This Two Minute Scene of “Happy Endings” Contains Ten Entire Seconds of Julie Goldman

Rachel’s Team Pick:

I have only seen one episode of Happy Endings ever courtesy of my friend Batia and don’t really understand what it is, except that I think there might have been an arc involving food trucks once. Or I’m just thinking of that Food Network show that’s actually entirely about food trucks. I became deeply more invested in the show about ten minutes ago, however, when Batia informed me that in a subplot involving one character’s quest to become a more active part of gay subculture, Julie Goldman makes a glorious appearance. Also, she’s wearing flannel, and there are some jokes which I believe are about sports! There’s really something for everyone here. Someone wears a bowtie! It’s like a gay potpourri. Here, sit down, I brought the crackers and spinach artichoke dip.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. I always watch Happy Endings and I was like “I love how any time someone needs to cast a lesbian role, they call Julie Goldman!” one of uuuuuussss

  2. Rachel, thank you for caring about me. This really made my day. I’m gonna go call ABC now and see if I can’t get my spinoff -” Lesbian Flannel” It’s really gonna be a good show. xoxox

    • Please make this happen. I’m tired of gay men getting all the comedy while gay women just get angsty, soapy drama. I want to see Happy Endings With Lesbian Max, or The New Lesbian Normal, or Modern Lesbian Family.

  3. Legit, seeing Julie Goldman on Happy Endings was so bittersweet cause, Julie Goldman on a show that I love but also, only 10 seconds of Julie Goldman on a show that I love. Now that I know she could be there I want her there always

  4. i watched this clip about 10 times. and by clip, I mean the part with JG in it. Anyway, would someone mind explaining the Orlando only bit?

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