that’d be appropriate for their comedy stylings when they came across this speech by transgender director Lana Wachowski on this very website and thought, “Oooo! Let’s support this movie!” and dutifully trekked to the theater at the asscrack of dawn. Unfortunately they learned, as Julie put it, “good people make bad movies.” On another note, my mother saw Cloud Atlas on her birthday and loved it, so.

A quick refresher about In Your Box Office, World’s Most Beloved Webseries:

Julie Goldman & Brandy Howard are a sensational acting/writing duo trying to cause a sensation with their romantic-comedy, Nicest Thing.

But since no one wants to make their movie or cast them in anything, they feel it is their duty to harshly judge everyone else’s work based on a sliding scale of rage, bitterness, lesbianism, and lack of any real significant training.

So, get a giant box of Junior Mints, take off your socks, curl into a small ball on your couch and press “play.” And if you’d like to read more about the race-related issues people have with this movie that Julie and Brandy bring up in their video, I recommend Yo, Is That Racist? Race-Bending Your Way Around Cloud Atlas and Media Action Network For Asian-Americans Speaks Up Against Cloud Atlas.

Also (this is the last thing, I promise), even though everybody hates the new Final Cut, I really like it! It’s enabled me to post this video in HD so I encourage you to select 720 HD quality when watching this fantastic video!

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3303 articles for us.


  1. While the whole thing was hilarious as usual, Nacho licking his but then Brandy letting him lick her face really put this video over the top.

  2. I can’t wait to watch this video when I am not surrounded by small children.

    The jokes were lost on them.

  3. No offense Julie & Brandy, but I would rather see someone fail at making a Cloud Atlas than see yet another rom com–queer or no. Talk about lazy writing!

    With some exceptions, I mostly liked Cloud Atlas. Yes, there was waay too much Hanks (he’s not really a character actor at all), the makeup was obtrusive (although I think a lot of it was meant to be noticed and “at the movies-ish” and more meta-film comment than yellowface… although the two aren’t mutually exclusive) and thought the last story (the Hanks-Berry one) really yucky-awful-sucked. They should have just cut it out and the film would have been way better except that it’s really the most important of the stories in the book. As much as interconnectedness and past lives, yadda, yadda, I really thought a lot of the film was about genres, editing and the filmmaking process and conceits and that part of it is interesting. Maybe they aimed pretentiously high and didn’t quite make it, but I think it’s a pretty ernest attempt to represent the book in filmic terms and, while it’s sometimes hit and miss, there’s a lot to appreciate as well.

    • i think the directors could green light the project, but wouldn’t have so much money if they didn’t put tom hanks in it.

      i thought there was way too much hanks as well!

    • Lazy commenting is “No offense Julie & Brandy, but I would rather see someone fail at making a Cloud Atlas than see yet another rom com–queer or no. Talk about lazy writing!”

      For example, if I replied, No offense Ginsaf, but talk about lazy commenting!, I would explain by discussing how I have yet to read anything remotely positive in any comment by you but you usually give your reasons, even if those reasons are excruciatingly predictable. Oh, which is pretty lazy writing, too.

  4. i only watch the movies that are talked about on IYBO so i can imagine the characters as julie and brandy. It makes it so much better.

    • Right!? and this time there were so many characters that even Nacho had roles…and that is when I decided I probably couldn’t connect to this movie by virtue of having a short attention span.

  5. Like I almost want to watch this movie so I can watch this In Your Box Office again but I just don’t think I can sit through a 3 hour tom hanks situation.

    • i almost wanted to watch this movie so i could have an informed experience editing this video but didn’t think i can sit through a 3 hour anything without lesbians in it

  6. But… but… but… FROBISHER AND SIXSMITH WERE SO CUTE OMG. I dunno guys, I absolutely loved Cloud Atlas. And apparently so many people hate it an it makes me sad.

    That said, Julie and Brandy are always funny, even when I disagree with them.

  7. Am I the only one who paused the video to see how many of the comics on the bookcase behind Brandy I could name? I think I spotted Sandman, Y the Last Man, Fables, some Marvel and possibly some DC/Wildstorm stuff?


  8. IYBO, Hooray! Julie, Brandy and Nacho playing all of the characters featured – now there’s a movie I would sit through for two and a half hours! Actually a two and a half hour film of Brandy Howard wearing that weird synthetic beard would probably be okay too.

  9. Wow, I’m thinking you guys and “Watchdog” will finally agree on a movie review! I heard he walked out after a half-hour. As usual, you three are enough entertainment for me – the gift that keeps on giving. Nacho’s performance should be oscar-worthy while Tom needs to stay at home, sit on the couch and eat kibble! xxooxx

  10. Julie Goldman as Capt. Finger Blast, the beards and the pinky ratings are all I need to see associated with this movie. Hilarious as always, Julie and Brandy. Also, that Seven Brides for Seven Brothers reference/spoof made me incredibly happy.

  11. I <3 you guys and your hilarity. I actually thought that cloud atlas might be okay given the synopsis, because I love corny stuff, but three hours of Tom Hanks wearing different noses doesn't sound so appealing. Thanks for saving me $10.

  12. nacho popping up out of brandy’s lap like a jack-in-the-box was a lot funnier to me than it should’ve been, maybe.

    my mother would cry if she knew how much i can’t stand tom hanks you guys. she’d just cry. totally never seeing this movie ever ever. not ever.

  13. This is completely unrelated, but watching this has reminded me that I had a dream I was hanging out with Julie while washing cars and I told her that every time I talk about The Hunger Games, I have to say it like “Hengerr Gaahhhms”. And it’s true; I do.

  14. Terrible place to post this, yes. But that aside, DUDE JULIE I saw you in Bones!! I was all, “who is that super delish familiar face?” Aaand it was totally you, rocking a polyester bowling shirt. I couldn’t even wait to sign in to post this. It’s very exciting for me to recognize people because I don’t even know what (insert well known celeb here) looks like. Made me feel all fuzzy! Awesome job!

  15. You two are so so funny…
    There are things about you both, and things that you do that make me laugh so much. And laugh so hard.
    You are both so gorgeous, clever, crass and lovable. I adore you both. Oh and Nacho of course – wouldn’t be the same without him.
    Many many thanks to you for all the laughs.

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