Hello all you beautiful queers! Everyone with any sense is on a beautiful mountain right now so here I am, brave little toaster intern Raquel, sacrificing so that you all have a wonderful Sunday Funday!
Oxford University Hires A Female Chancellor For the First Time in 785 Years

image via telegraph.co.uk
Boy, that is the definition of overdue. Her name is Louise Richardson and she’s a badass:
“I look forward to the day when a woman being appointed isn’t in itself news. Unfortunately, academia like most professions is pyramid-shaped—the higher up you go the fewer women there are.”
Manabi Bandopadhyay is India’s First Trans School Principal
Congratulations to her and her students at Krishnagar Women’s College in West Bengal!
The Bisexual Book Awards Just Gave Us Our Summer Reading List
They will announce the winners sometime very soon, and the finalists look like a bunch of all-stars.
Now I Really Regret My Choice of The Lyrics to “Time Of Your Life (Good Riddance)”
this is all I honestly care about right now pic.twitter.com/5J0YauhezN
— lil snowball (@casualnosebleed) May 26, 2015
This Squirrel is Living His Best Life
the fattest squirrel I’ve ever seen in my life just stole an avocado from our trash can pic.twitter.com/zoeTV9dhAf — b (@brob3rts) December 2, 2014
The link you gave for the bi book awards is actually the one from last year! Here’s this year’s one:
The winners should be announced soon since the ceremony was last night!
Thank you, Casey! You’re on it!!
Oh man, shoot! I got too excited. Thank you!
That squirrel is amazing. omg
I can’t get over it honestly
If you are the kind of person who throws out whole avocados, that is why your local squirrels are big boned.
This was a fun Sunday afternoon read:
this is a fantastic project- thanks for sharing!
…and yay badass louise richardson!
That year book quote tho.
Thank you, intern Raquel! :D
The squirrels in my city are so spoiled – I once saw one running up a tree with a whole donut in its mouth on my college campus. Kinda sad, since they probably couldn’t function very well in the wild. But I guess the reality is that these squirrels will always live in the city – at least there’s lots of urban parks for them to play in.
Thank you!! Now I’m imagining lots of chubby squirrels running around with Simpsons donuts and it’s making my evening.
That fat squirrel tho