The Dapper Fashion Blogger Dog Of Our Dreams Is Real and There Are Pictures

Gabrielle’s Team Pick:

You know how two of the best things in the world are cute dogs and MOC humans in cute clothes? Well, some kindhearted genius decided that there’s really no need to separate them. Allow me to introduce you to Menswear Dog, who in my heart will be referred to as MOC dog, because look at it.

Menswear Dog is a gentle pooch who really knows how to wear a shawl collar. There’s also a striking resemblance here to my friend The Handsome Butch. I think Menswear Dog’s greatest fashion strength so far is the demonstrated ability to layer: that combo of denim jacket plus crew neck sweater plus oxford shirt is sartorial perfection.

The only thing missing from Menswear Dog’s life seems to be a mate. Who will Menswear Dog stroll down a cobblestone street with, paw in paw, sipping lattes and looking at expensive clothing in tiny, minimalist boutiques with cement floors? Who will help Menswear Dog decide if the temperature is right for a puffer vest rather than a full jacket??

The answer, obviously, is Femmewear Poodle.

she hates me

she hates me

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Gabrielle Korn

Gabrielle Korn is a writer living in Los Angeles with her wife and dog.

Gabrielle has written 96 articles for us.


    • Actually Kimberly is a toy poodle/Bichon Frisé mix who primarily identifies as a poodle!

  1. kimberly looks quizzical and loving, i definitely don’t think your poodle hates you! later i will dig up some photos of my girlfriend’s dog lily dressed as a mermaid, a hula girl, a lady of leisure in a terry cloth robe…the list goes on. incidentally lily IS actually a bichon frisé but she primarily identifies as a human slash princess.

  2. My dog alternates between hipster poodle, femme poodle, and, my personal favorite, unicorn poodle. I’m either the best or the worst dog mommy ever.

  3. I once got my cat into an American Girl Doll “Meet Kirsten” Dress for a town fair contest, which she won handily, but only because Kimberly is not from my town.

    Can we do an Autostraddle roundtable on dressing up your pets? I need an excuse to make a tiny hat for my fish.

  4. The internet has officially gotten entirely too silly. Break it up.

    (*secretly copies style ideas from cute dog*)

  5. there was a NPR story about scientists (oh those scientists!) putting LITTLE VISOR HATS on dung beetles to see if not seeing the sky made it harder for them to navigate. it did — or maybe they just didn’t like the hats????

    • If I were a dungbeetle suddenly wearing a hat I’d be too confused by the turn of events to navigate.

  6. I think my Lhasa apso has more sweaters than me, which is shocking because I take a “Brokeback Mountain” approach to cardigans in that I just can’t quit them.

  7. Ahhh, the fashionable dog, you can take them anywhere and they are so social. Thank you for the good time.


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