Meet Heather. She’s a lesbian and an adventurer, and she is looking for love.
Heather decided that she was tired of OKCupid and Tinder. She took matters into her own hands and made her own website. Would you like to date a lesbian adventurer? Well friend, have I got good news for you: head on over to and see what she’s all about.
I am a good communicator, I have a lot to offer a potential partner/wife and I would love to share my amazing life with someone equally amazing, kind and compassionate.
I was introduced to Heather’s website by a mutual friend and was honestly, truly, and earnestly blown away. It’s one of the most honest, vulnerable, and sweet things I’ve seen on the internet in a long time and it made me wonder: is love a lie?
Heather came up with the idea after seeing a travel blogger she follows make a similar website. She registered the domain over a year ago, but it wasn’t until this Sunday that she launched.

A photo from one of Heather’s adventures from her Instagram
“I have tried a few dating apps and have made some great friends from HER and OKCupid. I tried Tinder too, and didn’t have the best experience. I kind of got tired of the whole idea of online dating. Over the past few years, I have really been focusing on me and what I want out of life,” she wrote to me.
The website is simple, but gives you everything you’d need to know about a person before dating them. She’s got her height, her gender presentation, what she drinks (whiskey and cider, duh), and her sign (Pisces), amongst other things. She talks about what she’s doing in her life, and what kind of woman she hopes to find.

Photo by Heaven McArthur
But the best part are the testimonials. Her friends, who she describes as “kind, compassionate, and making a difference,” all wrote the sweetest things ever about her!
Like this one, from Janet.
She has good taste in music.
Or this one from Brooke!
Loyal and loves dogs!
Sarah, coming in with the important facts:
Heather once had a good time in Texas.
Don’t we all know a Nancy?
Heather is the kind of woman who makes me wish I were a lesbian.
My absolute favorite one, though, is from Hannah.
Heather takes care of you and makes sure you’re ok even though you just met.
Be right back, I gotta go cry. If her testimonials say anything about her, Heather is a class act. I hope my friends think of me even half as fondly as Heather’s friends think of her. Anyone would be lucky to be her girlfriend! And just maybe that person is you!!

A Very Portland Picture
According to Heather, “So far I have had a few submissions via my contact form. Some of them have been men complimenting me on being such a badass. Some of them have been from women asking “where were you when I was single?” A few have been of actual interest. I am doing my best to get back to everyone within 24-48 hours and trying to set up a time to chat.”
Maybe you want to get to know Heather? Well, besides living in Portland, you can catch her at the Lesbians Who Tech Summit in New York later this year or (tentatively) at the Reformation Project Conference.

Imagine sharing this hammock with her during your down time.
If you’ve been looking for a lesbian adventurer, might I suggest looking no further than Heather. Her website says it all, literally. What more could you want?
I too am a lesbian adventurer. Too bad we’re an ocean away heather!
This post is my new happy place.
Heather says she’ll move overseas!! ?
i literally made an account *just* so I could comment on this article. This is absolutely the most pure, precious thing I have ever seen??? Can Heather please make a dating app in this style,,,
this is so honest and open and vulnerable-how brave of her! for those of us looking for real connections instead of just hookups or notches on our in-app match inbox, a dating app based on Heather’s website would do wonders. Could she also make a platonic friend date app based on this concept? cuz finding a strong supportive community as an adult in a new city is kinda tough y’all.
I agree. Thats why I am not online dating anymore.
Autostraddle has really committed to “love is not a lie” this week, and it’s making my usually “love is kind of a lie” heart get all warm and fuzzy.
I didn’t even know how much I needed this
Pretty early for me to already be feeling things but this was worth it!!
Can’t wait for the Heather app
This is great and all but I still think the Strddlr dating platform is necessary
maybe Autostraddle and Heather could collaborate on this? just sayin…
here for this
The only way that would work is if there is an emoji for awkward staring and wanting to say hi without making the first move.
If you figure out what that is, let me know.
I wish the photo of Heather at Stumptown was actually the cover of an enormous lesbian romance book that I just found and planned on reading all weekend.
When I saw it I thought album cover
I’m 100% not an adventurer, but this is precious and I respect it.
Kris, I don’t know you, but I love your name and you are using MY FAVORITE MINOR MOVIE CHARACTER AS YOUR AVATAR. I think this means we have to be best friends now.
::one whole month later:: Hello! I went as her for halloween 2 years ago. No one knew who I was until I raised my hand.
um I just put “Pull a heather <>” on my gcal for 2022. LOVEEEE
Alaina!! Thank you so much for sharing Heathers story!
thank you for sharing it with me!!!
This is my favorite thing on the internet by a lot. So pure and wonderful!
Aw… the testimonials are the sweetest thing. And was I the only person who got excited to see Clexacon in the background of one of the photos?
Tara, your Clexa radar is TRULY impressive!
Omg. I am totally in love with her level of earnestness. We need more of this in the world.
Heather, you’re perfect.
Can anyone sign up on Heather’s website?! Because even though I’m completely sick of online dating- I’d probably do that ?
Also- go Heather! You rock!
Can I just squeeze her? I wish her all the luck in the world in proving that love is not a lie.
This is so pure. I love it!
Spoiler alert: Heather is actually more radiant, kind, compassionate, altruistic, talented, motivated, intelligent, and thoughtful IRL than she gives herself credit for. I have had the absolutely pleasure of working next to Heather for the last 3 years and can attest to the fact that she’s the real deal. Heather reinstills hope for a kinder, gentler kind of love so many thought was lost in this crazy, crazy world.
AHHHHH, so proud of you, Heather! Y’all, Heather is honestly one of the most down-to-earth, kind, humble people I’ve met. Hit her up if you are even remotely interested. You won’t be disappointed!
She sounds absolutely amazing and I am cheering for her to meet an equally wonderful woman. Can we get follow-ups on this story? Headlines like “Heather and her girlfriend are adorable” and perhaps eventually “Heather gets married!”
i call writing her wedding announcement.
Never mind anything else I 1000% want to go backpacking with this person.
Of course she’s a Pisces!!!!
Heather, want to come to camp?
Heather comes to camp
Heather and Mara Wilson become a couple
I also registered just so I could comment. I’ve known Heather for over 10 years and she is one of the most honest, compassionate, genuine, funny, badass, adventurous people I’ve ever met. We all need a Heather in our lives, and I’m lucky that she’s in mine.
Everybody needs a Heather!
I cannot bear how PURE and GOOD this is, oh my god.
“Sign: Pisces (I was told this is important with lesbians)”
Also, anyone else wondering what their website would be? Especially the testimonials? Mine would be with testimonials like, “not as obnoxious as you think, after a while”.
This is why I think it would be best if we all chose a good friend to make our special dating websites :-D
I also registered just so I could comment. I’ve known Heather for over 10 years and she is one of the most honest, compassionate, genuine, funny, badass, adventurous people I’ve ever met. We all need a Heather in our lives, and I’m lucky that she’s in mine.