​​Things I’ve Never Asked My Friend Who I “Married” in Kindergarten About Queer Horror, Books!

Welcome to Things I’ve Never Asked! In this A+ series, we ask people we’re close to questions we genuinely don’t know the answers to! In this chapter, Yashwina asks their long-time friend questions and Robyn asks her questions in return!

Yashwina: I figured we could flip a coin to see who goes first. Call it!
Robyn-Phalen: Tails!
Yashwina: All righty, I’ll ask you one first! You and I have been friends since the year 2000, and that's a really long time. So if our friendship, over the years, had a Gothic associated with it, like the way that there's the Southern Gothic, Suburban Gothic, et cetera, what is our Gothic?
Robyn-Phalen: What is our Gothic? That's a good question! I think my answer is... and I think this is a good one. I think we ...

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Yashwina Canter is a reader, writer, and dyke putting down roots in Portland, Oregon. You can find her online at @yashwinacanter.

Yashwina has written 53 articles for us.