Previously on The Fosters, Stef and Lena continued their pursuit of flawlessness by (nearly) effortlessly navigating the tumultuous waters of parenting teenagers who: are dating stalker-types (Jesus), are rescuing abused friends from foster care (Callie), are joining invite-only STEM clubs and starting new dance teams (Mariana), are trying to go on world tour with garage bands (Brandon), are perfect (Jude).
The Adams Fosters are getting ready to go on a weekend camping trip and it’s like Home Alone up in there, kids running wildly through the halls with tents and sleeping bags slung over their shoulders, Brandon and Jesus tongue-kissing their girlfriends like they’re never going to see them again, Mariana waving a forlorn goodbye to the hot shower and floor-length mirror, and Jude keeping it together more than any of them despite the serious camping PTSD he’s got from the gay stuff he got caught doing with Connor in that tent on their school trip.
Stef walks in on the very terrifying site of Hayley trying to coerce Jesus into a codependent relationship, so she kicks her right out of the house.

This is my murder-smile. It’s the last thing you see before you die.
Brandon and Lu are out there, making out like there’s no literal tomorrow, and Brandon gets real weird real fast when Callie stumbles out the door under the weight of Mariana’s giant steamer trunks. He tries to cool it with the smooching, but Lu says he’s just being silly; no one cares about dry humping in front of their little sisters. Callie smirks at them from the driveway, rolls her eyes, nearly throws out her back trying to lift Mariana’s junk into the car.
In the kitchen, Stef takes the hardline (surprise!) about phones; she doesn’t want the kids to bring them because she knows they’re going to spend all their time doing group snaps and selfie chats on Lena laughs affectionately at her and demonstrates the difference between twerking and Twitter. The difference is that one of those things gives Stef lust-eyes and the other one of those things makes Stef’s eyes glaze over with boredom.




And how can I make it happen more?!
She spanks her wife right on the hams and says to bring a whole thermos of coffee, ’cause after the kids are too asleep to come knockin’, their tent’s gonna be rockin’! I love that #LenaTwerking as an actual ABC Family hashtag. I love it so much.
Lena: If we make them leave their phones here, though, we’ll miss out on the guaranteed hoot of seeing them lose their absolute shit when they stop getting reception.
Stef: Fine, okay. You be the cool mom and I’ll keep being the rule mom.
Lena: Wait, what?
Stef: They come to you for hugs and to me for motivation to live their best lives.
Lena: No, seriously, what?
Stef: It’s cool. It’s fine. I’m fine with it.
Lena: Yes, but if you were ten percent as good as a normal lesbian at sensing even the most subtle mood shifts in all people within a ten-block radius, you would see that you just super hurt my feelings.
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This episode was magnificent, made only more so by this magnificent recap. My jaw is still on the floor from the #LenaTwerking business.
I know! Me too! It delights me to no end that ABC Family used to be the Family Channel as was founded by notorious homophobe Pat Robertson!
Stef and Lena are so wonderful, loving and sexy! I am forever disappointed by the lack of hot fanfic for them.
Yeah, where is THAT fan fic? I would read the hell out of that!
I’ve found a few sexy fics but not nearly as many as there should be! :P
Great recap!
One thing I love endlessly about the lack of sexytimes between Lena and Stef on this show is that it’s totally organic. There’s actually a clear running gag about how frequently their sex life gets thwarted since they have 34 children, and it’s refreshing that for once that just feels realistic instead of uptight about lady lovin’. That pan to a sleeping Hayley in their tent was beautifully executed.
I, too, feel a lot of the Coach/Tami vibe between Lena and Stef and I love it. I continue to think this show is wildly underrated.
I also agree that it’s widely underrated. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it’s on ABC Family and also we, as a culture, are just super uncomfortable with so much earnestness.
I agree with you about it being underrated because it’s on ABC Family. When I first heard about Switched at Birth, I was wary of watching it because I had preconceived notions of the type of shows that would be on ABC Family. But it’s an amazing show and it deals with complex issues really well. Same thing with Chasing Life. I think that all three of those shows (The Fosters, Switched at Birth, Chasing Life) are very feminist. And I think that a lot of people are missing out on phenomenal shows because of their ideas of the network.
Oh, I completely agree. There are amazing feminist elements in all of those shows. Pretty Little Liars, too, but that’s a whole other beast.
Thank you for the recap! I also cheered when Lena said “That’s heteronormative” on television. This show is perfect, and your recaps are also perfect like Jude and Lena. And I am so looking forward to Jude and Connor being adorable next episode.
Lauren, I thank you — but no one is as perfect as Jude! :)!
When Lena said “That’s heteronormative” I started clapping. Then I had to rewind cause my clapping made me miss the next line.
Also, Lena twerking! She was hands down the MVP of the episode.
She’s the MVP of my life, honestly. I meditate on her serenity at least once a day.
Yay! Someone else cries during every single episode of this show!
I usually don’t even make it to the pancakes in the credits without bursting into tears.