Two L Word Generation Q Season 2 Teasers Are Here and Full of Sex, Hair and Hands

The long-awaited first Season 2 L Word Generation Q Trailers (well, technically they are TEASERS but you know what I mean) are here and wow are they full of mysteries and secrets about what to expect from our favorite lesbians and queers! (If you’re looking for more info on the show, check out this post on everything we know about Season 2 of The L Word Generation Q!)

Here is what we are presented with in this L Word Generation Q teaser, after deep investigation by the TV Team (note this investigation is ongoing and will be updated as information warrants):

  • As a personal attack on me specifically, the trailer opens with Gigi telling Nat and Alice she’d like to get back together, and then saying that she is JOKING
  • Bette thinks it is unlikely that she is going to find someone who meets all of her criteria, which ok yes of course
  • Gigi says “come here” in a sexy voice to a mysterious human
  • We cut immediately to Bette doing sexy bite kisses with a mysterious human with curly hair
  • Is that Bette and Gigi having sex with each other? I ship it
  • UPDATE: Is that Bette and the new character played by Vanessa Williams having sex with each other? I ship it
  • Potentially Angie (??!) in a bowtie at prom with Jordie (???)?
  • Shane says that “the messy parts of people’s lives are always the most relatable” which is maybe what she’s telling Alice about writing her book?
  • Finley has a black eye? INTERESTING
  • Finley says in voiceover “I think I’ve always loved you” which is obviously about Sophie #Sinley4Ever
  • Someone removes somebody else’s underwear
  • Dani says in voiceover “I keep replaying what happened” and I think it is also her saying “I need to know the truth,” which is played over Sophie looking v serious
  • Dani and Micah are going for a run! Good for them!
  • Someone says “You’ll never tell a soul, right?” and we have no idea who that is!

After deeply analyzing this teaser, we realized there was another:

What do you think of these new Season 2 L Word Generation Q teasers?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3303 articles for us.


    • You are so right and you should say it. I know they’re both cheaters and yes they’re both very hot, but what an odd pairing. Gigi IS perhaps too good for Bette.

    • Is there a chance MAX character would be able to come back? I liked the Max character, wasn’t a fan of all of the storyline but I loved Max. Max wS awesome. Xx

  1. In this household we are losing it over a possible Gigi and Bette hookup? Obviously that shit would crash and burn but sounds hot 🥵

    • Gigi and Bette!!!! Another Top Off??? *Cue the music* My heart broke for Dani. I’m hoping we get more of Dani and Micah’s friendship this season!

  2. 00:15 hopefully it’s Sophie and Finley(they do look like Sinley from season 1 finale). These look like Fin’s legs and Sophie’s hands?

    Also if it helps, after several repeats 😋, I think you can hear Sophie both in the “I keep replaying what happened” and the “you cannot tell a single soul”,parts.

    Can’t wait for your awesome recaps and for season 2!

    • I keep thinking it’s Dani saying “I keep replaying what happened,” and Sophie saying ‘you cannot tell a single soul’ but I could be imagining things!!!

      • Yeah you could be totally right my friend

        It also kinda sounds like a montage of 2 different scenes (one with Finley,one with Dani). Drama-rama for sure ;-)

  3. This got me screaming at work today!!! So exciting!!!

    Based on that insta photo with Sepideh and Arienne, maybe there’s a chance of a Dani/Gigi ship/hookup? 😱😱

      • I don’t ship it too haha. After rewatching the trailer a couple of times, it does look more like Bette… which I don’t ship too 😭 but lowkey I just ship Gigi getting the hots with anyone.

  4. Ok so my theory is that the person who says “You’ll never tell a soul, right?” is Rebecca the priest/minister. For mysterious reasons?!
    Or it could be Sophie. The second is more plausible, but it suggests a world where Sinley is swept under the rug, and I am still holding out hope for those two.

  5. omg I thought it was Gigi and Helena! But I am also here for Bette and Gigi. Also #TeamSinley 4evah

  6. it doesent bode well for tibette thats for sure if bette is dating gigi and pippa why do they have to change things from alice show and bette going for senator having alice as a author makes no sense but at least shes kinda settled with nat bette going back to the art world makes sense as thats how it all started shane needs to be on her on that marriage wasnt right shane isnt into marriage and kids shes a hook up woman and thats it no strings attached sophie and finley need to be together maybe dani gets with pippa or carrie or even helena and micah hooks up with 1 of the men ta da lol the end

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