It’s Sunday Funday! Drop everything you’re doing and get ready for some kick-ass queer news.
Everything is Fine
I just think you should read this today, and then tomorrow, and then the day after, and so on.
You can re-up on goals at any time. You can restart your day at any time. If you have failed at something you were trying to do, or soured your day too soon with depression, you can restart from the beginning at any moment. Improvement doesn’t hinge on circadian rhythms. Just go in the bathroom and close your eyes for a second and come back out and restart your day. A goal you set at 11:23 a.m. or 9:45 p.m. doesn’t have worse odds than a goal you set when your alarm clock goes off in the morning.
Taiwain Has a Female President
Meet Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s first woman president.

REUTERS / Pichi Chuang
Tig Notaro’s Gonna Be a Mom
Tig Notaro and her wife are expecting twins, and also have a perfect life. I just thought you should know.
When Stephanie and I got together, after so much excessive travel and work, we imagined a life where we could eventually raise a family amongst our own family one day. Now it blows our minds that our dream has been realized over the past nearly 3 years in the making. I have really come to believe SO MUCH in the saying that “it takes a village” and we have taken that to heart by creating our own little village tucked away in the hills of Los Angeles. Stephanie and I have built a beautiful little compound that her entire wonderful family actually occupies with us. Tea with her sister, dinners with her mother, music with her brother– its all beyond any fantasy I had ever imagined for myself. Borrowing a stick of butter from one another’s fridge, carpooling to the store and pet sitting for whomever may be traveling that particular week. With the loved ones and wildlife that tread across our yard daily, we truly can not wait to share this world with Itsy and Bitsy upon their eagerly anticipated arrival into our lives. With every twist and turn over the past couple of years, I can honestly say that I couldn’t be a happier and better person for it all. I no doubt love my career and feel thankful for all of the opportunities I have been offered, but nothing makes my heart explode with more joy and excitement or has utmost priority like what we have at home. I feel so unbelievably grateful for my friends and my family as well as my new family that surrounds us here at “Maison D’Oiseaux.”
Manatees Aren’t Going Anywhere Just Yet
The manatee population has rebounded 500 percent, and they may soon no longer be an endangered species. Yay! What cuddle monsters.
Local News
+Hundreds of people in Kansas are rallying behind a lesbian reverend who came out earlier this month.
+ The Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC has renamed its Gay & Lesbian Liaison Unit in order to be more inclusive. And thus, the MPD Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Liaison Unit has been born.
+ New York’s Supreme Court isn’t down with farms that don’t let gay people get married there. Just so you know.
Meet the First Trans Bride to Say Yes to the Dress, Melt Your Heart
Did you watch Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta on Friday after Riese told you to in this week’s Pop Culture Fix? I hope so, because Precious Davis was front and center, and she was the first trans bride-to-be to be on the show. And she’s adorable! And a revolutionary!
“When the life expectancy of a trans woman of color in the United States is 30 years old — I just turned 30 this year — it’s unprecedented” to thrive and find love, Davis explains. She went on to emphasize the importance of finding long-term, healthy intimacy in a world marked by frequent deprivation, which is often all the more pronounced for trans and gender-variant people.
Davis stresses that she and her fiancé are “choosing to be visible because our happiness should be lauded” like that of any other couple — regardless of gender or sexuality.
“We are in such a powerful moment in history in terms of trans visibility and trans equality,” Davis says. “And to add our narrative to that conversation makes us very happy!”
The weirdo weather we’ve been having has resulted in one very awesome thing: Tubby squirrels. Enjoy.
Hey! Just a heads up- it’s spelt Taiwan, not Taiwain.
Yes, and the President’s Last name is Tsai, not Tsia.
typos abound in this sentence, i see. fixed!
I’m so happy about the first link and the manatees and Kansas and the fat squirrels! I needed all these things. Thanks!
aw, i’m glad to have been of service!
Tubby squirrel!
My girlfriend took this photo of a tubby squirrel holding a real live Hershey’s bar…he is living the good life.
My girlfriend took this photo of a tubby squirrel holding a real live Hershey’s bar…he is living the good life.
Let’s hope my image coding works this time? D:
Truly living the dream.
this was such an amazing turn of events and i’m so glad to have been here for it
That’s awesome
oh my gosh, this is perfect
Yay for Tig. Their family compound sounds ideal (though I’d live with friends over family, in my particular case)
Everything Is Fine was such a good thing to read today. And probably tomorrow. And this whole semester.
Yes. So good.
Every lesbians dream to marry a straight goal. I know that’s the goal of my girl-gang!
“Choosing to be visible because our happiness should be lauded” …WHAT A BADASS THING TO SAY. All the best to this fab couple!
Thanks for the “Everything is Fine” post. Will probably need to re-read it again and again and again.
Very happy about the manatees. My new goal is to see a manatee in the wild. There’s a possibility I will be moving to Florida in the future, and reading about manatees is making me even more excited about that possibility.
I have seen manatees in the wild and it was every bit as amazing as you are imagining.
And there was a baby one.
I’m sure Jenny Schecter would be happy to hear about the manatees.
Someone give this a comment award.
Tig is my hero man. So glad for them!